A global conspiracy to weed out the weak. What is up with airline food?
Esplandia Factbook Addict - TNP Nation Esplandia Discord esplandia Nov 29, 2016 #321 A global conspiracy to weed out the weak. What is up with airline food?
Wolfsea TNPer TNP Nation Dakana Discord Seph Wolfe Dec 1, 2016 #322 going in the same direction as the rest of the plane. Why won't you look at me during?
Syrixia The one, the true, the great. - TNP Nation Syrixia Discord TrialByDance#0419 Dec 1, 2016 #323 Wolfsea: Why won't you look at me during? Click to expand... During what? Come on, say it. It's not like this is an internet forum full of decent people. How do you post something?
Wolfsea: Why won't you look at me during? Click to expand... During what? Come on, say it. It's not like this is an internet forum full of decent people. How do you post something?
Sankami TNPer Dec 1, 2016 #324 Bonk your head against the keyboard until it works. How do you make friends?
artiza old but not obsolete TNP Nation Sunto Dec 2, 2016 #325 Paying for it. Why are unicorns so expensive?
M Mirandea Guest Dec 2, 2016 #326 They provide the extremely entertaining experience of eating all your food and doing nothing at all. When should I use an exclamation mark when writing a story?
They provide the extremely entertaining experience of eating all your food and doing nothing at all. When should I use an exclamation mark when writing a story?
artiza old but not obsolete TNP Nation Sunto Dec 7, 2016 #328 Probably not. Why are the wheels round?
U Unimaginable Doom Guest Dec 8, 2016 #329 Because it is plastic. Who is the greatest person in the world?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 8, 2016 #330 Several piles of toast. How many lightbulbs does it take to change a vampire?
Kanada TNPer TNP Nation Kanada Discord icebergspaz#1398 Dec 14, 2016 #331 Napoleon Bonaparte. Why do we need cheese?
Frozentophat TNPer Dec 14, 2016 #332 The moon is made of cheese, and we need the moon to feed pigs. What is the 10.5th element?
Ornge Registered TNP Nation Religioncord Discord Ornge #9476 Dec 14, 2016 #333 Dead residents what is 5/99?
Ornge Registered TNP Nation Religioncord Discord Ornge #9476 Dec 14, 2016 #335 trying to become captain america (get it? cuz cap?) what is the most underrated position in this government?
trying to become captain america (get it? cuz cap?) what is the most underrated position in this government?
Kanada TNPer TNP Nation Kanada Discord icebergspaz#1398 Dec 15, 2016 #337 A McDonalds Big Mac has 563 calories in it. Where's my german guitar?
Frozentophat TNPer Dec 15, 2016 #338 Still in Germany. The German province in Vega, anyway. If there are twice as many nipples as there are people, how many taste buds do a llama have?
Still in Germany. The German province in Vega, anyway. If there are twice as many nipples as there are people, how many taste buds do a llama have?
Wolfsea TNPer TNP Nation Dakana Discord Seph Wolfe Dec 15, 2016 #339 2 billion but they only taste Umani. is a duck really worth seven Llamas?
Frozentophat TNPer Dec 15, 2016 #340 No, the duck market crashed - llamas are worth 3 penguins. What kind of jet flies under the moon?
Kanada TNPer TNP Nation Kanada Discord icebergspaz#1398 Dec 18, 2016 #341 The one that killed John F. Kennedy. Why in the world is the world the in why?
Frozentophat TNPer Dec 19, 2016 #342 The why world when in what when why how. What temperature does the King of America like his left index finger at 3:26 in the morning?
The why world when in what when why how. What temperature does the King of America like his left index finger at 3:26 in the morning?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 22, 2016 #343 7.22 pm. How many fingers does a Martian have?
Syrixia The one, the true, the great. - TNP Nation Syrixia Discord TrialByDance#0419 Dec 22, 2016 #344 45891858931938995918385913895931985913. Who am I?
Syrixia The one, the true, the great. - TNP Nation Syrixia Discord TrialByDance#0419 Dec 22, 2016 #346 Uh...TNP? What is life?
BluieGamer Resident Future Drug Maker - TNP Nation Konar Discord Bluie Gamer#6287 Dec 22, 2016 #347 It's definitely not spamming, Syrixia. Why am I doing this?
Zelgathon TNPer Dec 23, 2016 #350 We spam so that Monty Python can make spam sketches due to the plurality of Spam. Why is it important to recycle?
We spam so that Monty Python can make spam sketches due to the plurality of Spam. Why is it important to recycle?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 23, 2016 #352 Because they can never agree on who spams the best. How does one win a spamwar against me?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 23, 2016 #354 Largely because of the banana juice. How can we surpass the speed of light?
Frozentophat TNPer Dec 24, 2016 #355 Chugging alcohol until we throw it up at hyperspeed. What patch of potatoes bears the best watermelon.
Chugging alcohol until we throw it up at hyperspeed. What patch of potatoes bears the best watermelon.
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 24, 2016 #356 Ones taken from the forest. What is the most efficient way to reach 10k posts without spamming?
Syrixia The one, the true, the great. - TNP Nation Syrixia Discord TrialByDance#0419 Dec 30, 2016 #357 The most efficient way is dank memes. How do I become number oooone
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 30, 2016 #358 spend the next year spamming like crazy until you surpass IG
Syrixia The one, the true, the great. - TNP Nation Syrixia Discord TrialByDance#0419 Dec 30, 2016 #359 you ended the game jerk klock