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Office of the Speaker
Statistics on Citizenship: 13 January 2021
- Me, literally twelve days ago.If elected, I'd like to publish two "State of the Regional Assembly" reports at bi-monthly intervals in an effort to make more information accessible to North Pacificans about what their Speaker's Office is doing for them. These reports would also serve as a great way for incoming citizens to get up to speed about what's happened previously in the Regional Assembly and having them come directly from the Speaker and their staff at the midterm mark and at the end of term mark means that we could include certain data that the RA Highlights in TNS currently doesn't.
Well, this... didn't age well :/ Why? Because we can do you one better, that's why.
That's right! Starting today, I am very pleased to announce the beginning of a new initiative on the part of the Speaker's Office to record actions taken by the Office on a publicly viewable Google spreadsheet that will be available for reference at any point during the term. Much like how the Citizen/Resident registry spreadsheet is currently maintained, members of the Speaker's Office have all been given editing access to enter information into the sheet while the sheet itself can be seen and avoid being tampered with by opening a sharable link that makes use of viewing access.
Everything from processing citizenship applications, to performing daily residency and forum/RMB activity checks, to viewing the aftermath of future audits, to observing changes in the number of nations lost or gained for reasons that are specified on the right hand side of the sheet, will be tracked in what I hope you'll all find to be a comprehensive, complete insight into the day-to-day activities of my staff and I as we look to monitor the health of our region from month to month.
In my campaign, I said that I would be giving a pair of "State of the Regional Assembly" reports from the Speaker's desk at bi-monthly intervals. This will still be the case even with this announcement, as those reports will include compilations and overviews of all Regional Assembly activities during a given timespan (two months prior to the report being given). Having said that, what's better than bi-monthly data dumps and summaries of activity? Real time data entry that can be observed by anyone, for any purpose (Yes, even if just to satisfy curiosity!)
Not only does this sheet aim to promote transparency in governance, but by collecting records of the Speaker's Office's actions, we can eliminate the need for us to scrounge around the application thread for citizenship and in various other places on the forums when the time comes to release a report. When I ran, I assured you all of an active and engaged office in the legislature. Full disclosure: This will require some extra work on our part while fulfilling our various duties. But ultimately, we aren't really too concerned by that, especially not when doing so carries the potential for this data to be usefully applied to other regional projects should the overseers of those projects wish to leverage the cold, hard numerical analytics that we can provide.
As we begin doing this, I will be reminding my Deputy Speakers (and myself) to keep up to date on this sheet and to consistently enter actions as they're carried out by us. If this seems like a terrible burden to have to carry, it's not, as this kind of manual entry is already required at the time of action when we seek to keep the "Pending Citizenship Applications" tab of the registry updated.
Credit where credit is due, @Dreadton has been nice enough to create this spreadsheet for use by the Speaker's Office. He's incorporated formulas that will automaticallhy calculate the totals for the various statistics over any period of time and he's said that the sheet will be tweaked and prettied as we get more use out of it. In other words, it automatically updates upon entry of actions!
A very special thank you to him for working on this with me and we hope that this is an effort that most all of you can appreciate. As always, any questions are welcomed.
Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Speaker of the Regional Assembly