Future RP: Who's Interested?

Can we RP on star-system level instead of within a solar system? What's the point of a warp system if there's no interstellar travel?
I would be up for a system level map. We could use the current solar system as something like a seed from which we spread in that area. A sort of multi cultural zone where we control portions of the solar system, and we also control sections of the system level map.
The updated map with orbit rings: https://upload.vstanced.com/images/2015/06/20/tnpsystem2A.png

The map without rings: (We can use this for space claims) https://upload.vstanced.com/images/2015/06/20/tnpsystem2B.png

An example map to show how claims could be displayed: https://upload.vstanced.com/images/2015/06/20/tnpsystem2C.png
Just bumping so people who haven't seen them can see and comment on them.
If I get these to load, I'm screenshotting them and uploading to imgur so i can see the damn things.

(We can use this for space claims)

Just bumping so people who haven't seen them can see and comment on them.

I Imgured this. Just click on the spoilers.
I believe Trinster could excell in shipbuilding. And I like the idea of a system map
Uhh, the third image (showing how areas could be claimed) isn't exactly suitable. The planets orbit, which would mean that for one part of each planet's year you own it, and for another you don't. It makes absolutely no sense.
Uhh, the third image (showing how areas could be claimed) isn't exactly suitable. The planets orbit, which would mean that for one part of each planet's year you own it, and for another you don't. It makes absolutely no sense.
Maybe we should expand up and have sectors of planets?
That was the point of my post to Syrixia. I was saying that the planet would exist in multiple sections of space. That's why we're discussing a multi system map which would also allow for use of the FTL drives in RP.

The TNP solar system would be divided using a claims list per planet, not the space blobs. It'd be the seed from which we spread into the surrounding interstellar map, and it'd be the close contact multi-cultural zone. People would either completely own a planet or fractionally own a planet. If it's totally owned by a person, they're the only occupant on the list. If say three people have territory on the list, they are all listed on that planet's ownership list.
That was the point of my post to Syrixia. I was saying that the planet would exist in multiple sections of space. That's why we're discussing a multi system map which would also allow for use of the FTL drives in RP.

The TNP solar system would be divided using a claims list per planet, not the space blobs. It'd be the seed from which we spread into the surrounding interstellar map, and it'd be the close contact multi-cultural zone. People would either completely own a planet or fractionally own a planet. If it's totally owned by a person, they're the only occupant on the list. If say three people have territory on the list, they are all listed on that planet's ownership list.
I was thinking of an FTL: Faster Than Light style but your idea works better in our situation.
I am familiar with that game. I LOVE that game! Also, imma work on the star system map now.
I included a black hole and a nebula. TNP's system is the yellow one in the center.

Can you make it like this, so that you can only travel certain routes? Being confined to certain navigable routes allows you to use certain interesting military tactics and strategies.
I don't have MS Paint. I have Paintbrush for Mac. And I have a line function, but the crosshairs obscure some of the pixels and I can't really see where I start the line.
Not really. Mac has several much better painting apps, but I'm not at all good with those XD
I still don't really understand about the whole multi-star-system thing. Once that is clarified the thread will go up.
I still don't really understand about the whole multi-star-system thing. Once that is clarified the thread will go up.
This. I'm wondering what you meant by that. Do you mean- OH WAIT I KNOW! :lol:

Yes, there will be multiple star systems that we can traverse; and some will probably have life. We will draw their maps as we go; and there are multiple routes one can pass, but they must stay on those inter-system routes, so it'll be kinda fun strategy-wise. All the routes lead to TNP's system.
How about we start with the TNP system for now and leave the star map for later game play expansion.

We should go with the ownership list for each planet. e.g. TNP planet would list everyone participating as an owner. A different planet might have two or three owners only. The maps for the planets are created by their first settlers. This will probably be enough to start this all off anyway, and later on once we have taken hold of the TNP system we can move to the star map.

Lets start this ASAP since this has taken this long already.