Office of the Vice Delegate


August 15th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

Another day, another report.


There are two applications currently outstanding. I should be able to have them completed some time tomorrow.


Since the last report the total number of nations have drastically risen to ~13,000 compared to previous reports of ~10,800. Unlike the drastic increase in total nations, the amount of WA nations only have increased by twenty world assembly nations. This is a good indicator that we are coming to the end of the summer inactivity period in the game.

Security Council

Lots of green, across the board. We are seeing Delegate steadily increasing in endorsements and the rest of the Security Council. I have moved up roughly 14 endos since last update and Ghost has moved 10 endos to 1163.


The new batch of old threads have been released to be up to date with the current legal code. Mostly unredacting messages that had the consent redaction. Me and the SC are now working through 2018 Jan to May discord logs. Should have them posted soon.


None at the moment.


September 5th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

Another day, another report.


One application but I will get to it by the end of the day.


Since the last report, the total nations of the region remained in the ~13,000 nation range. But, the total World Assembly nations have sharply have increased by 76 nations. Pretty safe to say we have gone over the summer inactivity hump and back to full business with thriving activity on the gameside.

Security Council

All green, all across the board. Security Councillors have all pushed across the 1,000 endorsement threshold. We also have increased by around ~30 Keepers of the North since the last report and made it into 800 Keeper total range which phenomenal. Delegate Ghost endorsement has increased by 47 to a total of 1,200. I have increased by 40 to 1,130. We might lose a bit of Keepers at the start of the next term but shouldn't be too hard to get back to the current numbers.


2018 Jan to May discord logs are underway.


August WADP has been released.

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September 18, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings TNPers and others who might be reading this,

This is your new Vice Delegate speaking. This week's update is necessarily brief, coming off the back of our September elections.

The Security Council's main focuses this week have been assisting me with the transition and training me on all the fancy buttons we can push. I would encourage all WA residents of the North Pacific to endorse me as soon as possible so that the transition can continue apace, and hopefully conclude soon.

We also dealt with Kastonvia's Security Council application, which should be submitted for the Regional Assembly's consideration this upcoming week. I would encourage everyone to get involved and discuss the application when it does reach the RA.

I have nothing new to share with the region about progress on declassification beyond the release of Executive Council logs beyond the SC's purview which I worked on last term in my capacity as Minister of Foreign Affairs. However, with my University having a four-day weekend this upcoming week going into next for the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, I believe I will get started on the declassification process then, but, as always, time will tell.

Additionally, as a note about this week's report image, data reflect differences between the last Vice Delegate's Report on the 15th of August and not from last week, so just a note to keep it in mind!

All My Best,

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September 25, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings once again TNP and assorted others who might be reading this.

This week's update is relatively brief. We're currently in the mid-game of the transition, with myself being pushed up 5 places in the ranking this week. I'd like to thank each and every one of you who helped this week with getting me there. Keep doing it though! We still have a good bit of work to do, as evidenced by the table below.

As for the Security Council, we presented Kastonvia's Security Council application to the Regional Assembly. While he is still that maroon color due to falling off the Council, I think that he might possibly be added as a regular addition to the table either with the next update or most certainly the one after that.

Once again, thanks for your endorsements and please keep piling them on there. We're getting close to our end goal with your help!

All My Best,

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October 2, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Hello once again, TNP!

We enter a glorious fourth full week of the term this upcoming week and, well, we still have work to do! (Obviously, but in this case literally!)

I want to start off this report by welcoming Kastonvia (@Kastonvia) to the Security Council. To paraphrase the Security Council's statement in support, he has done the job "leading" the Security Council with aplomb and I speak at least for myself, though I imagine I echo a majority of the Council's sentiment, that we are very excited to welcome him back. So please do congratulate Kasto on acceding to the Security Council if you haven't already.

Now on to business: as you might notice from this chart, I am still languishing about in seventh place in endorsements. I have previously opted for a biweekly (twice a week) approach, sensing that laying back and not risking annoyance via fatigue was likely the way to go about getting into 2nd. I don't believe that approach is a failure so much as that, now that we are moving into the next phase of the term, a new, more aggressive approach is needed.

Therefore, this week, and going forward until I reach second position, I'll be sending alerts at minimum 3x weekly and mostly 4x weekly through a combination of telegrams and dispatches. I would like to stress that this is not to annoy you or to pester you but to ensure that the duly elected "number two" gets into position. On that same note, if you would like the every other day alerts to stop, the only surefire way to do that is to do something we recommend anyways: endorse me. It's free and it helps us clear my nagging for endorsements all the quicker.

On another note, I expect that this upcoming weekend I will finally start working through declassification. Real life circumstances have really sapped my energy for a lot of things in this game even as I have been able to keep up with my daily endotarting, if not more frequently. Who knew that having to read like 450 pages a week was actually tiring? :P

All My Best,


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October 9, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Hello TNP,

This is, once again, your Vice Delegate speaking. As you can see, we've finally got me into 2nd place! (Woo!) I can credit that to some gracious help in mobilizing people game side by our GAs and Loh and Pallaith in particular. The mini boom we've seen has helped the Security Council as a whole gain an impressive amount of endorsements.

I should also note now what the strategy for the next couple weeks is for endos now that I'm number 2: we're going to work to stabilize me at number 2 (the report was generated several hours before I wake up and I'm sitting at about 1,097 endos, 14 above Marcus). My personal goal, now that Ghost is sitting at about ~1,250, is to shoot to put myself at about 1,150 with a 30 or so cushion above the SC. That way there's little risk of them coming above me, and it's not too difficult for me to take the seat in short order should that ever be required.

On another note, declassification has still not budged much due to RL constraints on both my part and other, more knowledgeable members of the Security Council. I keep saying "next week", but we'll play it by ear. As it stands, my goal is going to be clearing the backlog of threads first before moving to Discord logs. More concrete progress can be made that way, I do think.

I expect next week I'll have a bit of an update on some game side engagement for the Security Council as we get ready to pass the 15th anniversary of the Emperor Matthuis coup. I look forward to engaging with our ever more active game side. The menagerie is always a delight.

All My Best,
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October 17, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings once again, TNPers and whoever else might choose to read this,

It's been a...not terribly eventful week in NationStates. First, I want to apologize for this report being off by one day, unfortunately my biological clock decided it was time to mess with my plans for yesterday which, yes, involved a ton of reading. (The first hundred and ten-ish pages of Sartori 1976, an excerpt from Lipset and Rokkan 1967, and all of Benoit 2002 if anyone happened to be curious!)

In any case, there's nothing much to report this week from the Security Council beyond some very healthy endorsement growth from pretty much all of the SC. I put up a flare last night backstage to see what I can do to help them get even higher. I, personally, am going to see that we "close the gap" between the top half of the SC (everyone above Dreadton) and the bottom half (everyone below GBM).

On the game side engagement front, I'm afraid a variety of things continue to frustrate me personally there including personal time being reduced because of what I do IRL (I may have mentioned it earlier, but I'm a first-year grad student in political science!)1 and my time being reduced due to elements of my job share. My hope is to figure something out for what I referenced last week by the middle of this week. I should also hopefully be moving on redactions. Given time constraints, the focus is on threads as I can for sure get those done relatively quickly once I'm walked through the process. I've identified a few that ought to be released relatively soon, and movement on this will begin this evening.

As a point of reminder: we will be happy to accept your endorsement and encourage you to endorse all of us (and each other). I want to set an unofficial goal here to get the Delegate to 1300 by Halloween (two weeks from day as I write this). Not entirely sure how attainable that is but I would heavily encourage you to endorse Pallaith if you have not.


1 Which is intensely, intensely rewarding and I'm having a lot of fun doing it! But I think one can see where what I do might necessarily reduce my mental energy by the end of the day, especially having to split my focus.
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October 23, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Good evening, TNPers,

We're back with another week and another report. On the endos front, we seem to have now stabilized fairly strongly, but we're still seeing some fairly strong endorsement growth. I have noted my intent to close the gap between the top half of the SC and the bottom half of the SC backstage and we're seeing that being worked on.

On the other fronts, we at least have identified what threads we're going for. Apologies on that. Unfortunately, real life time constraints quite literally have meant that the redaction teachers and I'd schedules have not aligned yet. As for the "marking" of the 15th anniversary, unfortunately, schedules once again did not line up. While our very own GBM was very forthcoming, other folks did not pan out. But suffice it to say, the North Remembers. Or something like that.

Next up, literally one week from tomorrow, is Z-Day. I know several of our SCers will have fun helping to repel the zombie menace. Just make sure not to consume too many braaaaaiiiiins or, you know, eject anyone. :p

All My Best,

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October 31, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Happy Halloween, TNP!

I will admit, this was a happy coincidence. I wanted to make sure our Z-Day promotions could be absolutely front and center, hence why this didn't go out earlier.

In other news, as you can see on the chart, our endorsement growth continues to be very strong and the gap is starting to deteriorate. I'm very pleased with where we are, even if I could probably shrink the margin between Ghost and myself, even as he came up just shy of the unofficial 1,300 goal I had for him. As always, I encourage you all to endorse us (even if I am an ex officio member) and each other.

On another front, I expect that the first three threads will move from preparation to the public eye this evening. I look forward to getting a few more threads done today and tomorrow as well and later this week to start working on the previously worked on Discord logs (well, the first that is unreleased anyways).

Looking ahead, I expect the next few weeks are going to be very busy for me both IRL and as MoFA, so progress on things could be a bit slower than I would like, but I'm setting down the marker that the thread backlog should be cleared by the end of the term. Of course, it's hard to believe we're almost halfway through.

Make sure to search for a cure today if you're participating in Z-Day. And if it's just scary movies and candy, may that be some fun as well. Maybe I'll get around to watching my favorite horror film today: the original 1977 Halloween.

Spookiest Regards for Halloween,
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November 7, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Good evening, TNPers,

Another week, another flurry of endorsements, but not nearly as large a stack as in the past. We're finally seeing the end of the TikTok boom and the die off has started. Luckily, it seems to be confined to mostly non-WAs as we speak. I hope it stays that way. As you can see, our endorsement growth has lagged, but the gap between 8th and 9th is steadily dropping and all members are still doing quite well.

I'd also like to thank you all for achieving my goal of 1300 endorsements for Ghost. Even if it was a few days late, I could not be happier. Obviously, we could not have done it without your steadfast commitment to "Endors[ing] everyone!"

In other news, the first set of redacted documents will be released tomorrow when I return home from the university. The last hurdle has been cleared, so all it requires of me know is to click a few buttons. Feel free to nag me about this if this is not done promptly.

On a more humorous penultimate note, the power of your endorsements has given me the force. Special thanks go out to Aerilia for my favorite moment of game side engagement this week: I apparently have been gifted a lightsaber. May all threats to our security fear me...more than they already did? :p

Finally, expect next week's report to come out either on Sunday or next Tuesday dependent on time. Next Monday is my birthday. I intend to take, as best I can, the day off.

Standing Ever Vigilant,

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November 13, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Good Afternoon, TNPers,

I hope you all are having as much fun with your Season 3 cards as I am. I am pleased to that among the Security Council, there's a nearly even split between Legendaries and Epics, with those members who are regularly engaged in answering their issues in the former category. Both the Delegate and myself are Legendary and I must admit I am absolutely thrilled.

On this week's Security Council business though, you'll note that endorsement counts are down slightly from last week's prodigious highs. I attribute this to the natural die off from the TikTok boom, so I'm not worried at all (so far) about what this might portend. I'd also like to point out that, at this present moment, the gap between the top and bottom continues to persist, so I'd like it if you all would endorse those in the 8-13 area (Rocketdog/Xagill, GBM, Lore/Frances Francis the First of France, Eras/Former English Colony, Tlomz/Kranostav, and Sil Dorsett) this week to try to bring everyone up above about 1075.

Looking ahead, I do intend to get more threads prepped this upcoming week, with the goal of releasing them right around the time of Blue Day (most likely the Sunday before, so two weeks from today). Otherwise, things remain relatively calm and smooth here.

Ever Yours,

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November 20, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings TNP,

What an honor it is to guest host the Vice Delegate’s Report this week! For those of you who may be out of the loop, Hulldom is currently serving as acting Delegate in Pallaith’s absence. This means that yours truly has temporarily returned to the office of Vice Delegate for the first time in roughly four and a half years! For this next week or so, I will keep things on track by handling the day-to-day operations of the Vice Delegate’s office. This includes chairing the Security Council, processing citizenship applicants, surveilling onsite activity, and responding to any issues or events should they occur. Between Hulldom, myself, and the 10 other distinguished members of the Security Council, this region remains in very capable hands during Pallaith’s absence.

The current Security Council standings can be found below. There doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary this week. The Council continues to firmly hold the top 13 endorsement positions and the gap between the Delegate and Vice Delegate remains healthy. This week was also better than last in terms of net endorsement gains. As always, we will continue to monitor endorsement activity.

Finally, how about a quick trivia game? I’ve compiled five Security Council-themed questions which can be found in the spoiler below. The first five TNPers to private message me with all correct answers will win a free legendary card from my personal collection! I’ll update this post with the winners as they come in.

1. Under the old Regional Alert System, what would a BLUE alert level indicate?

2. During which year was the World Assembly Development Program created?

3. How many of the current Security Councilors have previously been elected as Vice Delegate?

4. What was the name of Great Bights Mum’s nation prior to adopting Great Bight?

5. Which Security Councillor’s tenure began in December of 2019?

1. @Sil Dorsett - S1 The Macabees

Take care,

Acting Vice Delegate

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November 27, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings TNP,

It has been an honor serving as your Acting Vice Delegate this past week! As promised, the Security Council and I have kept the office in good shape while Hulldom was busy carrying out his duties as Acting Delegate. The region remains strong, healthy, and united. We anticipate the return of Pallaith tomorrow which will allow Hulldom to return to his duties as Vice Delegate and allow me to return to my slothly slumber :P.

In last week’s update, I posted Security Council-themed trivia questions and offered a legendary card reward to the first five TNPers who completed them. It appears that these questions may have been a bit too intense as there was only one submission. That lone submission was from @Sil Dorsett who managed to answer all questions correctly! (And no, the Security Council was not provided the answers ahead of time) For those of you who are curious, the answer key is as follows:

1. Under the old Regional Alert System, what would a BLUE alert level indicate? A blue alert level indicates near-zero risk of rogue delegacy, with regional factors such as political participation and overall activity levels contributing to ongoing stability.

2. During which year was the World Assembly Development Program created? 2014

3. How many of the current Security Councilors have previously been elected as Vice Delegate? Six (Great Bights Mum, Pallaith, Siwale, Sil Dorsett, Dreadton, Kastonvia)

4. What was the name of Great Bights Mum’s nation prior to adopting Great Bight? Makenaland

5. Which Security Councillor’s tenure began in December of 2019? Marcus Antonius (Ethnon)

For winning, @Sil Dorsett was awarded a The Macabees (S1) card from my personal collection. This still leaves four legendary cards unclaimed. How about we make it a bit easier:

The first four TNPers to message me with the name (either nation name of forum name) of a former Security Councillor will win a legendary card from my personal collection!

I'll update this post with the winners as they come in.

Update (11/28/2022 16:20): All cards have been claimed. Congrats to the winners!

1. @TheLandOfFunFunFun - S1 Ardchoille (Answered: r3naissanc3r)
2. @Fili - S1 Siwale (Answered: Plembobria)
3. @Comfed - S1 Wilkshire (Answered: Ator People)
4. @Kenobi - S1 Kyrusia (Answered: El Fiji Grande)

Take care,

Acting Vice Delegate

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December 4, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Good Morning, TNPers,

Did you miss me? I doubt it, but nevertheless.... This is likely one of the last of these I'll get to do for the foreseeable future as there are only three more weeks in the term.1 How wild is it that we're approaching the home stretch of the term. It feels like last week I was talking about us being at the midpoint.

First things first, I'd like to thank @Siwale for keeping the seat warm these last few updates. As always, he went above and beyond the call when asked to serve and I cannot be more grateful.

On to business before I drone on, the Security Council has relatively little to deal with in recent weeks. As those of you forumside might notice, we dealt with Rewan Demontay's application to the Security Council in relatively short order. I also released the next set of threads. There are still a handful that need to be prepped, reviewed, and then released. I do not anticipate I will be getting even to the prepping stage until later this week due to my own RL obligations. I apologize in advance on the lack of movement on Discord logs. Unfortunately, next week's report is the last I'll be doing from my apartment as I'm traveling back home for the holidays. While I will have some time, I doubt significant progress is made on the Discord logs on my Christmas vacation.

Lastly this week, a brief comment on our endorsement numbers, which you'll notice are dropping. This is due to continued effects from the die-off of the TikTok boom, I believe. However, even in our global declines, you'll notice a remarkable stability. For those of you who are not in the WA, I may run another "join the WA!" telegram at some point this week in a bid to boost our numbers. On the whole though, they are just this side of satisfactory.

All My Best,


1 My current thinking is that I'll continue giving updates as normal on the 11th and 18th then issue my reports on the following Saturdays which are, respectively, Christmas Eve and New Years' Eve. I'll consult with the Council about issuing a report on January 6/7, which will be in the middle of the voting period of the January elections.
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December 11, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Good Morning, TNP,

This week is necessarily a brief, and ultimately quite quiet, update. We're well within finals season for me, so I've been...a bit preoccupied in terms of going above and beyond as of late, but I am here regardless. Anyways, you'll note on the report table we've had yet more small but solid endorsement declines this past week. I intend to run endorsement campaigns on the lowest SCers here in the next few days to try to boost their numbers. Luckily our long range warning system has picked up nothing else that might be immediately problematic.

I'm also afraid that little new progress on declassification has been made because of the aforementioned finals. My goal though is to prep the last batch of threads after I submit this report. I would doubt they'd be out before the 18th.

Lastly, I want to draw your attention to our friend Comfed's question to the Delegate regarding the Frontier/Stronghold update that appears to be just over the horizon. While I know my role as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Delegate are separate, but I do feel it prudent to note that whatever TNP does vis-a-vis the update, it ought to be in the best interest of our security in addition to having the robust support of our ever stalwart allies.

I am, as always....

Hopefully Spreading Christmas Cheer,

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December 18, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Hello, TNP!

I'm back for yet another edition of the Vice Delegate report with...nothing much new to report. As some of you may have noticed, the Security Council acknowledged, began discussion on, and then concluded discussion on an application to the SC (via the applicant's withdrawal) within a day. Otherwise, things have been very, very quiet.

This can be seen on the report this week with modest increases and decreases being seen across the board. I will note that the gap between the top and bottom has started to become persistent again. I would appreciate any endorsements anyone chooses to give to the bottom half of the SC. I did ask a technical question that has as yet gone unanswered, so we will see. On the bright side though, I have used this week's data from our backstage depository that is, once again, working.

On a last note, do expect a longer, more introspective update for Christmas next week. I intend to send that report at some point on the 24th. I also might be doing something festive that evening on the Discord for all comers, but details are TBD.

Dreaming of a White Christmas,


December 24, 2022
Vice Delegate's Report

Taps mic is this thing on? Reverb Okay, awesome!

Anyways, I’ll spare you all what I was planning to do. Part of the reason for that is that I cannot reach our beloved gamesiders today for this report because of the curious tale of the exploding server hamsters. I have nothing to do with that! Therefore, I will leave it to certified hamster reviver and everyone’s favorite NS and TNP turtle Eluvatar to handle that.

Long story short, until such time as the gameside NS is restored (later this week?), the Security Council is sorta kinda in recess. It’s an odd spot. There being no endorsements to deal with, we have nothing to really preside over or monitor. Regardless though, we will manage what we can and will certainly hop to as soon as gameside is back.

Lastly this week, on my personal behalf, I would like to wish you all a very happy Chanukah, merry Christmas, or whatever holiday it is you happen to celebrate (if anything) this time of year. It’s been a long road to hoe, 2022, but I am so proud of where we have come as a community and know that 2023 will only be better.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas,

January 8, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Smell that, all? It's that end of term smell. Like a dusty old time dragged up from our archives, it's here at last.

First, a brief note on the report table this week. As you might notice, some broadband declines have hit the Security Council's endos. I think this is the result of three things: 1) continued decay from the TikTok boom (people who once had the fire and now do not), 2) a holiday lull, and 3) (at least in part) the result of people losing interest because of the Christmas Outage. Time will tell if this decline becomes worrisome, but for the moment I am not worried.

Lastly, let me thank you all once again for the opportunity to serve you in this way. It has been a true pleasure getting to serve you all in this role and I hope I, in some small part, made our region just a bit safer. I wish my successor in this office all the best. I know they will be just as eager to serve and ready to hit the ground running.

Signing off,


January 16, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report


Hey folks,

Welcome to the newest season of the Vice Delegate’s Reports, and I’m your new host, Gorundu. To start off with, let’s take a look at the state of the transition and it’s looking…pretty good! @Hulldom has assumed the in-game position in just three days, which was mostly done through selective endorsement withdrawals from previous Delegate @Pallaith as our declining WA numbers right now mean that it’s the only effective way. However, we’re still in the “danger zone”, so to speak, with Pallaith only 10 endorsements behind. We will need to build a gap between the Delegate and the Security Councillors to avoid any accidental Delegacy takeovers, so for those reading this who had unendorsed Pallaith during the transition, I ask you to please refrain from re-endorsing him until we let you know that it’s okay to do.

As for myself, things have gotten off to a good start, with my nation now in the top 20 in endorsements. Of course, there’s still a long way to go with a few hundred endorsements between myself and the No. 2 spot, and the last hundred will be the toughest part. Yesterday, I sent out a personally written telegram to all WA nations not endorsing me, and it saw some good returns, so another one will probably be sent in a few days.

To cap off the section on the transition, if you are reading this and for some reason haven't endorsed Hulldom or me yet, please do it now. Or...uh...I'll be mad at you.

Although the transition has been the main agenda over this first half-week of my term, there are still a few other things worth taking note of.


Other than what I have already noted in the transition section, you might notice a few other things in the table above. Firstly, we have lost a lot of Keepers of the North, and that’s of course because I have yet to be endorsed by a lot of nations. This number should recover as the transition goes on. Meanwhile, drops in endorsements across the board in the Security Council are largely down to the drop in WA nations - 72 is quite the drop in a week. This larger than usual decrease in nations is happening across the entire game right now, and appears to be down to something with the Christmas server shutdown and the CTE timer being temporarily increased to 35 days then gradually decreased back towards 28 days.


Turns out my predecessor had left me a gift in the archives in the form of 5 redacted but yet to be released War Room threads. I have released them now, and you can find them in the usual archive as the top 5 threads there. My efforts for now will be focused on re-releasing the threads that had been removed from the redacted archives for review after the new FOIA law was passed last year, as it has been quite some time that they were out of public view. Discord declassification will follow.

Other Security Council matters

As you may have seen, Hulldom has applied to join the Security Council, and the application has been presented internally for discussion.

Next week

As I get settled into this new office I should be able to find time to work on the initiatives discussed in my election platform and discuss them with the Security Council. Hopefully you’ll see some positive updates on those fronts in next week’s report.


I want to end my first report by thanking two very important groups of people who have been instrumental to my first few days in office. Firstly, thank you to everyone who has already endorsed my nation for your help in speeding up this transition. And secondly, thank you to the Security Council for getting me up to speed with everything to do with the Vice Delegate and Security Council, for their very helpful advice, and for…uh…spotting some of my mistakes :bigdoh:

And...that's the end! See you next week!

Gratefully yours,


January 23, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report


Hello Friends,

Welcome to the second episode of the Vice Delegate’s Report. This episode is sponsored by [redacted]. As usual, the transition is on the top of the agenda. Hulldom has gradually been pulling out a gap over Pallaith, a difficult task while WA numbers are still declining, although at 20 it’s still too close for comfort. Meanwhile, I have been gaining and am close to overtaking all non-Security Council nations, which should happen in a few days. That said, there’s still quite a gap - over 100, in fact - between the most-endorsed non-Security Councillor nation, and the least-endorsed Security Councillor, so there’s still a lot of ground to cover.

In terms of actions, Hulldom and I have both sent personally-written telegrams to nations not yet endorsing us, and I have also sent out dispatch alerts for both of us just a few hours ago as they have already been receiving a few telegrams recently. I will probably continue alternating telegram and dispatch alerts on a twice weekly basis from now on, and explore further options and incentives as I get closer to second place.

As always, please make sure you have endorsed Hulldom and myself. I trust most if not all of the people reading this would have already, but it doesn’t hurt to check if you’re not sure.

Other than the transition, here are some other topics you might be interested in:

WA Numbers

The decline in WA nations continued this past week, which has of course also caused Security Council endorsement counts to drop. However, there is cause for optimism as daily numbers show that numbers have begun growing again in the latter part of the week. Fingers crossed that this trend will continue and signal the start of a recovery. In better news, the number of Keepers is recovering, probably primarily because of my gain in endorsements. I look forward to seeing that number continue to rise.


I have begun looking through old threads that are currently stored out of sight pending review for compliance with updated FOIA laws. There have been some internal discussions on redactions, but you should be able to see some of them released soon.

Other Security Council matters

The vote has begun on Hulldom’s application, and it will finish in two days at most. The Security Council will then proceed to prepare a statement on the applicant, as is now standard practice.

Closing thoughts

A combination of work, illness and Lunar New Year plans have held me back somewhat this week in terms of what I was able to do. I hope I'll be able to bring you more news next week.


January 30, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report


Hi everyone,

I thought I was forgetting something after I finished watching the newest episode of The Last of Us (which I 100% recommend to everyone regardless of whether you have played the game). Anyway it turns out the thing I almost forgot to do was this report.

WA Numbers and Transition

So we got some bad news (not zombie outbreak-style bad news though). After a brief respite our WA numbers have begun dropping again, although the rate isn’t alarming so far and it could just be some regular fluctuation. Not all is doom and gloom though (much like in The Last of Us)! I have continued climbing in endorsements and now rank only below the Security Council. I am also now above the Vice Delegate’s minimum endorsement count, which you can see in the table above. The number of Keepers too have risen by a healthy number as I gain endorsements. But we still have a long way to go, and it’s not just me - Hulldom and Pallaith are still quite close in endorsement count. From now on I’ll try get some telegrams sent out from Security Councillors on my behalf, so that people don’t keep just getting them from The Northern Light and myself. Hopefully the variation in the messaging can help us keep yielding results.

Other Security Council matters

Hulldom has been officially nominated by the Security Council, which has been presented to the Regional Assembly. Based on the current discussion, I expect a vote will occur quite soon.

Closing thoughts

It’s been a bit of a slow start to the term for me, and ideally I would have liked to get more done by now. So apologies that I don’t have much to report on right now. I’m pretty confident I can get the wheels turning on a few things this week though, and it shouldn’t be too long until you see some of the results.

Oh and The Last of Us references are a one-time thing, it's just really on my mind after watching the new episode. You should really watch it though.

'Til next time,

February 6, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report


Hi all,

In a break from what I’ve been doing the past few weeks, I’m starting off by noting that the WADP Awards for January are out! After a brief hiatus for December due to the extended site shutdown affecting our scripts, the awards are back up and running. You can find them here, and give it an upvote if you haven’t already. Congratulations to all the winners!

And now let’s get to the numbers. The decline in WA numbers is continuing, with decreasing endorsements on the Delegate and Security Councillors as a direct effect. I myself am still gaining, albeit much more slowly, due to the aforementioned decline in WA numbers, as well as the natural effect of additional endorsements slowing down once you reach higher endorsement levels. It is still decent progress though, now only 50 away from the lowest-ranking Security Councillor.

Thank you to GBM for sending out a telegram on behalf of me requesting endorsements, and hopefully we'll see other Security Councillors doing the same in the coming weeks to break up the monotony of telegrams from The Northern Light and myself a bit.. I will also likely be launching a card lottery for the final stages of the transition later this week, so stay tuned for that.

Other Security Council matters

The vote to confirm Hulldom’s nomination to the Security Council will close in a few hours. While the results are obvious at this point, I will wait until the vote has been tallied and Hulldom has taken his oath to formally welcome him to the Security Council. In the meantime, if you are a citizen reading this before the vote closes and haven’t voted yet, I encourage you to do so and exercise your democratic rights.

Closing thoughts

I’ve managed to get the ball rolling on a new community engagement initiative that I think could be implemented quite soon. I’m also aware I haven’t made much progress on declassification since the start of the term, but I have been looking into old declassified threads that are currently hidden. Because there are quite a lot of them and the fact that they have already been declassified means the process should be quicker, I will probably release them in big batches.

Yours truly,
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February 13, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report


Greetings TNPers,

The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed I’ve been drafting a few dispatches for some new initiatives that I’ve been hinting at in the last few weeks but haven’t gotten around to finishing. Some technical stuff is still getting finalised but I’m sure they’ll be out in the next few days. At this point you’ve probably realised that I have been falling behind on some of the things I’ve said I would get done soon, and that’s mostly to do with me juggling a full-time internship over the last few weeks, but I should have more time now to catch up on the plans I have in mind. With this brief explanation out of the way, let’s look at some numbers.

WA and transition statistics

Things continue to look not so hot on this front, but hope is not lost yet as we’ve seen some slight improvements over the last day or two. At this rate my endorsement count is still gaining steadily and should get into the mix with the lower end of the Security Council in a week’s time. Other than that, I’m afraid I don’t have much else to say.

Other Security Council matters

I can now officially welcome @Hulldom as the newest member to the Security Council. I look forward to his contributions to the Security Council, and I’m sure the rest of the Security Council does as well.

Closing thoughts

From this week onwards I’ll be looking more into declassification, which I realise hasn’t seen a lot of progress since the start of the term. Other than that I’ll begin the process of finishing/updating the Security Council Handbook which I mentioned in my election platform. As for the transition, it is obviously still ongoing, but there’s not much else to say other than that I am still endotarting and sending out alert telegrams as necessary (though they are not as effective as towards the start of the term), and of course the card lottery that you might have already seen some hints of.

Yours sincerely,

February 20, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report


Hello TNP,

This has been an eventful week for the Vice Delegate’s office, with two major announcements, as expected based on the update I provided last week, and my telegram inbox being rather full with responses from these announcements. The first was the Ask the Security Council initiative, which comes with a dispatch and a regional telegram announcement. You can now find some of the answers to our first question in the dispatch here. The second was the transition lottery as a new incentive for nations to endorse me, also announced in a dispatch and regional telegram. I would appreciate it if you could upvote both of these dispatches if you haven’t already. I plan on sending out more telegrams through the coming weeks to advertise the lottery, targeted specifically at nations not yet endorsing Hulldom or myself.

WA and transition statistics

I was tantalizingly close to getting on par with Tlomz, but ultimately I didn’t make it this week. Things are still moving pretty slowly on the transition front, but the WA population is at least stabilising, albeit still on a declining trend overall. Hopefully the newly announced lottery will do its part in helping with the transition.

Closing thoughts

As I mentioned in last week’s update, I’m looking to put more time in the coming weeks into declassification, as well as finishing/updating the Security Council Handbook based on Cretox’s old work that had been left abandoned. Other than that, I imagine some discussion will be on the cards as well for the implications of the Self-Checkout Act, which is moving towards a vote and seems likely to be passed. Its new VD re-evaluation provisions would be the main consideration for myself and the Security Council.

As always,

March 7, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Hello everyone,

So it’s been two weeks since my last report, and there’s a couple reasons why. The first reason is that on Monday, when I was going to write my report, a big chunk of our automated scripts broke and has been broken since then, which many of you have already noticed includes our WADP system with its crucial features such as the Endorse page and the statistics. It also includes the scripts that generate the statistics that I use in the VD report. So on Monday I thought I’d wait a day or two to see if the problem can get fixed easily. Unfortunately it’s since emerged that it might take a while for the problem to be fixed, but in the meantime I still have to keep delivering reports, so I'll be replying on other sources to at least get some data on our WAs and endorsements.

That's what I was thinking last Wednesday when I decided to put out a report anyway using the statistics that were collected before the scripts went down, but unfortunately I got very sick at an inopportune moment - turned out it was Covid. That put plans on hold for a while, and after I’ve recovered enough, there was a few other things on my plate that were a bit higher in priority, so that’s why the report got put off for a few more days.

WA and transition statistics

Since we don't have complete data anymore, I'm taking a bit of a different approach to this section, and that's why there's no big table at the top of this report as there usually is. The data in the first table below is from Feb 26, the day before the scripts went down. The news from then was that I had moved up two places to 11th in endorsement rankings. The second table shows the current endorsement counts in the SC as well as the most-endorsed non-SC nations. Some of these names are forum names, shortened names or aliases rather than nation name, sbut I trust you can figure out who's who. As you can see, I've now moved into 10th place, and since 8th and 9th place are also very close to me, I should pass those in a few days too.
As for our WA picture as a whole, it appears that we have stabilised at around 1,500 WA nations in the region for the last week or so, which is good to see. And what’s even better to see is that the endorsements on the Delegate and Security Council has actually been increasing even while total WA nations aren't.

That being said, this is not the time to let down our guard. We’re still in the middle of a tough transition, so I would most appreciate it if everyone can keep promoting endorsements for me, including promoting the lottery that we launched a little while ago as an incentive. Speaking of that, because I just reached 10th place a few days ago, that means 5 legendary cards were given out to 5 lucky winners. Unfortunately, we didn’t achieve this before March 1st, so only 5 were drawn instead of 10.

WADP Awards

The WADP Awards were unsurprisingly also affected by the scripts being down. I encountered errors when I tried to use the scripts, and at first I thought I would have to wait until the scripts are fixed again to publish the awards. But then I realised the problem was that the scripts stopped collecting the necessary data, and even when the scripts get fixed, the data from the period it was down would still be missing. So the only way to put out the WADP Awards is to change the end date to Feb 26, before the scripts broke, which fortunately is only two days before the end of the month so it’s pretty much accurate.

The WADP Awards are out now and you can find all the winners here. Make sure to give it an upvote to increase the visibility!

Other Security Council matters

With the Self-Checkout Act passing recently, I am now required to perform a re-evaluation on applicants who have failed the admin check. I will be having a discussion with the Security Council on how to approach a re-evaluation and whether anything should be done differently.

Closing thoughts

Ask the Security Council is still going strong, and I encourage everyone to get around it by upvoting the dispatch and interacting with the answers (or even having a crack at answering the question yourself if it’s one that suits you!) Other projects that are still moving in the background include finishing/updating the Security Council Handbook and going through the declassification files.

Peace out,
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March 15, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Hi all,
This is a bit late but it’s going to be a short update anyway. As the automated WADP tools are still down, I will continue to use the somewhat less detailed table used last week. As you can see, I have moved up two places since last week, and am steadily closing in on the next group of SCers - Dreadton, Loh and Eras, who hover just below the 1,000 endorsements mark, and I think by the time of the next weekly update, I should be at 5th place. This transition has taken us a long time due to the declining or stagnating overall number of WA nations, but the end is finally in sight.

In terms of overall WA statistics, WA nations are still hovering around the 1,500 mark with no significant change, and endorsements on Hulldom have also stabilised in the 1,130s after almost reaching 1,150 last week.

Finally - and I’m sure most of you are aware of this already - I’ve sent out a telegram and Discord announcement on using as an alternative endorsement tool while our own forum-based endorsement tool is down. Please let me know if you have any questions on that.

Much love,

March 23, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report


Not a lot of good news to report from me today. Last week I predicted that I would be in 5th place in endorsements by now, but as you can see I’m still stuck in 8th. I’ve actually been right on the edge of Loh’s count for a couple of days now, and had temporarily broken into 7th place once according to the World Census, but suffice to say progress is slow. This might have something to do with the fact that our WA nation count has once again taken a hit, currently at about 1,475 nations, which is 25 lower than last week. At this point, my gains are very much dependent on overall WA trends - falling WA numbers have made it much harder to gain on those above me.

Regarding endotarting tools - last week I put out announcements recommending as an alternative endorsement tool while our own forum-based endorsement tool is down. It’s since come to my notice that this tool only shows the nations you are not endorsing, but doesn’t provide a list of nations that are not endorsing your nation, so you have no way of telegramming a list of these nations to ask for endorsements. If you want to get such a list, you will have to join our Discord server to make use of our server bot. You can check the announcement I made on Discord on March 20th for instructions on how to get this list.

Until next week,

April 8, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Hello all,

It’s been a while since I put out a report, and that’s largely because I’ve been having a busy few weeks personally. That said, there isn’t terribly much to report either. Endorsements-wise, there was a troubling period about a week ago where it seemed like I was unable to climb up further from 7th place, but fortunately that issue has seemingly solved itself and I’m now gaining at a steady pace over those above me, so I suppose I’ll at least make it before the end of the term. Otherwise in terms of WA nations, our numbers remain pretty much the same, at 1,484 nations as of the last update.


One matter to note is that I did finally release some classified SC threads. If you remember the discussion during the previous election, the threads that were released by Cretox under the old FOIA laws were taken back to private for review after new FOIA laws passed at the end of 2021, and there were about 6 pages of threads (over 200, covering 2009-2017) still sitting there when I assumed office. I have now released one of those pages, 39 threads in total, covering 2015-2017. You can find them in the redacted archives in the last two pages (since chronologically they are the earliest threads that are currently available to the public).

Finally, I don’t believe I’ve mentioned this in a report yet, but it’s been there for a while - the Endorse page on our forums now has a message saying the tool is broken and recommending the alternatives that I have made announcements about a few weeks ago.

And Happy Easter if you celebrate,

April 15, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings TNP,

It is an honor to once again be guest-hosting the Vice Delegate’s report! For those of you who are out of the loop, Hulldom resigned as our Delegate last week. This led to our Vice Delegate, Gorundu, becoming Acting Delegate and me becoming Acting Vice Delegate as the first available Security Councillor in the Line of Succession. This will remain until we elect a new Delegate and Vice Delegate next month in the General Elections. I strongly encourage everyone to apply for citizenship (if you haven’t done so already) to ensure your voice is heard in these important elections. In the meantime, our government will ensure this region remains strong, united, and prosperous.

I would like to thank everyone for their assistance in the gameside delegacy transition. When Hulldom resigned, I temporarily held the gameside delegacy position since Gorundu did not yet have enough endorsements. Thankfully, we were able to turn this around rapidly and get Gorundu into the seat within 2 days time. As a little thank you present, we will be giving out legendary cards to 10 randomly selected nations who were endorsing Gorundu at the time of the transition.

There of course is still room for growth in Gorundu’s endorsement count in order to bolster our WA voting power and further strengthen regional security. To aid in this effort, I strongly encourage all WA nations in TNP to please endorse Gorundu if you have not done so already. Every endorsement counts!

I hope everyone has a great week ahead! I will endeavor to keep these updates on a weekly basis. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Take care,

Acting Vice Delegate

April 21, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings TNP,

I hope you all have had a great week! This week on NationStates sure has been monumentous with the roll-out of the long-anticipated Frontiers Update. This undoubtedly will change the power dynamic in NationStates but it is still too early to fully predict how this will play out. From a domestic perspective though, I am anticipating that the reduction in new nation spawns will have a negative impact on our WA numbers. We will make every effort to ensure TNP remains the premier WA powerhouse but it is important to acknowledge that our new baseline (as with the other feeder regions) is likely going to be lower than before. As we continue to venture further into this uncharted territory, I ask that everyone remains cooperative and flexible. The Security Council is currently keeping an eye on trends in our WA counts while simultaneously ensuring that the gap between the gameside delegacy and other residents remains healthy. If we see anything suboptimal, we may be reaching out with some friendly guidance. Once we gain a better picture of what our new baseline will look like, we will review our regional security laws to ensure that they continue to promote bountiful endotarting while also remaining realistic.

As always, please ensure you are endorsing Acting Delegate Gorundu and all members of the Security Council. Your efforts towards bolstering our region's safety do not go unnoticed. Our automated Keeper of the North program is currently broken but I have updated the Keeper List manually and will try to keep it updated on a semi-regular basis. Five nations on this list just won a free legendary card! (check your deck to see if it was you)

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and the week ahead. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Take care,

Acting Vice Delegate

April 30, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings TNP,

Happy Sunday! There’s not a whole lot of news this week from the Vice Delegate’s desk. We are continuing to track and trend WA counts as we move further into the Frontiers Update. Security Councillor @Sil Dorsett was generous enough to put together the following chart to help us visual these trends:


This chart covers from March 8th of this year to today with the red dot representing the launch of the Frontiers Update. The initial drop you see right after the launch is largely driven by the North Pacific Army and other TNP residents piling in a new frontier known as The Wellspring. Aside from that drop, the WA decline has been extremely gradual and it’s still too early to tell what our new baseline will look like. Thankfully from the perspective of Acting Delegate and Vice Delegate endorsement counts, we’ve been holding rather steady:


Of course, there is always room in that regard for growth. If you haven’t yet done so, I strongly encourage you to endorse Acting Delegate Gorundu and all members of the Security Council in order to become a Keeper of the North. The Keeper List is back up and currently being updated manually on a bi-weekly basis. You never know when you might win an award for being on this list. For example, five lucky Keepers have just been randomly selected to win a legendary card!

As a reminder, the May 2023 General Elections kick off tomorrow with the start of candidacy declarations. A new Delegate, Vice Delegate, and Speaker will be elected in this cycle. If you haven't yet done so, I strongly encourage you to apply for citizenship as soon as possible to ensure your voice is heard in this important election cycle.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and is looking forward to the week ahead. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Take care,

Acting Vice Delegate

May 7, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings TNP,

Happy election season! As you are likely aware, voting is currently underway for a new Delegate, Vice Delegate, and Speaker of the Regional Assembly. I strongly encourage all eligible citizens to vote in these important elections if they haven't done so already. Every vote counts!

In terms of Security Council business, this week has been rather uneventful. Similar to previous weeks, we are continuing to track and trend WA nation counts since the launch of the Frontiers Update. Security Councilor Sil Dorsett has again generously provided a chart for us to visualize these changes:


This chart covers from March 8th of this year to today with the red dot representing the launch of the Frontiers Update. We again continue to see a gradual decline in number of WA nations with a new baseline still to be determined. Despite this gradual decline in WA nations, Acting Delegate Gorundu's endorsement count has actually risen which is fantastic to see:


We still have room to further grow Gorundu's endorsement count as well as the endorsement counts of the Security Council. As always, I strongly encourage all WA nations to endorse Acting Delegate Gorundu and all members of the Security Council to further strengthen regional security. When you do this, you will be recognized as a Keeper of the North. This prestigious title comes with some perks. For example, five randomly selected Keepers just won a legendary card. Congratulations to the winners!

With the General Elections well underway, this will likely be my last weekly update as Acting Vice Delegate. It has been an honor to once again serve in this capacity and I look forward to working with whichever fresh face gets elected as Vice Delegate. I would like to thank Acting Delegate Gorundu and all members of the Security Council for their efforts over the past month. We were dealt an unfortunate hand but were able to keep our region secure throughout with excellent teamwork.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Take care,

Acting Vice Delegate

May 7, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings TNP,

Happy election season! As you are likely aware, voting is currently underway for a new Delegate, Vice Delegate, and Speaker of the Regional Assembly. I strongly encourage all eligible citizens to vote in these important elections if they haven't done so already. Every vote counts!

In terms of Security Council business, this week has been rather uneventful. Similar to previous weeks, we are continuing to track and trend WA nation counts since the launch of the Frontiers Update. Security Councilor Sil Dorsett has again generously provided a chart for us to visualize these changes:


This chart covers from March 8th of this year to today with the red dot representing the launch of the Frontiers Update. We again continue to see a gradual decline in number of WA nations with a new baseline still to be determined. Despite this gradual decline in WA nations, Acting Delegate Gorundu's endorsement count has actually risen which is fantastic to see:


We still have room to further grow Gorundu's endorsement count as well as the endorsement counts of the Security Council. As always, I strongly encourage all WA nations to endorse Acting Delegate Gorundu and all members of the Security Council to further strengthen regional security. When you do this, you will be recognized as a Keeper of the North. This prestigious title comes with some perks. For example, five randomly selected Keepers just won a legendary card. Congratulations to the winners!

With the General Elections well underway, this will likely be my last weekly update as Acting Vice Delegate. It has been an honor to once again serve in this capacity and I look forward to working with whichever fresh face gets elected as Vice Delegate. I would like to thank Acting Delegate Gorundu and all members of the Security Council for their efforts over the past month. We were dealt an unfortunate hand but were able to keep our region secure throughout with excellent teamwork.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Take care,

Acting Vice Delegate
Not bad.


May 14, 2023
Opening Statement & Vice Delegate Report

Hello there! Looks like The Vice Delegate Report has a new host!​

I'm honored to be your Vice Delegate for the next 4 months and to work with Delegate @Gorundu, his cabinet, and the Security Council. I'm going to do my very best to make this term the very best it can be. In this Vice Delegate report, I will go over my basic Vice Delegate duties and the transition.


I started this term with 774 endorsements. So far, I have gained 46 endorsements and now maintain an endorsement count of 820. However, I am yet to overtake any of the Security Councilors yet and remain in 13th place. Gorundu already holds the in-game delegacy seat after a month as acting Delegate. His endorsement count has increased by five since the start of the term 2 telegrams have been sent for the purposes of the transition. One was sent out 2 days ago for Gorundu and me, and one earlier today for strictly myself. At the very bottom of the report, I will let you all take a look at some of our endorsement numbers.


There are slightly more than 20 threads to declassify in the forums. I'm confident I can get most of them done by the end of the term. In terms of discord logs, we have around 4 years of them to go. I will look to do them a term or two at a time. I look to declassify some forum threads by the end of the week and will start the effort for declassifying Discord logs.

More WA Data

We currently sit at 1,472 WA member nations, which is a slight decrease from last week, where we had around 1,480 WA nations. This decline will likely continue in the wake of the F/S update. However, the VD and Delegate numbers are on the rise, as shown by these graphs:

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And that wraps up my first-ever Vice Delegate report! I would like to extend my gratitude to our current delegate Gorundu and the rest of the Security Council for helping me to get settled into my new role. I hope that this will be a successful term and that we will do great things during my term. If you haven't endorsed me or our delegate already, please do so. Hopefully, I will have more good news to bring you next week. Until then, I hope everyone has a great week!

If you have any questions or concerns about my performance or the SC in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Until next time,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

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May 21, 2023
Vice Delegate Report
Greetings, my fellow TNPers! It has been business as usual once again this week, and I don't have a lot to report today. I am still going strong in the transition, and I have started the declassification of the forums. I will also look to introduce a few new initiatives to the Security Council this upcoming week. Now, let's dive into this week's report.


I have been tracking my transition to second place in endorsements in this thread, but I will report the transition's progress here nevertheless. Since the last report, I have gained around 44 endorsements, and I have overtaken two Security Councilors, Sil Dorsett and Xagill/Rocketdog. I only have 108 endorsements to go before completing the transition. After doing some math, I have calculated that, ideally, the transition should conclude in Mid-June. As for our Delegate Gorundu, he has lost around 7 endorsements but is still very comfortably in the 1st place position. The graph below will depict the endorsement trends for our Vice Delegate and Delegate:

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I have begun declassifying Security Council threads on the forum. A few that I have done are new ones that need to be released because they have reached one year of age. I have also re-declassified some old threads worked on by former Vice Delegate Cretox State that have been moved back into the private archives due to not being compliant with the FOIA Act. I am now waiting for the Security Council to approve those threads to be released into the wild (or, the public I should say). They should be available within the next few weeks.

More WA Data

We currently have 1,464 WA member nations, which is a decrease from the 1,472 last week. Our WA numbers will continue to decrease in the aftermath of the Frontier/Stronghold update, and we'll have to wait and see when the line will flatten out. If you see this, I encourage you to join the World Assembly if you have not already!

Next Week

By next week, I will look to introduce my new initiatives I detailed in my platform to the Security Council. I will also look to work on releasing some of the threads I have declassified and will continue to endotart daily to aid the transition.


To summarize, there has not been a lot of exciting news this week to report. However, we have made great progress in the transition, and I have begun the declassification effort and look to continue the work of my predecessors. Today's endorsement data will be posted for everyone to look at. Finally, I would like to once again ask everyone to please endorse Delegate Gorundu and Vice Delegate Chipoli if you have not already done so.

If you have any questions or concerns about my performance or the SC in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.


Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

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May 29, 2023
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! This week's Vice Delegate Report is brought to you by... me. This week, I have made some great progress in the transition and declassification, and I have some SC business to report to you all. As some of you have noticed, this report is a day later than usual. I was out of town for the last few days and was unable to post this yesterday. I will post again this Sunday and will do my best to keep this on schedule. Now, without further ado, here is this week's report:


I continue to make good progress in the transition. I have gained 45 endorsements since last week, and I now currently sit at 895 endorsements, 98 away from second place. I have overtaken Security Councilors Sil Dorsett, TlomzKrano, and Just a Lore/Frances Francis the First of France. I am now in 8th place, with some help from Dreadton resigning from the World Assembly (which I will go over more later). Delegate Gorundu has also had a good week, gaining 25 endorsements. If you would like a more in-depth breakdown of the transition, go to my tracker thread. Here are some more graphs to help you visualize our progress.

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I have declassified around 9 threads this past week. 5 of them are past threads that have been moved back into the private archives because they were outdated. I have now rereleased them to ensure that they will be compliant with the new FOIA laws. The other 4 are new threads from the past year that have not been worked on previously. 2 of them have been redacted fully, and 2 of them have not been redacted at all. If you would like to take a look, head to the Security Council Archives.

More WA Data

Our WA Nation count has increased by 9 from last week, and we currently have 1,474 of them. This may seem encouraging for the likes of the transition, but this is likely to be a purple patch in what we expected to be a slow decrease in endorsements.

Security Council News

In other news, former Security Councilor Dreadton has tendered his resignation to the Security Council. Dreadton had been on the SC since February 2021 and has served as Vice Delegate and Minister of Culture in the past. He has also resigned from the World Assembly, ensuring his endorsement count is at a legal level. We wish him luck in his future endeavors.

Next Week

I promised to start my new community engagement initiatives last week, but due to a busy schedule, I have not been able to do that. I look to finally get it started this week since I have delayed it for far too long. Other than that, continue to expect me to continue to report on the transition.


To summarize, we have continued to make good progress in the transition, with me rising 5 rankings in total. I have also completed my first batch of declassified threads and we have had a Security Councilor resign from their position. I will continue with the transition, but other than that, who knows what the future holds.

If you have any questions or concerns about my performance or the SC in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

All the best,
Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

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June 7, 2023
Vice Delegate Report

Hello once again, TNP! First off, I'd like to apologize for the late report this week. I have an incredibly hectic schedule at the moment, which unfortunately prevented me from releasing this report on time. However, I still strive to provide you all with your weekly Vice Delegate report. This week hasn't been the most exciting one, but nonetheless, let's take a look at this week's report.


The transition since our last report has been... strange. The entire Security Council is experiencing a steep decline in endorsements right now. I was no exception until a region-wide telegram was sent out. I peaked at 911 endorsements, went as far down as 895, and now have risen to 915. Due to my schedule, I have not been endorsing for the last couple of days and will return all endorsements once I have the time again. I overtook two Security Councilors this week: Eras/Former English Colony, and Great Bights Mum. Our delegate Gorundu hasn't had a good week and has lost 16 endorsements. Despite this, he is still comfortably ahead of 2nd place Siwale, who has 964 endorsements. A more detailed analysis of the transition is located in my transition tracker thread. Per usual, I will provide these graphs to help y'all visualize the progress we have been making.



More WA Data

As I mentioned earlier, the Security Council has lost a chunk of its endorsements. The reason is likely because we have lost 27 WA member nations this past week. Our figure currently sits at 1447 nations, and I'll look for solutions to help counter this trend and get the rest of the SC back on track. If you haven't already done so, please join the World Assembly!

Community Engagement

I have presented my community engagement ideas to the Security Council, and we are currently discussing and sharing our ideas with them. Expect more news on this in the coming weeks. If you want a brief overview of my plans for his term, check them out in my campaign for Vice Delegate.

Next Week

I don't have any big plans for next week, but I will continue reporting on the transition and my community engagement initiatives.


In conclusion, I preserved in the transition despite a tough week endorsements-wise, and I presented my community engagement ideas to the SC. Expect more of the same next week.

If you have any questions or concerns about my performance or the SC in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Best Wishes,
Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

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June 19, 2023
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! I apologize for making you all wait for the report once again. I have just gone through one of the toughest periods I've ever faced personally, and now I look to return to making these consistent, on-time reports. This week, we will cover the transition, and briefly, other regional matters.


Since our last report, the #2 spot in endorsements has changed hands twice. Shortly following last week's report, Pallaith/Ghost rose to that spot ahead of Siwale. However, earlier today, Ethnon seized it from him and currently sits in the #2 spot. While I have only gained 10 endorsements from our last report, I am only 22 endorsements away from second place in endorsements, which is 27 closer than our last report. There is a measly difference of 3 endorsements between 4th place Siwale and 2nd place Ethnon, so expect 2nd place to change frequently over the next week. I also managed to overtake Security Councilor Aenglaland this week, which puts me in 5th place.

Earlier, I expected the transition to conclude at about this time. However, due to a number of factors such as my intermittent activity and a lack of new WA Member Nations, that has not been the case. I have set a new goal for the transition's conclusion: The end of the month. You can help me achieve this goal by joining the WA and endorsing me. I would greatly appreciate it. As per usual, here are the endorsement trends for our Delegate Gorundu, and the Vice Delegate:



More WA Data

The North Pacific continues to lose many of its WA Member Nations. We have lost 42 member nations since our last report, which is expected to continue in the wake of the Frontier/Stronghold update. Currently, there are 1,405 member nations residing in the North Pacific.

Community Engagement

Due to my lapse in activity, talks regarding my new community engagement initiatives have stalled. I look to get these back on track, and I will work on rolling them out in the next week.

Next Week

I will continue to report the transition to you all next week, and hopefully, I can update you even further on my proposed community engagement ideas.


I have made good progress in the transition, and I can safely say I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I look to put my new community engagement programs into action at some point next week.

If you have any questions or concerns about my performance or the SC in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

With love,
Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

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