Ask a stupid question and get a dumb answer

One doesn't smell delicious when you put it on the fire.

How much wood does a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Greater than 1 but less than the number of grains of sand on the beach.

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because was being chased by a hungry pack of wolves.

Why have the last couple posts been "Why did X cross the road" jokes?
Why aren't you asking questions?

If we want Tibet to be free, how do bumper stickers make them free?
Because if they went elsewhere they wouldn't be BUMPER stickers.

How can I get to the moon?
An article of clothing worn on the head that has been exposed to temperatures below the freezing point of water.

What kind of cheese does the moon taste like?
American Cheese... because America put a car on the moon.

Should we make grilled cheese sandwiches?
put them on your head

what is the last thing you ever want to do whilst searching through a box of flippers on a sunday morning?
So productive that they gave themselves a two-month recess to celebrate their accomplishments.

How likely is it that Donald Trump will become president?