Future RP: Who's Interested?

How about we start with the TNP system for now and leave the star map for later game play expansion.

We should go with the ownership list for each planet. e.g. TNP planet would list everyone participating as an owner. A different planet might have two or three owners only. The maps for the planets are created by their first settlers. This will probably be enough to start this all off anyway, and later on once we have taken hold of the TNP system we can move to the star map.

Lets start this ASAP since this has taken this long already.
This. I will start it tomorrow.
That's regarding present-based RPs.

We've had RPs which have been set in the future and the past before.
Where would you get all your Army vehicles, ships, airplanes and weapons though. I mean seriously you can't do this RP with Lightsabers :P
Who says we're still using those in the future? We wouldn't be fighting solely on Earth, but up in space, with more modern vehicles, that each country has created using their own supplies. And also, we never said we're doing it using only "lightsabres".
Who says we're still using those in the future? We wouldn't be fighting solely on Earth, but up in space, with more modern vehicles, that each country has created using their own supplies. And also, we never said we're doing it using only "lightsabres".
Plus I think Ceretis and I took like half a page proving that they're possible XD
Reasonable. I can imagine that, even now, there are small towns where almost everyone is employed by the same company.
Reasonable. I can imagine that, even now, there are small towns where almost everyone is employed by the same company.
I also believe that used to be a thing, companies constructing towns for their workers. I remember learning about it during a 1930s England topic.
XD. What I was thinking is I could put the title and then a little synopsis below it. Below that I'd have the solar system map, and the basic rules: No godmodding or metagaming, no spamming, yadda yadda yadda offending posts must be edited.
Just like for you to note, most of our early involvement in this thread will be the development of an exceedingly powerful engine, which will probably be powered by a nuclear reactor or something similar. Eventually, when that's created, it'll be used to get to the asteroids in the nearby asteroid belt, and eventually a prototype will be sold to any other nations for an astronomical price to pay for the development costs. Once we finally get to the asteroids, they will be strip mined to hell and back, and the materials shipped back to Xentherida, of which they will again be sold for even more cash. Go capitalism!
We're slapping an environmental protection order on the moon, peacekeeper bases are underground or camouflaged like in Space 1999.
While technology has considerably advanced since the present, newer advancements have allowed humans the capability for casual space travel.
What, just humans? Speciest! :P

If this RP goes on for long enough to where I'll have returned to RPing, I'd be interested in joining in. After all, the return of a second Syrixian Empire would be... worrying to Darcania, to say the least.
I beg to differ. The Empire is bred for war and has some of the best weapons known to man. They are the conquest specialists, after all; as discussed before. Any way you slice it, Gateway Station is doomed. :)

Don't worry, you'll probably have other victories in the future. I'd suggest just letting the Empire win this one so it becomes known on the international stage. Then, we'll have some fun. I have ideas for who I'll become allies with.
I'm off for the night. Try not to do anything to hurt the Empire or anything really major while I'm gone, plox?

Plox? :)

XD. Night everyone.
Y'all need to get all the information and data you've decided are canon, and post them somewhere accessible. I can't go back and search for the info when I need it. Some things that ought to be in a single post include: the climate and nature of each planet, the technology (Casimir Negative Mass Drive, weaponry, etc.) and everything else.
That sounds like a great idea. We should probably create another drafting thread that lists the tech specs, climates, planets, etc.
Oh, and could you get the distance between each planet, and maybe even how many asteroids are in that belt?
In the mean time, I finished by overly long opening post, although I fear it may be slightly late, seeing as all of the annexation is happening.
(lol Syrixia's raided Star Wars, Xentherida's raided Star Trek and I've raided a mix of C&C, Red Dwarf and Macross...)
Actually, most of my raiding was on Star Wars. The Ion Thruster (in Star Wars, Ion Drive) uses the same principles; uses atoms flung out the back at the speed of light as a propellant. I slightly edited it, and the only Star Trek raiding I did was of the ship, because I thought that a) it looked suitable and b) people would spot the reference, seeing as Syrixia did Star Wars. And the Dark Matter Drive is a theory in real life.
(lol Syrixia's raided Star Wars, Xentherida's raided Star Trek and I've raided a mix of C&C, Red Dwarf and Macross...)
Actually, most of my raiding was on Star Wars. The Ion Thruster (in Star Wars, Ion Drive) uses the same principles; uses atoms flung out the back at the speed of light as a propellant. I slightly edited it, and the only Star Trek raiding I did was of the ship, because I thought that a) it looked suitable and b) people would spot the reference, seeing as Syrixia did Star Wars. And the Dark Matter Drive is a theory in real life.
How could I not raid Star Wars? :lol: I've been pining away un a closet biting my nails and waiting endlessly for this, checking the forum every two minutes.
How are we handling mapping of Eko? Much of my colony was missed in the map. (e.g. Only one island shown.)

Cronaal let us know if you'd like help with that in the future.