Is there an actual thread in the NPTO forum about the international territory? Have we been consulted?Syrixia:"You should make the NPTO HQ on the bit of land in the middle of alunya (between the leg and tail)" -True Sebland
Hwhaaaa? It's supposed to be IN GUSLANTIS!
This makes clear sense, I don't agree with TS's location though. It's very closed in and if issues arose in Alunya it'd be rather impractical.The Spokesman of Eumenor:Is there an actual thread in the NPTO forum about the international territory? Have we been consulted?Syrixia:"You should make the NPTO HQ on the bit of land in the middle of alunya (between the leg and tail)" -True Sebland
Hwhaaaa? It's supposed to be IN GUSLANTIS!
I don't believe it should be in Guslantis. It should be more neutral. Because when Bootsie's term ends, and the chairmanship moves to, say, Malvad, then there'd be no reason for the territory to be attached to Guslantis.
Olumia:Could I possibly get the location marked with the purple-ish colour in the picture in the spoiler? Couldn't draw the white line and I'm sorry because of that. But the nation's border would run along the river.
Sorry if I'm barging in here, but is it just me or do these two want the same thing?Germanigsberg:I would like to stick a claim on this part of the world. I understand that is probably to big and am happy to get rid of some parts of it as long as the southern border is along the river. I claim all the deep blue between Alta Italia and Imperium Augustum.
I should point out that no, those under 13 can be on the Zetaboards forums so long as they fill out a COPPA or something as such. For example, Yayness cheese man is only 10 years old. As well, those under 13 are perfectly capable of playing NS; they simply aren't allowed on the NS Forums.Neirr:As for it being 'obscene', well, you have to be 13 and above to play Nationstates and, iirc, even older to actually be on a zetaboards forum, therefore I really do think we could all handle it.
False. should point out that no, those under 13 can be on the Zetaboards forums so long as they fill out a COPPA or something as such. For example, Yayness cheese man is only 10 years old. As well, those under 13 are perfectly capable of playing NS; they simply aren't allowed on the NS Forums.Neirr:As for it being 'obscene', well, you have to be 13 and above to play Nationstates and, iirc, even older to actually be on a zetaboards forum, therefore I really do think we could all handle it.
No, sorry.Lord Lore:False.
Definition: User - A registered or unregistered person accessing a page on ZetaBoards.
Article 1 - Unauthorized users under the age of thirteen (13) will have their accounts deleted without notice upon discovery.
Under the COPPA (An American law that protects the rights of children under 13 who access the internet) sites like Zetaboard can ban those under 13 because of the work and capital needed to comply with the law.
At the bottom it says that each individual forum can decide if we allow those under 13 or not. It only makes sense for TNP a NS Community to follow the NS guidelines on age. If we don't we will be encouraging people to break the rules of NS.Darcania:No, sorry.Lord Lore:False.
Definition: User - A registered or unregistered person accessing a page on ZetaBoards.
Article 1 - Unauthorized users under the age of thirteen (13) will have their accounts deleted without notice upon discovery.
Under the COPPA (An American law that protects the rights of children under 13 who access the internet) sites like Zetaboard can ban those under 13 because of the work and capital needed to comply with the law.
That doesn't mean users under 13 aren't allowed. Look at the Terms of Service:
Article 12.1 - You are required to protect the privacy of users under 13 years old. There are three types of registration for users under 13. You may select the type that fits you community and needs best, but you must enforce rules related to the registration type you select. You may not suggest or encourage users to lie about their age to bypass any COPPA registration/profile restrictions. You must remove any personally identifiable information from posted Content if the user has not filed a form. If you request personally identifiable information on your baord, you must specifically state it excludes users under 13 years old. If you become aware of a user under 13 years old that has not entered an accurate birthday, you must have them update their birthday in their profile. You are required to delete any users who mention that they are under 13 years old if you have opted to ban user under 13 years old from registering.
Lord Lore:At the bottom it says that each individual forum can decide if we allow those under 13 or not. It only makes sense for TNP a NS Community to follow the NS guidelines on age. If we don't we will be encouraging people to break the rules of NS.Darcania:No, sorry.Lord Lore:False.
Definition: User - A registered or unregistered person accessing a page on ZetaBoards.
Article 1 - Unauthorized users under the age of thirteen (13) will have their accounts deleted without notice upon discovery.
Under the COPPA (An American law that protects the rights of children under 13 who access the internet) sites like Zetaboard can ban those under 13 because of the work and capital needed to comply with the law.
That doesn't mean users under 13 aren't allowed. Look at the Terms of Service:
Article 12.1 - You are required to protect the privacy of users under 13 years old. There are three types of registration for users under 13. You may select the type that fits you community and needs best, but you must enforce rules related to the registration type you select. You may not suggest or encourage users to lie about their age to bypass any COPPA registration/profile restrictions. You must remove any personally identifiable information from posted Content if the user has not filed a form. If you request personally identifiable information on your baord, you must specifically state it excludes users under 13 years old. If you become aware of a user under 13 years old that has not entered an accurate birthday, you must have them update their birthday in their profile. You are required to delete any users who mention that they are under 13 years old if you have opted to ban user under 13 years old from registering.
I have no idea how it would encourage people to break NS's rules. As well, NS does allow those under 13 on the site; they simply aren't allowed on the forums.Lord Lore:At the bottom it says that each individual forum can decide if we allow those under 13 or not. It only makes sense for TNP a NS Community to follow the NS guidelines on age. If we don't we will be encouraging people to break the rules of NS.
Just quoting and responding so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle about the age limit for the game and this forum...true sebland:Hey guys,
can I please get these islands.
I know it would be a lot of work, but I would be very greatful.
True Sebland
OK thanks I will rp it.Kalti:Just quoting and responding so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle about the age limit for the game and this forum...true sebland:Hey guys,
can I please get these islands.
I know it would be a lot of work, but I would be very greatful.
True Sebland
Nierr/Lord will probably ask this at some point but do you have a role play reason for the additional island since you already have a territory on the mainland. Also, if you do want the extra island... per the cartography team rules you need a role play scenario to expand out.
No. Individual topography, geography, and biomes is generally left upto the individual.Bon:I'd like to ask about something. Is there any general topographical example of the map?
The Spokesman of Eumenor:@Narnia,
1. Grow up.
2. Get a sense of decency.
3. Grow up.
@Nierr, please don't mar our map by allowing Narnia's barbaric immaturity to proliferate.
Agree.The Spokesman of Eumenor:@Narnia,
1. Grow up.
2. Get a sense of decency.
3. Grow up.
@Nierr, please don't mar our map by allowing Narnia's barbaric immaturity to proliferate.
Thanks for clarifying.Lord Lore:No. Individual topography, geography, and biomes is generally left upto the individual.Bon:I'd like to ask about something. Is there any general topographical example of the map?
That plus technically if they do make a claim as such, then technically they might be violating ZB ToS.Nierr:I mean, Narnia hasn't actually made a claim for a place on the map, so it's very unlikely to happen anyway, and as with all claims, they'd be reviewed by myself, Lore and Bel before being placed on the map.
Given the amount of land that has been taken I was planning on talking to Nierr about expanding the map and possibly added a new set of landmasses and etc either to the east or the south.Kalti:Lore, I have a question for you. I am currently in the process of re-writing the back story of my nation. One of the key ideas that I have held onto has been the notion that the Kaltian people fled from a conflict in their old homeland that was thought to be lost to time. If I role play out a scenario that has the Kaltians finding their lost homeland again, would it be possible to add a new island landmass (I will find a map / shape to work with)? Obviously, I am perfectly ok with giving the cartography team artistic license to fit the new landmass into the current map as I will be writing the history as I go so I can backtrack and change how the island is described in the history based on the final map result.
Hence why I asked, I can either work around it being an island landmass that is separate from the current continents or if you and Nierr were planning on adding more land I could make something work from that. I'm still working out all the details of how I want the scenario to play out but let me know.Lord Lore:Given the amount of land that has been taken I was planning on talking to Nierr about expanding the map and possibly added a new set of landmasses and etc either to the east or the south.Kalti:Lore, I have a question for you. I am currently in the process of re-writing the back story of my nation. One of the key ideas that I have held onto has been the notion that the Kaltian people fled from a conflict in their old homeland that was thought to be lost to time. If I role play out a scenario that has the Kaltians finding their lost homeland again, would it be possible to add a new island landmass (I will find a map / shape to work with)? Obviously, I am perfectly ok with giving the cartography team artistic license to fit the new landmass into the current map as I will be writing the history as I go so I can backtrack and change how the island is described in the history based on the final map result.
I'm sorry, maybe I'm just immature, but I find the statement "Down with the phallus" to be extremely funny.Syrixia:^This. Down with the Narnian phallus! Alunya left so there is no reason for Nierr to complain now! Down with the phallus!