Syrixia The one, the true, the great. - TNP Nation Syrixia Discord TrialByDance#0419 Dec 30, 2016 #361 ...wat
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 31, 2016 #362 Yes. How can I predict the future and the past at the same time?
bootsie Minister of Culture - Pronouns They/Them TNP Nation Guslantis Discord bootsie Dec 31, 2016 #363 Of course, you can also predict the present! Is it possible to turn our Moon into a Death Star?
Goyanes Worldbuilder - TNP Nation Goyanes Discord goya#6469 Dec 31, 2016 #364 Yes, but it would be powered by the gravitational forces of your mother. Is it ok to strategically place nooses around the house?
Yes, but it would be powered by the gravitational forces of your mother. Is it ok to strategically place nooses around the house?
Almonaster TNPer Dec 31, 2016 #365 Provided loose noose moose traps are legal in your jurisdiction. Why did I forget to mention the hoose?
Provided loose noose moose traps are legal in your jurisdiction. Why did I forget to mention the hoose?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 1, 2017 #368 Because you just recieved an answer. How many posts have you made?
Kanada TNPer TNP Nation Kanada Discord icebergspaz#1398 Jan 3, 2017 #369 As much as the eleventeenth cheese grater. Why is the eiffel tower so seductive?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 3, 2017 #370 Its curvaceous struts lull seagulls to eat at the fine diner in my basement. What podium did Donald Trump first use to lay the foundation for his wall?
Its curvaceous struts lull seagulls to eat at the fine diner in my basement. What podium did Donald Trump first use to lay the foundation for his wall?
Kanada TNPer TNP Nation Kanada Discord icebergspaz#1398 Jan 3, 2017 #372 Maybe so Are you sure you want to post?
Mystery Player TNPer Jan 4, 2017 #373 No, I don't want to make a post in this thread. Should I change my mind?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 5, 2017 #374 If you own 12 hippos. What second president was the best for Canada?
Kanada TNPer TNP Nation Kanada Discord icebergspaz#1398 Jan 5, 2017 #375 The one that peaked maple syrup prices. Why in the world is there 77 horses on mars?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 5, 2017 #376 There's not. There's not mars on this world, so you're wrong. What do lamp shades and poster fragments have in common?
There's not. There's not mars on this world, so you're wrong. What do lamp shades and poster fragments have in common?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 7, 2017 #377 They both eat cheesecake for breakfast. How many times does Saturn orbit my big toe?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 7, 2017 #378 twice every other monday, if the weather is orange. What time does the clock ring 17?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 8, 2017 #379 Everytime Donald Trump blinks. When can I see my post count in 15 years?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 8, 2017 #380 In 14 days. What are the light butter monsters' favourite way to record lighter fluid?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 8, 2017 #381 Put a camera somwehere and hope something happens. How do you type without thinking?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 8, 2017 #383 16 What is the best method of returning a turtle back to its volcano?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 8, 2017 #384 Via discus, and a strong cannon. What flavour of cell phone should I smell?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 9, 2017 #385 Nokia, for sure. How many lightbulbs do you need to change a vampire?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 9, 2017 #386 Trick question: Lightbulbs don't exist. What school did my great grandson attend?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 10, 2017 #387 None. How many posts does it take to enjoy spam?
Kanada TNPer TNP Nation Kanada Discord icebergspaz#1398 Jan 10, 2017 #388 About Negative Lego Why is there a large man behind m- AHH
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 10, 2017 #389 Call for ice-cream. What is your favourite song to listen to on a Tuesday afternoon?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 11, 2017 #393 As a replacement for sunscreen in wintertime. Which beaver has pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniosis?
As a replacement for sunscreen in wintertime. Which beaver has pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniosis?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 11, 2017 #394 Justin Beaver. Where should I go?
Kanada TNPer TNP Nation Kanada Discord icebergspaz#1398 Jan 11, 2017 #395 Definitly Jupiter What do I do if I dropped my wallet outside of the airplane?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 11, 2017 #396 Dive out and get it. How do I know if I am being stalked by a purple turtle?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 11, 2017 #397 You can't, purple is invisible. Why does Yalkan cross roads twice weekly?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 12, 2017 #398 To go to the other sides. How many thumbs does a turtle need to paint with?
Frozentophat TNPer Jan 12, 2017 #399 Twelve on tuesdays, thirteen monday-friday, but only 2 on mondays and sundays. And saturdays. What clarinet is best for blowing steam out of sugar cookies?
Twelve on tuesdays, thirteen monday-friday, but only 2 on mondays and sundays. And saturdays. What clarinet is best for blowing steam out of sugar cookies?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jan 13, 2017 #400 mY cLaRiNeT How many pets do I have?