Future RP: Who's Interested?

So what else do we need to complete or sign off on before starting?
Syrixia is making up the map so...
I'm against the multi-species proposal.
But if no one has an issue with the names, I'll make an IC thread as soon as Syrixia does the map.
I'm against the multi-species proposal.
But if no one has an issue with the names, I'll make an IC thread as soon as Syrixia does the map.
Yeah, just an idea I had.
I still think we should have bacterial life forms however.
I think a few of the planets have flora and fauna. (But no sentient life.)

There can also be some primordial areas on another planet that might need to be preserved allowing for evolution.
Also, may i inquire into what kind of technology we'll have. Is it going to be primitive future where we're just entering space and our technology is only a few hundred years better or sci-fi-esque tech with more sophisticated stuff?
I think a few of the planets have flora and fauna. (But no sentient life.)

There can also be some primordial areas on another planet that might need to be preserved allowing for evolution.
Love it.

Also, may i inquire into what kind of technology we'll have. Is it going to be primitive future where we're just entering space and our technology is only a few hundred years better or sci-fi-esque tech with more sophisticated stuff?

Probably somewhere in the middle. Keep in mind that a lot of good sci-fi style technology exists these days, such as sonic weapons, ion engines, railguns, and dangerously powerful lasers that are fairly portable. Obviously a lot of these are in development, but in the time period we're in, all that stuff would be mainstream.

Here's a little list of stuff that's good and stuff that's not.

  • Sonic weapons
  • Ion engines
  • Railguns
  • Laser guns
  • Jetpacks
  • Lightsabers
  • Hyperdrives
  • "Death Stars" (i.e., planet-destroying technology)
  • Teleporters

If you have something cool that you want to add to the Okay list, send me proof that it is in use or being researched. Also, if you have a concern about anything on the Not Okay list (i.e., stuff that you think could very well be fully developed in a few hundred years), get me some proof that it exists.
I'd like to add everything on the Not Okay list except Death Stars onto the Okay List. I think anything's game except OP stuff. A lightsaber, in a futuristic environment, may be possible. Hyperdrives would help zoom ships across the Solar System and beyond, as on regular impulse power it would take a long time to even get from the TNP Planet to the next planet. Space is that big, folks.

Also, Syrixia can into Sith Lord!
Hey, regarding your okay and not okay lists, I may go the arms route with my corporation so would a large 'flagship' with experimental technology be okay as a prototype being tested, not used for actual war.
I'd like to add everything on the Not Okay list except Death Stars onto the Okay List. I think anything's game except OP stuff. A lightsaber, in a futuristic environment, may be possible. Hyperdrives would help zoom ships across the Solar System and beyond, as on regular impulse power it would take a long time to even get from the TNP Planet to the next planet. Space is that big, folks.

Also, Syrixia can into Sith Lord!
We aren't traveling galaxies, Syrixia.
That doesn't mean we don't need hyperdrives. The Solar System alone is very, very big.

Also, bumping this:
I'd like to add everything on the Not Okay list except Death Stars onto the Okay List. I think anything's game except OP stuff. A lightsaber, in a futuristic environment, may be possible.
I believe that Guslantis would at this point, be very, very interested in new life in the universe and would be one of the leaders in scientific research.
We're allowed androids and cybernetics right? Androids are getting much closer to being a reality and we already have Professor Kevin Warwick to prove Cyborgs are a thing.
I don't see any logical reason that anyone can use to disagree with this. That said, can we pleeeeeaaaaase start now?

EDIT: Oh scheiße. I forgot the map. Lemme do that.
I think my corporation would be into bio and nano technology as its main push among other things.

I'd have to say a crude form of warp drives should probably be available for use in this scenario. Traveling to the next solar system over (4.3 light years) would take us tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years without a FTL drive. Now imagine something not so close. A crude warp drive might mean a trip to Earth takes a month or more, not generations. Also, inside a solar system maybe we can't use a warp drive but use a slower crude impulse drive better suited to flying in a solar system. This would allow days between planets or less rather than years.

Also I agree that any tech to be added to the Approved list needs to be shown to be Reasonable, Researched/In research, Probable in the allotted amount of time. (e.g. No 'Death Stars', Halo ring weapons, Star trek level teleporters, Synthetic wormhole creation, etc.)

If Syrixia gets lightsabers I am so going to be in on that one.

Regarding the map, I like the first draft, and offer suggestions for two objects on the map for v2:

Binary planet would be nearly next to each other on the map and are tidally locked objects. (Think the moon and earth but the moon is bigger and habitable.) I found a similar graphic to how this would look (minus their ring), but the planets would be about equal in size.

Also about this binary planet, they probably need a bit more space or they'll rip their neighbors a new one with their combined gravity.
Last is their orbital position is both eccentric and inclined similar in nature to our dwarf planet Eris. The binary would be a highly eccentric orbit starting in position 4 and continue near to the first belt (AB1 (Auxil)) where it refreshes its ring material. Example of an eccentric orbit:

This orbit would probably not adversely effect the other planets either as it crosses their orbits because of a highly inclined orbit. The inclined orbit is usually the result of large disruptions like the one that would have formed the binary. Here is an example of an inclined orbit:

The other planets would slip through the inside of the large binary orbit like rings inside a ring.

THE BELT (AB3 / Kesot):
The second suggestion is showing asteroid belt 3 just after the last planet and before melting into the unknown / dwarf planet territory.
Androids: yes
Cyborgs: yes
Nano: yes
New prototype technology: yes
Space elevator: would be cool

Syrixia, I need proof that all of those are feasible within 300 years or so, or at the very least that they could exist within the laws of physics. I don't really see how they would be.
As Ceretis said, a very crude form of Warp Drives, such as the ones in Star Trek: Enterprise (which is a terrible show imo), would be alright for usage in the RP. Concerning lightsabers, they'd be feasible too. They already have real replicas, made of the same metals, which unleash the same blades, albeit without the ability to murder. Now let's take those blades, put them in the future, mass produce them, and then give them:

1. Dyed crystals to use as lensing for the color.

2. A focused array of electricity, focused enough that it doesn't spike around and out from the blade and stays on the blade, making it also a simple but lethal cutting weapon.

Tell me that can't be feasible in the future. Japan already is making freakin' mech suits IN THE PRESENT.
Mech suits are good.

I'd still appreciate some kind of proof for the lightsabers, but we do need some way to cross large distances quickly.

I've got it: spaceship railguns. Each nation (or corporation) builds these giant railguns in orbit, then shoots various exploration, supply, or even war vessels to the destination of choice. Then the colonizers are sent the parts to build their own railgun to send stuff back.
Mech suits are good.

I'd still appreciate some kind of proof for the lightsabers, but we do need some way to cross large distances quickly.

I've got it: spaceship railguns. Each nation (or corporation) builds these giant railguns in orbit, then shoots various exploration, supply, or even war vessels to the destination of choice. Then the colonizers are sent the parts to build their own railgun to send stuff back.
put the rum down bruh.
Mech suits are good.

I'd still appreciate some kind of proof for the lightsabers, but we do need some way to cross large distances quickly.

I've got it: spaceship railguns. Each nation (or corporation) builds these giant railguns in orbit, then shoots various exploration, supply, or even war vessels to the destination of choice. Then the colonizers are sent the parts to build their own railgun to send stuff back.
put the rum down bruh.

Anyway, if you think that's crazy, look up Project Orion.
I think the rail gun is a good thought, but I think for the RP sake will still take too long to traverse the vast distances of space. It's really shocking how far away everything is and must be from each other. For example, traveling at about 38,000 MPH it'd take about 4 months to get to Mars from Earth and that's if they're not at their furthest point from each other. Bullets travel at about 1,700 MPH. Now imagine Earth to Uranus or Pluto. The TNP system like numerous other systems are larger than our home, Sol. As such it'd take a vast amount of time to make it to the outer rim without efficient sub-light engines. Departing Earth and traveling to the edge of the solar system using conventional engines to achieve 37,000 to 38,000 MPH will mean a trip lasting 27 years, 3 months, 11 days.

Proposal for FTL/sub-light:
I'm proposing scientists in Ceretis, possibly with others assistance, created a Casimir Negative Mass (CNM) Drive. A CNM Driveforms configurable energy-density fields lower than that of vacuum (i.e. negative mass.) Rather than exceeding the speed of light within a local reference frame, a spacecraft would traverse distances by contracting space in front of it and expanding space behind it, resulting in effective faster-than-light (FTL) travel. The drives are prototype drives and as such only succeed in low level FTL travel at the moment. This would allow travel between Sol and the TNP solar system. The drive however has some limitations other than no medium or high level FTL. The method would create a particle stream in front of the FTL bubble like a sonic shockwave. This would severely damage or destoy anything immediately infront of it upon exiting FTL. As such there would be 'Jump stations' just outside the system where the FTL bubble can discharge safely. This is why FTL can not be used inside the system and instead we use high powered Cannae drives (think impulse engine) to fly in system in a reasonable amount of time. Again, a prototype, it would allow trips between planets in days or less rather than years.
It's absolutely crazy. A railgun wouldn't be that much more odd.
It just seems weird, and after looking at the 'railgun' you're talking about, it looks really, really ugly.
Ceretis, what do you think about how the lightsaber could be made? I posted about it earlier.
The lightsaber using a stream of electricity as you say would be problematic. I like the direction you're going with this idea though. The type you described would produce a couple ill effects:
1) if it was focused enough it'd become a danger to the ceiling, flying objects, and possibly spacecraft or anything it's directly pointed at unless there is some sort of end containment.
2) Electricity likes to dissipate into other objects, and as such would most likely not cut but discharge through the object possibly vaporizing it as it'd most likely be a poor conductor and they would act like a very undersized wire.
3) Power consumption is enormous and its source undefined.
4) Certainly not the least of the issues will be the fact that the electricity will desire to find the easiest way to the ground from the blade through the dust in the air and through your watery electrically conducting body most likely.

I propose the following two methods might allow for a more feasible design.
Trillions of carbon nanotube batteries in the handle provide the power storage for the sabre. The proto technology for this exists today. Micro Fusion reactor(s) inside the handle continually charge the battery network until needed. A fusion reactor (possibly based on the skunkworks fusion reactor or another type) supposedly exist in prototype today. Make the reactor(s) small enough to fit into the handle and trickle charge the nano batteries.

Next have a magnetic confinement array control the shape and characteristics of a charged plasma stream. There are devices in existence to do this including ones at the Tokamaks fusion research center. The effect is similar to the Van Allen Belt and how it manipulates radiation and plasma. This stream would be similar to a plasma cutting torch. Extend this superheated plasma column out about 3' and you have the cutting part of the blade that is aproximately 0 - 45,000°F depending on settings.
Last there would need to be some sort of containment shielding for the blade's heat. This might be possible as well through plasma fields or through electromagnetic field manipulation which is currently being researched in the US and UK. Crude EM manipulation devices are in existence. In theory, if you really wanted this, then this is the direction one might take.

The next part is a more theoretical device utilizing pre prototype technologies and theories.
If we were to go with a ground up theoretical tech approach to this scheme instead...
I would personally investigate the possibility of something a little different. It may still contain the carbon nano batteries and fusion generator, but it might be interesting to investigate an efficient version of "Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy" patented in 1901 by Tesla. Basically draw the energy you need to run this beast straight from the environment. Does it work? Maybe, afterall it was Tesla the most amazing techno geek ever. People have assembled the device in question and received small amounts of energy... so possible?

Next let's change our concept of containment to something a little different. Again, Mr Tesla, creator of numerous working 'impossible' inventions theorized the manipulation of gravity fields. In particular he stated how it might be acoomplished, now polish that up into a localized gravity field manipulator and you have your containment for...
Add in the 'death ray' which was basically a more effective cousin of the laser system being used on the latest US aircraft carriers and certain aircraft for defense. This device simply created a stream of particles that would slice and dice the object to bits.
Run a wide particle stream 3' from the handle with little worry about it straying off course. Now at the end of the 3' blade use EM and/or gravity waves to manipulate the direction of the stream folding it in on itself and returning to the start of the conga line to be reused.
Add in color effects to let you see the blade and that's that. A particle fountain that is strong enough to shred anything it touches. Coherent enough it might only be stopped by another particle stream blade.

I'm not going to get too much into this one, but in a nut shell, use tech from V1. Currently research is being conducted in the US and has successfully demonstrated slowing and manipulating of light particles in a significant quantity and quality.
If they can control the density, direction, and speed of these particles they might be able to create a coherent pool of light that extends out 3' from the hilt and if it acts anything like the sun when focused, would melt the F right out of anything it touches.
But allowance of this is up to the others. Under the right circumstances, with the right driving interest and enough resources poured into the project. I think it might just be possible. (Given our 200 or 300 year time jump here.)
All right sir, you have convinced me. Nuclear fusion has been a given, and you've successfully argued your case.
Unless anyone else has any issues that need to be addressed before we start, I'll get a thread up tomorrow!
Woo hoo, starting.
Just to clarify... we're going with the FTL/Sub-light engines I was discussing?
(Clarification: I'm not talking about Orion and their nuclear winter engines.)
Yes! Now I have an excuse to totally rip off the political events of Revenge of the Sith! show off my futuristic nerdiness! :lol:
Woo hoo, starting.
Just to clarify... we're going with the FTL/Sub-light engines I was discussing?
(Clarification: I'm not talking about Orion and their nuclear winter engines.)
Yeah, we'll just have to go with it.

I'm your supplier of weapons, woo!

Keep the staples to a minimum. :)
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
I'm going to be running a huge commercial empire with a monopoly on all communications if that's OK with you guys.

You're the commucation's behemoth, I'm an arms behemoth.
do we need any more behemoths?
I'd rather you not, Eumenor- then you'd have control over the others by way of the media.

Also, I'm the conquest behemoth. And I have a lot of arms making power myself too. However I start out as a peaceful, cooperative Syrixia and then a Palpatine-ish coup happens BOOM SECOND EMPIRE.