Ask a stupid question and get a dumb answer

Click the button that says "Move to The South Pacific" on your desktop, then answer the survey, and finally do 15 jumping jacks.

How did I forget to write a question?
You were to caught in in trying to surpass my post count for January.

Why do I feel so chilled this morning?
The sun's out, meaning somebody blew it out, on the other side of the planet. The light reflects off of the moon, becomes cold heat, and hits your house, which turns the cold heat into chills.

What thread is the best?
Every twenty-six years.

How can someone make a chocolate cake out of a vending machine full of yellow turtles?
Fish don't eat, they get eaten.

If i let a bowling ball and a penny fall down at the same time from the Empire State Building do i have time for go to the toilet before i got arrested?
You won't be able to run fast enough because you'll be trying to hold it in.

Have you ever felt too tired to go to sleep?