Future RP: Who's Interested?

Like, sci-fi movie technology, say the technology in the Star Wars movies.

NOT INCLUDING THE OP STUFF. *Cough cough Death Star*
I haven't watched Star Wars and find it quite boring, give me a rundown.
Same. I've watched Gundam and Legend of Galactic Heroes and I've read/watched Ender's Game. Those are my ideas of sci-fi tech.
Like, sci-fi movie technology, say the technology in the Star Wars movies.

NOT INCLUDING THE OP STUFF. *Cough cough Death Star*
I haven't watched Star Wars and find it quite boring, give me a rundown.
Same. I've watched Gundam and Legend of Galactic Heroes and I've read/watched Ender's Game. Those are my ideas of sci-fi tech.
I've played Mass Effect 3, those are my ideas of sci-fi. Sci-fi movies bore me.
Basically the usual- starships and space battles and blasters, etc. The technology is comfortably sci-fi, not crude just-starting-to-become-futuristic. I urge you to watch some clips from the movies on YouTube to get a better visual. This channel may help.
Think Along the lines of the star trek series, star wars, enders game, Gattaca, Continuum, etc

The test for if the tech is acceptable is if you can prove to the group that from what we have today:
1) The tech is possible in the realm of physics / provable.
2) Generally it's good to see at least a rough prototype having been developed in the world
3) It's not carried to an extreme that'd require you whole society to have done nothing else but make this device (i.e. Death Star) and even then it might be questionable.
Think Along the lines of the star trek series, star wars, enders game, Gattaca, Continuum, etc

The test for if the tech is acceptable is if you can prove to the group that from what we have today:
1) The tech is possible in the realm of physics / provable.
2) Generally it's good to see at least a rough prototype having been developed in the world
3) It's not carried to an extreme that'd require you whole society to have done nothing else but make this device (i.e. Death Star) and even then it might be questionable.
Okay, those are some very different series.

Ender's Game (including its sequels) has slower-than-light travel that takes into account relativity. But it also uses drones and ansible. You also have a superweapon that can completely destroy a weapon in minutes.

Star Wars... not too familiar with it, but I believe there's FTL and also a planet-destroying superweapon?

Star Trek has warp speed and a range of weaponry depending on which era. The futuristic Star Wars (2009) has this black-hole-creating weapon. Personally I dislike photon missiles and I think guided missiles and metal bullets are more realistic than laser weapons.

In modern RP, you can use RL standards to prove what works, what doesn't, in battle. This includes the latest technology news and articles, history, whatever, if you keep up with that stuff. In future RP we're not sure what goes -- is missile superior versus laser, or vice-versa?
In general I was meaning the overall technologies you see being utilized in the series. The engine issue was taken care of already so that's not an issue.
Regarding tech from the various series OP super weapons are generally not realistic but others are:

(Ender's game) drone usage would most likely continue to advance and become a standard weapon used by warships. Ansible, I'm not sure that would be feasible currently as there are no existing theories to properly hash that tech into existence. Screeens, medical tech, training suits, controls (except for Ansible) seem probable. Giant kill gun, not so much.

(Star Wars) Lightsabres have been discussed in this thread, Deathstar is a no go at this time, displays and controls seem acceptable, robots/androids are possible, Shielding to a degree is possible.

(Star Trek) Shields are to a degree possible, communications to their level unknown, general ship systems are possible, super weapons are not possible at this time, Phaser/pulsed energy projectile weapons exist to a degree already, antimatter weaponry would take a lot of work to make (we can create it but can't sustain it and not in quantity.)

(Continuum) Time device is out, general tech as far as I recall would be in.

I think that the future of war tech by this time would be a combination of various tech but would include drones, advanced missiles probably with non chemical engines, bullets/projectiles but probably with an alternate launch system, energy weapons would start being in use more as they already are now, etc.
Maybe the weakness of energy weapons would be their detectability.

That being said, have you a way to avoid detection of spaceship engines?

Also, how will communication work? Would it be like pony express, except with spaceships, since we don't have ansible?

And do you have a collection of decisions you guys have already made in regards to future RP?
As far as I understand the companies they control the lions share of their field but not everything in their field. We might have to narrow our scope a little from whole sectors to allow for the number of people interested. However the corporations would be clearly the leader in the tech, and clearly control the market share, but not everything, correct?
Cronaal - Weapons
Ceretis - Technology (Nano/Bio)
Eumanor - Communications
Xentherida - Materials
Nebula - Chemistry / Research
Syrixia - Evil? Flowing robes?
Kannex - ?
Lausse - ?
Guslantis - ?
Malvad - ?
Norway XXVIII -
Seb is gone, correct?
The Mapands -
Archegnum maybe?
Trinster - ?
Wolfsea - ?
United Llamas - ?
New Haven America - ?
Gradea - ?

That's everyone I think, I may have missed someone.
As far as I understand the companies they control the lions share of their field but not everything in their field. We might have to narrow our scope a little from whole sectors to allow for the number of people interested. However the corporations would be clearly the leader in the tech, and clearly control the market share, but not everything, correct?
Cronaal - Weapons
Ceretis - Technology (Nano/Bio)
Eumanor - Communications
Xentherida - Materials
Nebula - Chemistry / Research
Syrixia - Evil? Flowing robes?
Kannex - ?
Lausse - ?
Guslantis - ?
Malvad - ?
Norway XXVIII -
Seb is gone, correct?
The Mapands -
Archegnum maybe?
Trinster - ?
Wolfsea - ?
United Llamas - ?
New Haven America - ?
Gradea - ?

That's everyone I think, I may have missed someone.
Maybe the weakness of energy weapons would be their detectability.

That being said, have you a way to avoid detection of spaceship engines?

Also, how will communication work? Would it be like pony express, except with spaceships, since we don't have ansible?

And do you have a collection of decisions you guys have already made in regards to future RP?
You'd most likely know for sure an energy weapon is on because of the huge spike in ambient energy usage.

Avoiding detection of engines... FTL would possibly be undetectable ATM due to limitation of sensors and its speed. sublight, I don't think so.

Communications, I'm not sure. I'm not ruling out Ansible, and I'm not ruling it in. I have no current guess on our comms situation. Eumanor's the comms guy right now. Any suggestions Eumanor? Or from anyone else for that matter. I hope it'd be faster than what we have now or we're screwed on long range unless we make an exception.

You'd have to read through the posts in the thread really to see the decisions. The decisions have mostly been about what the solar system is like, names, corporation selection, and tech most recently.
All sublight designs are detectable. It may be possible to make a device that could disguise the presence of ion engines, but I don't know how that would work.
Do we have to occupy neat little niches in the super-complex space economy?
I think it's less that were a one trick pony and more like we have a bit of a range that we work on, but there is an outstanding niche in which we excel and we're know to produce. For example, you may work on may things with a diverse portfolio, but you are THE guy for logistics or food products or construction or etc

Think of it like GE or a similar company on steroids. You're known for your consumer electronics, but behind the scene you also have (Power and Water), (Oil and Gas), Energy Management, Aviation, Healthcare, Transportation, and Capital investments in your portfolio. But basically you're like a giant among men when it comes to those consumer electronics. It's not like you don't have competition, you do, it's just you control a sizable slice of that particular pie.
I just worry about the bitcoin cap. But I really like the Crypto-currency concept you're proposing.
Ceretis, Syrixia's expertise is conquest. They have the biggest and most powerful armies, however Syrixia is plagued by evil and greed following the coup. It can be compared to the Galactic Republic followed by the Galactic Empire, in Star Wars. Except there are no rebels this time.

Also, I don't think we should have a universal currency. Then, the banking specialists can doom us all and take over. That's kinda metagaming.
None of the links work for me; it just says, "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" even when there's nothing wrong with my internet.
Works for me. Maybe it's just your internet, can someone else try it to see if it's just his internet?
Also, how do we display multi-claims on planets?
I think we might have to use a number chart showing who possesses rights on an object. The standard claim method only works on planet surfaces and non transient objects, such as when people control entire solar systems. (e.g. the solar system does not travel into another region and back.) Otherwise my planets will leave my space and enter yours before returning, and yours will enter mine, etc

We'll need to assign planets a number on the map, or place their name on the map. Then people can look at the map and see who owns what in the name/number chart. If a planet is under the sole control of one person they can have their map next to that planet's name or something like that as well as being the only listed owner on the chart for that planet.
I can make individual maps for the planets to do so, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
As far as I understand the companies they control the lions share of their field but not everything in their field. We might have to narrow our scope a little from whole sectors to allow for the number of people interested. However the corporations would be clearly the leader in the tech, and clearly control the market share, but not everything, correct?
Cronaal - Weapons
Ceretis - Technology (Nano/Bio)
Eumanor - Communications
Xentherida - Materials
Nebula - Chemistry / Research
Syrixia - Evil? Flowing robes?
Kannex - ?
Lausse - ?
Guslantis - ?
Malvad - ?
Norway XXVIII -
Seb is gone, correct?
The Mapands -
Archegnum maybe?
Trinster - ?
Wolfsea - ?
United Llamas - ?
New Haven America - ?
Gradea - ?

That's everyone I think, I may have missed someone.
You misspelled my country you mug.
Here, I got this for your. :ADN:

:npa4: :npa4: :npa4:

Sorry about that Eumenor.

Any ideas on how communications should work?