Office of the Vice Delegate


June 27, 2023
Vice Delegate Report

Greetings, TNP! Another week, another report! This week, I will report on the transition and discussion regarding my new community engagement initiatives, similar to last week. Now, let's kick off this week's report.


Since last week, I have gained 9 endorsements, and remain in 5th place. Only one endorsement separates me from 4th place Ethnon, while 3rd place Pallaith is only three ahead of me. Siwale has taken the #2 position once more and has built some ground between himself and Pallaith. This means we need only 10 more endorsements to complete the transition by July 1st, which is the goal I set. Siwale currently sits at 944 endorsements, ahead of Pallaith who has 937 endorsements. My endorsement count is currently 934. The Security Council is exploring strategies to get me over the final hurdle, depending on my endorsement growth over the next few days. Our delegate Gorundu maintains a sizable gap between 2nd place despite losing 6 endorsements.

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More WA Data

Last week, there were 1,405 WA member nations residing in the North Pacific. Now, we have 1,380 of them, meaning we have lost 25 member nations. This is better than the previous week when we lost 40 member nations, but we still continue to lose a good amount.

Community Engagement

I have resumed the SC's community engagement initiative discussion. I look to commence one of my activities as soon as tomorrow and will continue to plan and release the other ones.

Next Week

During the next week, I will resume posting in my transition tracker and will hope to report by the end of the transition. I will also report on the success of my community engagement initiatives. I also am considering working on declassifying both forum and discord logs.


I continue to make good progress in the transition, and it has nearly been completed. The SC has resumed planning my proposed community engagement initiatives and we look to release some of them soon.

If you have any questions or concerns about my performance or the SC in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Au revoir,
Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

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July 5, 2023
Vice Delegate's Report

Greetings TNP,

I’ve returned yet again as the guest host of the Vice Delegate’s Report!

What happened?

Delegate @Gorundu has declared a one-week absence starting today. This makes @Chipoli Acting Delegate for the time being and me Acting Vice Delegate as the first available member in the Line of Succession (Pallaith prefers the Court life at the moment). This will be my third time wearing this hat over the past year. Rest assured, we’ve got things covered.

What’s the Security Council’s plan for this upcoming week?

The Security Council will continue to conduct its day-to-day business as normal with me serving as Acting Chair. A major focus will be on continuing to bolster Chipoli’s endorsement count. While the transition has concluded with Chipoli now in the #2 position for endorsements, there is still opportunity for growth.

How do the WA numbers look?

We currently have 1343 WA nations in TNP. This is a loss of 37 nations since the last report which continues to follow the trend lately of WA nation decline. As such, Gorundu’s endorsement count is also gradually declining but remains firmly in the #1 position. A decline in activity isn’t uncommon in the summer months and I still think we are adjusting to our new normal from the Frontiers Update.

What’s going on with the community engagement initiatives?

As these are Chipoli’s babies, I won’t be pursuing them during my short time as Acting Vice Delegate. Chipoli anticipates resuming the planning and implementation once he returns to his Vice Delegate duties.

I hope everyone is having a great week! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Take care,

Acting Vice Delegate

July 12, 2023
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! This will be a different kind of report, since for the first time in my tenure, I don't have the transition to report on, because it did conclude around two weeks ago. Our Delegate @Gorundu has ended his absence a couple of days early, so here I am, back as your host of the Vice Delegate report. This week, I will focus on my future plans, as not much has gone on in the present. Let's begin!


During the next few weeks, I will focus on declassification on Discord, and secondarily, on the forums. We were having a bit of trouble getting the text logs from Discord, and we will focus on resolving that issue. I also have a couple of forum threads picked out to declassify as they are now over a year old and will continue moving older threads back into the public archive to comply with changes in FoIA laws.

WA Numbers

Currently, there are 1,328 nations residing in The North Pacific. This continued decrease also reflects in the Security Council's endorsement numbers, and almost all of us have lost a chunk of endorsements, and continue to do so. Our delegate Gorundu has fallen under 1,000 at some point this week, but currently, he sits at 1000 exactly. Despite my best efforts, I continue to lose endorsements, and I currently have 909 of them, which is still 2nd place in the region, which is 11 ahead of 3rd place @Siwale.

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Community Engagement

I ran an edition of "Ask The Security Council" two weeks ago, and I received 3 responses from my fellow Security Councilors, and no questions were submitted from the Community. I would like to see an improvement in engagement this week, and I will be trying out the program again. I am also working on a Security Council survey, with a potential contest involved!

Next Week

During the next week, expect more of the same. I will continue reporting on the state of our WA numbers, and I will give y'all an update on my community engagement initiatives and declassification.


On the WA front, we continue to lose our endorsements. I have rebooted the "Ask the Security Council Program" with mixed results. I also have some declassification work planned.

If you have any questions or concerns about my performance or the SC in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

With hope,
Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

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July 19, 2023
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! Things have quieted here in TNP, and the Security Council is no exception. There's not much but the usual. I'll report on our WA Numbers, my declassification work, and my community engagement initiatives.


Over the past week, I have worked on a total of eight total threads. 4 of them are going out into the public for the first, and are from @Kastonvia's third term. The remaining four are threads from several years that have been worked on in the past by former Vice Delegate @Cretox. I have presented them to the Security Council for review, and they should be released by tomorrow. I have also completed the first discord declassification since Kasto's tenure. I will be releasing logs directly from the Security Council during the January-May 2018 term. Happy reading!

WA Numbers

Since our last report, we lost 16 WA member nations. Currently, we have 1,312 of them in The North Pacific. Our numbers have been decreasing for months and the fall has only been accelerated after the Frontier/Stronghold update. I have fallen below 900 endorsements, and I currently have 899 of them, a decrease of 8 from last week. Fellow Security Councilor Ethnon/@Marcus Antonius currently is in 3rd place with 885 endorsements. @Gorundu has officially fallen below the 1,000 mark, and it is the first time no one in NatiionStates was in the quadruple digits since late 2021. He currently sits at 990 endorsements, which is a decrease of 10 despite his best efforts. Can we rebound? In this day and age, I'm not too sure.



Community Engagement

This week, the "Ask the Security Council" program is seeing significantly improved results. While I still don't have any questions from any of you, I have received 5 responses so far, which already is an improvement from last week. I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage as many of my fellow Security Councilors to add their responses, and if you have anything you want to ask the Security Council, please let me know!

Next Week

Next week, I will update you on the WA status of The North Pacific, and I will keep y'all updated on my declassification and community engagement progress.


We continue to lose WA member nations, leading to a decrease in endorsements for myself and our delegate, Gorundu. The "Ask the Security Council" program is showing more promise than it did last week, and I completed some declassification work that will be released to you all shortly.

If you have any questions or concerns about my performance or the SC in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Buenos Noches,
Vice Delegate of The North Pacific


July 26, 2023
Vice Delegate Report

Greetings, TNP! It's time for another weekly Vice Delegate report! I will be reporting on my plans for declassification, my community engagement initiatives, and the state of our WA numbers. The vote to recall Delegate @Gorundu is now open, so expect to see a couple of changes to the host of the Vice Delegate report in the future.


I have now released every single thread before @Hulldom's Vice Delegacy, and I will look to focus on Discord Declassification. I have set a goal to get one or two terms completed by the end of this week, so I will go to work on that. Those logs would be from @Siwale's Delegacy, @Deropia's Vice Delegacy, and @Pallaith's Vice Delegacy. If you are interested in taking a look at past declassified threads, go to the War Room Redacted Archive.

WA Numbers

We have lost 24 WA member nations, and we currently have 1,288 of them in The North Pacific. This is a continuation of the trend we have been experiencing for months, largely due to our reduction in spawns due to the Frontier/Stronghold update. I have decreased even more since last week and have fallen to 887 endorsements, which is 11 lower than last's week. There is a decent chance I will have to step into the seat soon, so I will focus on API endotarting in the next week to try and increase my count. Delegate Gorundu is faring no better and is well into the 900s at 974 endorsements, a loss of 16 endorsements. I am a comfortable 20 endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor to me, @Marcus Antonius.

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Community Engagement

This week, the "Ask the Security Council" program is not doing as well as I thought. I have only received one response, but hopefully, this is because I just asked a difficult question :P! I will look to encourage more responses from my fellow Security Councilors and will continue to work with @Lionsmeow and the gameside advocate team to promote this week's question. I also paused work on the survey to work on another project, so you all stay tuned for that!

Next Week

Next week, I'll give you an update on our WA numbers, and I'll keep you all informed about my declassification and community engagement efforts.


We continue to lose WA members, and Gorundu's and my endorsements continue to decrease, I released my batch of declassification work, and I am continuing to work on the "Ask the Security Council" program.

If you have any questions or concerns about my performance or the SC in general, feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Take care,
Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

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August 19, 2023
Vice Delegate Report

By now everyone knows what's happened within the last week or so. Once again, for the second time this year, our Delegate has resigned and necessitated the Vice Delegate to step up and serve as Acting Delegate. That means that once more, the duties of Vice Delegate fall to me as the next in the LoS. It's only fair I do this now, since the last couple of times it would have fallen on me, Siwale stepped up because I always seem to be on the Court when I am needed in this role. Maybe I should stop running for Justice, who knows.

I will hold down the fort, no worries there. There's a lot of work to do that's similar to what happens in a new term, but it's happening at the same time the existing term is also starting to wind down, and we have to start looking at the next election. As a result, I can't promise any movement on Chipoli's old plans. We are interested in bumping the endorsement numbers best that we can, so there may be some additional public outreach from me and the SC in the near future, but as for actions from this office, those will be likely limited to basic housekeeping, monitoring SC threads, VD checks, etc.

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As is our new tradition, I have posted the most recent snapshot of endorsement levels available (this one is from roughly 24 hours ago). It is unfortunately more positive than current reality, as the Acting Delegate's current endorsement count is now 885 while mine is 867. We knew that the frontier update would do a number on us, but our mid-term transition cost us close to 100 endorsements all at once. I suspect that gap would have been less even with Gorundu still in place, but this shows that we cannot be complacent with endotarting. Endorsements shed fast these days, and if we want to get anywhere close to where we used to be, we have to keep at it. I can only ask so much of those of you who actually bother to keep up with this, but some casual encouragement of your friends on the RMB certainly couldn't hurt. I don't want to come off as overly doom and gloom here though, compared to the other feeders we're still doing really well. TSP currently has 587 endorsements on their delegate. TEP has 494, TWP has 437, and NPO has 406. The next highest endorsement count below ours is TCB's at 632. The fact that we can still shoot for 900 and stay somewhere in our historic low-range is worth at the very least a pat on the back and should make you feel some assurance. But if this is our high zone, we shouldn't be surprised if we slip even further at times. Just part of getting used to the new reality, but I think we're still pretty good at this endorsement thing.

I would be remiss if I did not remark on current events in the RA which relate to this office. There is a proposal on amending the law around citizenship which would make it possible for nations to be barred from citizenship based on the region they come from, if the region is designated to be one that merits such treatment. My contribution to the discussion, until earlier today/yesterday, was to propose simply adding nations from regions that have diplomatic restrictions placed on them to the list of people the Vice Delegate automatically rejects. This seemed simple and cleaner, and sidestepped the whole vote on restricting citizenship directly thing. Since the VD would have to deny them in either version of the proposal, it didn't seem to matter since the RA would have the final say on it regardless. I recognize now that this notion was misguided on my part. I can speak for many members of the Security Council, as well as myself, when I say that generally, we do not wish to make it a common occurrence for people to be barred from citizenship in The North Pacific. I do not subscribe to the notion that the Vice Delegate rejecting someone is automatically an affront to democracy or risking a fall down a slippery slope, because the Vice Delegate cannot ever unilaterally stop someone from becoming a citizen, only the RA backing him up can do that. However, I have always believed that it should be an uncommon occurrence. I believe that restricted regions will not lend themselves to many applicants who would need to be rejected by the Vice Delegate, but the fact is, that possibility is far easier to happen than any of the others currently on the list of people the Vice Delegate would reject. And worse, that category of nation is the most nebulous and potentially flimsy of causes. While we hope restricted regions would be rare and applicants from them rarer still, we still would be in the position of deciding whether or not to turn people away simply because of the region they come from and nothing else. My gut tells me a lot of applicants from such regions would be passed by the RA if the only thing the VD can say is "I was forced to reject them, so what do you want to do?" Therefore, if we do consider taking this step and opening up this type of scenario in future citizenship debates, I accept that a high threshold for declaring regions to be restricted in this way is advisable. We should continue to be very careful in how we restrict citizenship, and very deliberate with those we target. The more discussion and the more consensus we get on it, the better. It should continue to be rare and significant when someone is rejected by the Vice Delegate, and the RA should always be the final arbiter on whether or not the rejection passes muster.

As always, this office is open for question and comment, and any assistance I can provide, including related to questions about the SC or any of its business. I will endeavor to make these reports weekly, or at least often enough to impart important information. And if I may, I would encourage any of you interested in this side of regional governance to inquire and give it a try. Even if you get turned away or don't win an election, the process can be a good learning opportunity, and you may just get a shot like our last few Vice Delegates. Whether the possibility of having to step all the way up to Acting Vice Delegate or Delegate is appealing or not as a long-shot outcome is appealing to you or not is up to you to decide, but like any part of NS, we can always use new blood to keep us fresh and current.


September 1, 2023
Vice Delegate Report

The September General Election has begun, which means we will soon have a new official Vice Delegate in place, but in the meantime, I am still here acting as the Vice Delegate for a while longer. I'll cut right to the chase this time.

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When you consider where we were when the transition to our acting delegate was complete, these results continue to be disappointing. The decline can be felt in many places however, so we have to be mindful that the decline is still likely to continue, and that we have to work that much harder to overcome it. Especially in light of recent events, which you are all well aware of by this point. The gap between Acting Delegate Chipoli and myself was low enough that a group of invaders could come in and bump him out of the delegacy for an update. This is not something that typically happens, and it is a shame on the part of the entire Security Council that we did not take better care in addressing it ahead of the bump. We should not live in fear of such things or stop our generous endorsement culture, but it served as a good reminder that we cannot let our watchful eyes get too tired, and that we have to continue to step up our game as much as the rest of you do in increasing your endorsements. Acting Delegate Chipoli has addressed our response to this event elsewhere, and we are taking steps to respond and shore up our security, but this is still one of the most basic ways to guard ourselves. I implore you, if you are in the World Assembly and have not yet endorsed the delegate, please do so! At this point I would advise you to focus those efforts on him so that the gap between us grows larger. And if you have not joined the World Assembly, whatever your reason may be, please consider doing so. Times are getting interesting, to put it mildly, and war is potentially on the horizon. We will need you in the WA shoring us up with your endorsements, and because the days of frontiers are continuing to take a toll on us. If you want to be more active with your WA, perhaps consider enlisting in the NPA, and lend us your strength on the battlefield instead. There will be a lot to do there in the days ahead.

Again, I am sorry that we let the events of August 27 take place. Lesson learned. Now it's our turn to teach others. I hope that TNP can count on your support to help us respond, and to be ready should malicious actors return again. If you want to get involved in any of the things I mentioned, or want to help in some other way, feel free to reach out to me directly and I will help point you in the right direction.

Possibly a dumb question.. do either Brendog/RocketDog/Xagill or Lord Lore have discord accounts in TNP gen? If not, does the SC view this as a concern?

Vice Delegate Update
September 18, 2023

Hey there! I have taken a bit of time to adjust to the tempo and duties of the Vice Delegacy, and sorry for not making any sort of a formal report and/or statement over the past week since I was elected and all. Nevertheless, rest assured that the Security Council is still alive and kicking, and we are doing some things in the background at this moment.


First, on the Delegacy transition. When both me and Kasch took our oaths, we started with barely below 600 endorsements each. We have made some progress in crossing the 650-point mark over the weekend, but we had a 13 WA drop on Sunday, so in the diagram above, it looked like we had a slight dip in endorsement counts. The Security Council has put out a dispatch alert for Kasch, and we also personalised direct telegrams to nations that were not endorsing me or Kaschovia. We have also activated our Gameside Advocates in constantly advertising for the endorsements on the Regional Message Board as well. Regarding the graphic: I am in the midst of re-designing and testing a newer and updated graphic that can compare the numbers over a longer period of time, and should expect that graphic being a mainstay by either the next or the following Vice Delegate Update. On a somewhat related note - a number of active endotarters have been receiving telegrams and/or notifications from Security Council members alerting them about breaching Article 5.2 of the Security Council Procedures. We appreciate your patience as we try to build up the gap towards the top, and hopefully the region can continue their endotarting activities soon.

On other matters, the Security Council is currently voting on the application of Chipoli to the Security Council. When the vote is done, we will present the application to the Regional Assembly for consideration.

- Fregerson
Can we expect another report soon given it has been two weeks since the last one and we are in the middle of a relatively tough transition?
Can we expect another report soon given it has been two weeks since the last one and we are in the middle of a relatively tough transition?
I have been busy in the last few days, and finalising a new format for the report. Can expect it by midweek this week.

Vice Delegate Update
October 6, 2023

The last 2 weeks have been busy for me, and across the entire region, there has also been lots of changes. First of all, we are now at war. With the NPA mobilising WAs to pile in other regions, such as the current pile in Solidarity, this also means that we will take a slight dip in World Assembly nation counts as well. Second of all, we had a change in personnel in the Security Council, first with @Loh resigning from the Security Council so as to return to R/D gameplay, and then with @Chipoli's SC application passing the Regional Assembly. This keeps us at 10 SCers as a whole


As you can see from the above, over the past 2 weeks, the Security Council as a whole has been decreasing in raw endorsements. While we acknowledge this does not look as good as a whole, this is also partially due to the redeployment of our NPA WAs in Solidarity. The good news is that our Delegate continues to be on the rise, increasing by over 34 endorsements over the last 2 weeks as our total World Assembly count starts to dip slightly. The 700 mark is something we would like to maintain for a baseline, and we would be putting out another region-wide Telegram asking for endorsements.

- Fregerson
Can you provide any updates on the efforts of the Security Council to assist with the transition? I think that’s the most crucial information at this time and is unfortunately missing from the report.
Will the Line of Succession be reviewed because of Chipoli's acceptance into the Security Council?
Can you provide any updates on the efforts of the Security Council to assist with the transition? I think that’s the most crucial information at this time and is unfortunately missing from the report.
We currently have an active Dispatch sent out for Kaschovia. Personally, when I have been endotarting, I have also personalized the individual telegram to make sure that "Endorse Kaschovia" is listed at the top. The Gameside Advocates are also working to advertise endorsement for the Delegate on the RMB and for new members.

Will the Line of Succession be reviewed because of Chipoli's acceptance into the Security Council?
Not on the top of our considerations right now.
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Vice Delegate Update
October 13, 2023

As the region might have been aware now, in the middle of this week, we experienced a series of unendorsement campaigns, in which members of our Security Council, as well as our elected Delegate Kaschovia, was targeted. The Security Council noticed unusual activities in the endorsement of these members, and after talking to some of the members of our region, we uncovered the campaign. As the Vice Delegate and head of the Security Council, I promptly sent out a region-wide telegram to all World Assembly members, requesting everyone to ignore the said telegrams, and once again stressed the importance of endorsing our Delegate, Vice-Delegate and members of the Security Council.


With regards to the endorsements, we are still facing decreasing WA numbers, but as compared to the situation last 2 weeks, we are starting to some increase in endorsement counts. We issued a second dispatch ping for Kaschovia, and combined with the recent region-wide telegram, we managed to keep Kaschovia steady above the 700 mark, and will be looking to continue increasing those numbers. Currently, our work is shifting to the possibility of restarting the Keepers of the North automated dispatch, a side-effect of the r3npocalypse whose effects we are still facing today.

- Fregerson

Vice Delegate Update
October 25, 2023

It has been a busy time period for me IRL, and while we continue to keep tabs on the endorsement, I didn't have much time to churn out a report.


While our endorsement counts have improved over the last 2 weeks, thanks to the return of a number of our WAs from the operation in Solidarity, we continue to have around 100 endorsements away from the top. The Security Council, as a whole, have been looking into ways as to how to deal with the endorsement issues we are facing. In particular, we are also looking at nations who are currently sitting around the soft endorsement border (550 nations as of the writing of the report), in particular a few nations who have been refusing to comply with telegrams asking them to accommodate the soft endorsement border as per Article 5 of the SC procedure. We are also trying to reach out to new nations to get them to join in the endorsement effort, with the Delegate and myself working on more direct telegrams to nations not endorsing us.

- Fregerson
With Siwale and Loh resigning and more resignations on the way, is there something the Security Council is going to do to replace the people who resigned?
With Siwale and Loh resigning and more resignations on the way, is there something the Security Council is going to do to replace the people who resigned?
The Security Council isn't like many other bodies like the Court, the Speaker's Office, or the Election Commission, so resignations don't impact the work of the Security Council as much. Of course, if anyone is interested in applying to be a member of the Security Council, they are welcome to apply to join our ranks :)

To follow on with that question, are more SCers going to resign any time soon? They should step forward now.
For a moment I thought you were going to resign, then I realised you were no longer an SCer.
Mr. Vice Delegate,

I've noticed that a dispatch with incorrect information is still being linked and mentioned in many places around the region, including in the "Please endorse Delegate Kaschovia!" dispatch that @Sil Dorsett published approximately 17 or so hours ago.

Given the resignations of both Siwale and Loh from this past month, as well as your election as Vice Delegate and the passage of Chipoli's Security Council application, I'm wondering if there are any plans in the works to either replace this dispatch or have it updated somehow with more accurate and timely information.

I'm sure that you're already aware of this, but I just wanted to post here in the interest of anyone who might wish to check up on the situation with some of the old TNL dispatches that the Security Council has continually made use of.
I'll step in here. I'm currently working on scripts that will resume automatic updates of the dispatches. Once I've finished that and tested it, I'll turn the code over to Elu who will deploy it and have The Northern Light run it. This should take care of the problem.

Vice Delegate Update
November 10, 2023


Sorry for the late update, but as a whole, our endorsements have been on a steady increase over the last 2 weeks. We have managed to get Kaschovia into the 2nd spot, and are now pushing to get Kasch to the 800 endorsement mark next. The weekly WA Report by the Delegate in conjunction with the Security Council was also an avenue for us to trial the update of the Keepers WADP dispatch, and Sil is helping to work on scripts (with his server) that will make the update of the dispatchs automatic. For now, we are trying to get manual updates up, but this would have to go through Elu and we understand Elu has a slightly busy schedule that makes this manual updating unpractical.

- Fregerson

Vice Delegate Update
November 17, 2023


The week has generally ended well for the Security Council, with increases in endorsement among most members across the entire Security Council. Kaschovia is still slightly short of 800 endorsements, but we believe it would be achievable over the next few days and we can slowly slide Kasch into the WA Delegacy. Other than that, there would be nothing much to highlight in terms of endorsement gathering.

With Eras going on a holiday and taking a break from the Security Council this week, we are in the midst of planning a shuffle of the Order of Succession to accommodate the recent personnel movements in the Security Council. This will be presented to the Regional Assembly once we have agree on the Order.

- Fregerson

Vice Delegate Update
December 6, 2023


With a loss of 24 World Assembly nations over the last 2 weeks, we encountered yet another roadblock in trying to get endorsements to cross the line. With the weekly World Assembly Report, more people are getting aware of the notion of Keepers of the North, and we are tapping on our own card reserves to encourage more people to be a Keeper of the North. To assist in speeding up the transition, I would personally be conducting a draw between now and next week. For every 50 Keepers above 400 as of next Sunday (when the report is released), I will be conducting giving an epic card to 2 lucky winners. In addition, if the transition is complete by then, I would be adding one legendary card to the lucky draw. Everyone is encouraged to help spread the message when sending out their endotarting telegrams, so that we can get a huge lucky draw and get this over and done with.

- Fregerson
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Vice Delegate Update
December 6, 2023


With a loss of 24 World Assembly nations over the last 2 weeks, we encountered yet another roadblock in trying to get endorsements to cross the line. With the weekly World Assembly Report, more people are getting aware of the notion of Keepers of the North, and we are tapping on our own card reserves to encourage more people to be a Keeper of the North. To assist in speeding up the transition, I would personally be conducting a draw some time next week. For every 50 Keepers above 400 as of next Sunday (when the report is released), I will be giving an epic card to 2 lucky winners. In addition, if the transition is complete by then, I would be adding one legendary card to the lucky draw. Everyone is encouraged to help spread the message when sending out their endotarting telegrams, so that we can get a huge lucky draw and get this over and done with.

- Fregerson
Mr. Vice Delegate,

Per my last post in this thread, I wanted to let you that I've since published a dispatch titled "Endorse the Security Council!" that contains updated, more accurate information in the same style as the old one from TNL.

I greatly appreciate the work that Sil has been doing as a volunteer regarding some of the more technical aspects of things, so I wanted to help in a way that will hopefully take some of the pressure off of him so that he can finish the scripts as he has time to. In the meantime, however, I've since updated the WFE to include the aforementioned dispatch from my nation and I've requested that Elu log into TNL and update some of the hyperlinks on TNL's original dispatch accordingly.

Please do let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Of course, while I do understand that my help wasn't asked for in this matter, I'm hoping that my initiative will be accepted by the SC as a stopgap measure so that we have something to refer residents to until such time that the new scripts are running. Thank you.
Mr. Vice Delegate,

Per my last post in this thread, I wanted to let you that I've since published a dispatch titled "Endorse the Security Council!" that contains updated, more accurate information in the same style as the old one from TNL.
Thank you Robes for the work - I think its a good substitute while we wait for the proper replacement dispatches to be updated.

I just want to take this opportunity to say that I have been relatively busy over the past week or more, and with a family roadtrip over the last Christmas, I haven't had the opportunity to update the Report nor give my cards as part of the agreed giveaway as previously promised. They should come before the end of the Year, I hope.
Mr. Vice Delegate and the Security Council,

As demonstrated by Robespierre, would it be an option to temporarily update most of our major dispatches about endorsement exchange etc. manually?

Vice Delegate Report & End-of-term Address
January 3, 2024


When I post this report, it would have been more than 2 weeks since we finally manage to complete the transition. But it would be about a week before I formally hand over the Vice Delegacy to the next person, because I have decided that I would not be running as Vice Delegate for the next term.

It has been a tricky four months, and while I don't believe one can be one-hundred percent satisfied with the outcome of the term, I personally don't have much regrets as to what I have done over the term. Maybe, we could have transitioned slightly faster. Maybe, I could have spent some time trying to catch up to the declassification necessary (because I haven't been doing much of it). Maybe, we could have taken more concrete steps that reflects the new normal that is facing us. But these are all "maybe"s, and its hard to really say that such actions would definitely have been done much better if I had one more opportunity to go through that time period again.

My final report comes with a record of the endorsement tracker as of the last update. Ghost went to the extent of issuing an undendorsement request on himself, and that was basically the only red line across the entire 2 weeks since we completed the transition. While our WA numbers continue to drop with our allied pliers leaving and our NPA soldiers going on their deployments/training, this is probably the true reflection of how the current WA situation is in our region. Gone are the days where the Delegate can go past 1000 endorsements - we have to probably accept that among the 250-300 nations that are not endorsing the Delegate, most of them probably are not involved in WA stuff that much and will never return the endorsement, and that achieving 875-900 native endorsement count is probably what we have to work around with.

The effects of the r3npocalypse are still lingering, but we are slowly but surely finding out how to reduce the impact. Towards the middle of my term, I started looking at manual ways of attempting to convert the WADP dispatches while keeping them regularly updated, and that led me to doing some Google Sheets trial on my own about how to use the API - leading to the TNP Endorsement Tracker that everyone has been seeing as above. It is not fully automated (and in the more efficient way), but at least its a step if I can maintain this semi-automatically as a dispatch gameside, alongside the list of Keepers. Honestly, if I had the time capacity to continue on for the second term, that would likely have started before Christmas, and would have been one of the platforms I would campaign on for this upcoming election. Alas, I have no choice but to face my time commitment issues, and therefore sign off my Vice Delegacy journey here temporarily. And to answer @Halsoni's question - I hope the next Vice Delegate would find some way to take over some of the WADP dispatches and correct the issues while Sil and the Tech Guild try to look for a more permanent solution.

If I may add my final closing thoughts, it is that the next Vice Delegate definitely needs to consider the side-effects that we are now experiencing from the war declaration, combined with our original circumstances. The past few instances of "misinformation" telegram seemed to have targeted the silent majority of nations in our region - privately conversing with those we rarely see on our Discord, our RMB, and don't often reply to our telegrams. Meanwhile, it is not helping that we no longer have the capacity to maintain our Keepers of the North giveaways from the past. The Delegate, the Vice Delegate, and even when you combine in the entire Executive Council and the Security Council - none of us are have big enough coffers that r3n had to be able to do daily giveaways at that scale, and even if we have them currently, it isn't going to be sustainable at all. So something else has to be thought of - and I am looking forward to see how the various Vice Delegate candidates have to propose to address the existing issues.

And speaking about the giveaway I talked about last update - we did not hit 450 Keepers of the North as of Christmas Day (or till date, by my tallys), but I will still give 2 epics away to celebrate the completion of the transition and also as a thank-you gift for the term. After some draw, the epics have been given to Salish-Cascadia and Coders, who will get one copy of S3 Saiwania and S3 ChiCon respectively. Congratulations.

That's about all from me for the term. On the final few days of my term, I would probably be continuing more of the outreach I have taken to doing as Vice Delegate - reaching out to newcomers on the forums, on Discord, and probably also trying to reach out to new nations gameside to talk to them about their newcomer experience and what they feel as a whole. And also considering whether I should try to apply for the Security Council, as many before have suggested I do for quite some time now.


January 14, 2024
Opening Statement & Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! I’m honored to have gotten the opportunity to serve you once more as Vice Delegate for the next four months. I would like to thank those who gave me their support and had faith in me to be your Vice Delegate - and for those who wanted our region to go in a different direction with our regional security, I’m looking forward to serving you all as well. I would also like to thank my competitors, @Hulldom and @Nutmeg The Squirrel. You all contributed to what has been a fascinating race, and ultimately, that is what makes our region and democracy so strong. I like to think that the competition brought the very best out of all of us, and I wish we all could have gotten the distance. I give my congratulations to @Kaschovia and @AraFuttio for winning their respective elections as well.

Now, let’s get the first report of the term underway.


At the beginning of the term, I started with 733 endorsements, with 18 endorsements to go. Since then (as of writing), I have gained 7 endorsements and have moved up to 4th place, and at one point was 3rd place. Currently, I am 8 endorsements ahead of 5th place Great Bights Mum. I have been neck and neck with Ethnon (Marcus Antonius) - we have been trading places between 4th and 3rd place, and I will look to pull ahead and make even more progress next week.


As I mentioned in my platform for Vice Delegate, I intended to work on the SC threads from Hulldom’s Vice Delegacy. I am currently halfway through them, and I intend to declassify more forum threads as they reach the mandatory declassification age of one year. At the current rate, all the threads should be declassified by next week. I will additionally continue to work on re-releasing the older Security Council threads that have been placed back in the archive since they were no longer compliant with the current FoIA laws.

Security Council Applications

In the span of 24 hours, former Vice Delegates Gorundu and Fregerson both applied for the Security Council. The Security Council is currently in the process of discussing both of those applications. I don’t know quite when they will be submitted to the Regional Assembly for consideration, but it will take at least a few days or a week to do so. I will keep you updated on the progress of these discussions.

Weekly WA Endorsement Goals

Every week, in my capacity as the Vice Delegate, I will set an endorsement goal for both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. A reward will be given out if those goals are met by the next Vice Delegate’s reports. As I’m writing this, many of our NPAers are leaving the region on a deployment, so our WA numbers will be declining as a result, and I am considering that. Therefore, I think it would be a good start if we were able to counter the WAs going out the door. Without further ado, here are this week’s endorsement goals:

Delegate Kaschovia: Kaschovia’s endorsement counts have now gone below 800 endorsements again, and I would like to change that and add some extra on top of that. This week’s endorsement goal for Delegate Kaschovia is to reach 805 endorsements. As a reward, I will give a copy of S3 NewTexas from my own personal collection to a random individual who is endorsing Kaschvoia.

Vice Delegate Chipoli: Four days into the new term, and we are already eight endorsements away from completing the Vice Delegate’s transition. I believe we can get it done by the end of next week. Therefore, this week’s Vice Delegate endorsement goal is to move Chipoli into 2nd place in endorsements. If this goal is achieved, I will let you all choose my flag (one that is appropriate) for a week by popular demand.


That is it for the very first Vice Delegate Report of the new term! In the next update, I will track the progress of my ongoing projects along with the Security Council applications of Fregerson and Gorundu. Along with that, I will announce the winner of the weekly endorsement rewards, should the goals be met. Tomorrow, you all will receive an update on the transition, and expect the very first midweek WA update sometime in the middle of the week, depending on my availability - currently, I am planning it for Wednesday. Below are some visual representations of the endorsements in our region.

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Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

January 19, 2024
Midweek Endorsement Report

Greetings, TNP!

This is the very first installment of the Midweek Endorsement Report, which was a campaign promise of mine. I will be going over the current status of our WA population and endorsement numbers, in the name of transparency and communication with our citizenry.

Currently, there are 1,060 nations in the North Pacific. Of those nations, 790 are currently endorsing our Delegate, Kaschovia, and I currently have 737 endorsements. This means we have a 74% endorsement rate for Kaschovia and a 69% endorsement rate for myself. My endorsement count has decreased by three from the last report. However, I have completed the Vice Delegate transition five days into the new term, overtaking former Vice Delegate PotatoFarmers. Currently, I am ten endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor. Delegate Kaschovia is currently 37 endorsements ahead of me, with his endorsement having increased by three since the last weekly update. At this moment, there is one non-SC at the SC level of endorsements, who is former SCer and Delegate Siwale, who is currently in 8th place in endorsements. The Security Council does not see him as a threat, given the positions of trust he has held in the region. Before I conclude this report, I will give you all a visual representation of our current situation:

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Until next time,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

January 21, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! It is that time of the week again, and we have a new weekly report! I'm excited to share how my first week in office went. I will be covering the ongoing Security Council applications, along with the progress of my plans for the term. Without further ado, let's kick things off.


This week, I reviewed all the threads from the Security Council forum that have reached one year of age and made the necessary declassifications if applicable. The threads are from Hulldom's Vice Delegacy, along with the first couple of threads from Gorundu's tenure. I have presented them to the Security Council for review, and expect them to be released in the near future.

Security Council Applications

The discussions regarding the applications of Fregerson and Gorundu remain ongoing. I do not have a timeframe for a vote for either application at this time, given that we still need to hear from a few of our fellow Councilors. We expect both applications to be presented to the Regional Assembly for review but do not quote me on that.

Weekly WA Endorsement Goals

Last time, I ran the first iteration of the Weekly WA Endorsement Events, where I set endorsement targets for the Delegate and Vice Delegate and offered rewards for meeting them. Let's see if you all delivered.

Kaschovia’s endorsement counts have now gone below 800 endorsements again, and I would like to change that and add some extra on top of that. This week’s endorsement goal for Delegate Kaschovia is to reach 805 endorsements.
Granted that several NPAers moved their WAs out of the region soon after I posted this goal and have begun to do so not long before I began to write this, it would always be difficult to achieve this goal. Kaschovia ended the week with 791 endorsements, which was 14 away from the desired target. Therefore, no reward will be given out.

Four days into the new term, and we are already eight endorsements away from completing the Vice Delegate’s transition. I believe we can get it done by the end of next week. Therefore, this week’s Vice Delegate endorsement goal is to move Chipoli into 2nd place in endorsements.
This time, we did meet our goal, and the Vice Delegate transition was completed, as my nation currently sits in second place in the endorsement charts, 15 ahead of the closest SCer. As a reward, I promised to let you all get to choose my flag, which will be the case. To suggest a flag for me, fill out this form. From this form, I will create a poll including the top suggestions, which will last until next week's report. The winning suggestion will become my flag from next Monday to next Sunday.

Now, without further ado, here are the goals for this week!

Delegate Kaschovia: Last week, I hoped to see Kaschovia's endorsement counts exceed 800 - but that was not the case. I still believe we can get to around the 800 mark though, which be a good step for our endorsements and WA voting power. This week's endorsement goal for the Delegate is 800 endorsements. Once again, I will offer my copy of S3 NewTexas as a reward.

Vice Delegate Chipoli:
Since we met last week's goal, hopefully, we can continue to make even more progress with our endorsements. I currently sit at 745 endorsements. If Kasch can increase his endorsement count by 10 endorsements, then I should able to as well. This week's endorsement goal for the Vice Delegate is 755 endorsements. If the goal is met, I will give a copy of S3 Former English Colony to one random person who is endorsing me.


That wraps up this week's Vice Delegate Report. This week, I covered the progress of the ongoing Security Council applications, forum declassification, and gave an update on the Weekly WA Endorsement Goals. Next week, I will continue to update you all on these events, along with the progress I'm making on my campaign goals. I also released my first-midweek endorsement update. I acknowledge that it was released a tad bit late, and I will try to get it out earlier - no promises, though. Next week I will have a couple of exams to prepare for, so I will be a bit busier than usual. Other than that, I will continue to serve The North Pacific as its Vice Delegate to the best of my ability.

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Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

January 29, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! I am back with yet another report for the Vice Delegate's desk! This one came in a bit late, and I apologize for that - I was out of town for most of the weekend and did not have much access to NS in general. However, I still strive to deliver my report to you all each week, and I am pleased to be able to do so. Let's take a look at what I've been up to.


I have successfully completed the first batch of forum declassification for the term! The backlog of threads going back to Hulldom's tenure has been addressed, and I released any threads for Gorundu's Vice Delegacy that have reached one year of age and, therefore required by law to be declassified. If you would like to take a look at those threads, I suggest you head on over to The War Room Redacted Archive. Happy reading!

Security Council Applications

The Security Council applications of @Fregerson and @Gorundu have been discussed by the Security Council for two weeks, and now I can report that those talks have concluded. Voting will commence not too far from now for both applications, which will take place simultaneously. Later on, I do intend to bring both votes to the Regional Assembly for consideration, regardless of the result.

Weekly WA Endorsement Events

As a reward for the swift manner the Vice Delegate's transition was conducted, I let the community choose my flag via a poll, given the top options in all earlier nomination form. In the end, over 200 residents voted on the poll, with the majority of the votes coming in towards two candidates, the "Vibing Cat" meme, or a "duck". In the end, the duck was the winner, receiving 89 votes. The "Vibing Cat" was runner-up, receiving 86 votes. The option for "Fluttershy from My Little Pony" came in third, receiving 22 votes. The remaining three choices received less than 5 votes.

Now, let's take a look at last week's endorsement goals.

I still believe we can get to around the 800 mark though, which be a good step for our endorsements and WA voting power. This week's endorsement goal for the Delegate is 800 endorsements.
It has not been a good week for Kachovia's endorsement count - it has decreased by 8 since our last report and currently stands at 783 endorsements. Once again, the NPA did happen to deploy right as the goals were announced, meaning we were always fighting an uphill battle. This means once more, I remain in possession of my cards. Hopefully, I'll give it away to one lucky winner next week!

If Kasch can increase his endorsement count by 10 endorsements, then I should able to as well. This week's endorsement goal for the Vice Delegate is 755 endorsements.
Kasch's endorsements didn't increase by 10, and neither did mine. However, mine didn't bleed as much either. My endorsement count decreased by two, going from 745 to 743. This means that neither goal was met this week. I think this is a good time for a reminder to Endorse Delegate Kaschovia and Vice Delegate Chipoli!

Without further ado, here are this week's goals:

Delegate Kaschovia: We haven't reached our goal for Delegate Kaschovia yet, and it's time we change that. The first step in doing that is making up for the lost endorsements that Kasch suffered this week. This week's goal for Delegate Kaschovia is 790 endorsements. This time, I am offering two legendary cards up for grabs: S3 Ethnon and S3 Bananaistan! Good luck!

Vice Delegate Chipoli: As I mentioned, the key to long-term endorsement growth is taking small steps, which will slowly get us back to pre-F/S endorsement levels. This week, there isn't a particular endorsement goal for my nation. All you guys have to do is increase my endorsement count by five throughout the week, starting tomorrow. As a reward, I will give away a copy of S2 Czechostan.

Why wasn't there a Midweek Endorsement Update?

A few of you may have noticed the absence of an Endorsement Update this week. I did state that I expected the week to be busy for me, and it was. In the end, I chose to prioritize the responsibilities that I had in my real life, over releasing a mid-week endorsement update, which proved to be a good decision for me. That said, I will try and serve you all as Vice Delegate the best I possibly can.


That is all for this week's report. While I had no choice but to break from my routine to post the Vice Delegate Report on a Sunday, the next report should be on that day. Expect it to cover the results of the vote for the two applicants, an update on the Midweek Endorsement Events, and even more updates on the progress that I laid out in my agenda. I'll see you all next time, and hopefully, we'll continue to have a great term!





Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

February 4, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Greetings, TNP! With another week during the term, we have another weekly report. This has been a slightly busier week for the Security Council. We have held two votes on prospective Security Councilors this week, both of which have concluded and will be presented to the Regional Assembly shortly. Let's take a look at what else happened this week.

Security Council Applications

This week, the Security Council held votes on the Security Council applications of former Vice Delegate @Fregerson and former Delegate @Gorundu over the course of the week.

Fregerson's application ended up being supported by the Security Council, but the vote was somewhat divided. Five Councilors voted in favor, while three voted against it, with one member abstaining from the vote. In the end, the "Ayes" outvoted the "Nays". Gorundu's application was not as close, but there were still a couple of differences of opinion among the SC. His application only received two votes in favor and received seven votes in opposition. Therefore, his application was not supported by the Security Council. At the moment, we are working on statements on both of these applications to give to the RA.

Weekly WA Endorsement Events

We haven't reached our goal for Delegate Kaschovia yet, and it's time we change that. The first step in doing that is making up for the lost endorsements that Kasch suffered this week. This week's goal for Delegate Kaschovia is 790 endorsements.
This week has seen Kasch surge in endorsements, especially in the last couple of days. After his endorsement count had hovered around the 780-endorsement mark for most of the week, it shot up to 792 due to a combination of NPAers returning to the region and an influx of natural endorsements. This means that we have reached our weekly endorsement goal! During my midweek endorsement update (it's coming, I promise you!), I will announce the winners of S3 Ethnon and S3 Bananaistan. To be eligible to receive this award, all you have to do is join the WA and endorse our Delegate, Kaschovia.

This week, there isn't a particular endorsement goal for my nation. All you guys have to do is increase my endorsement count by five throughout the week, starting tomorrow.
My endorsement count at the start of this goal that I set was 738 endorsements, and I now sit at 753 endorsements. My endorsement count increased by fifteen, which is far more than the goal of an increase of five that I set for myself during my last report. As a result, I will give away a copy of S2 Czechostan to one random individual who is endorsing me, who will be announced in the Midweek Endorsement Update.

Without further ado, here are this week's goals:

Delegate Kaschovia: We have made great progress with Kaschovia's endorsements this week, and I would like to continue that process. It would be great if we could reach another milestone, and that is why I am setting the endorsement goal for Kaschovia this week at 800. If this goal is met, I will give away a copy of S3 North East Somerset to a random individual who is endorsing Kasch.

Vice Delegate Chipoli: Since I have met my goal two out of three times so far during the term, I am setting the bar high this time around. I believe if we gain at least ten endorsements, that would be a huge step forward for the health of our WA numbers. This week, the endorsements goal is 765 endorsements. If this goal is reached, I will allow the community to choose my Discord profile picture for two weeks.


In our next report, you should another update on the applications of Fregerson and Gorundu, along with the winners of the rewards of the Midweek Endorsement Goals. Additionally, I will do my best to release a Midweek Endorsement report this week after not doing so for the last couple of times due to outside commitments. I will also give you all an update on my campaign promises as well, which I haven't done so in a while. Additionally, I will put Discord declassification on my to-do list for the near future as well.





Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

February 11, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! In this week's report, we will go over the Security Council business for this week. We have two prospective SC applicants, an announcement for last week's endorsement rewards, and more goals for this week to go along with that. I will also lay out my plans for the near future.

Security Council Applications

The Security Council applications of Former Delegate @Gorundu and Former Vice Delegate @Fregerson have been presented to our Regional Assembly, and we have released statements on both of their applications. We have supported Fregerson's application but chose not to support Gorundu's application. Both applications are now being debated by our Regional Assembly and will be for the foreseeable future, as this usually is a somewhat lengthy process.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

As you all know, Delegate @Kaschovia met his endorsement goal last week of 790 endorsements. As I reward, I promised to give out one copy of S3 Ethnon and S3 Bananaistan. While I initially stated it would happen in the middle of the week, I decided to move it to this week's report for timing purposes. I must acknowledge that I have not released the Midweek Endorsement Reports as often as I should have, and I will make it a personal goal of mine to see it released each week for the remainder of the week that I am available for. With that out the way, I would like to give out each card to two random individuals who are currently endorsing Kaschovia. Additionally, my endorsement goal was met as well! I successfully increased my endorsement count by five throughout the week and one random individual who is endorsing me will receive S2 Czechostan as that goal's reward. Without further ado, here are the reward winners:

The winner of S3 Ethnon is... Proserpino!

The winner of S3 Bananaistan is... Horrorlandian State!

The winner of S2 Czechostan is... Rainengrad!

Congratulations to the reward winners! If you want to have a shot at winning one, make sure to endorse Delegate Kaschovia and myself!

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

We have made great progress with Kaschovia's endorsements this week, and I would like to continue that process. It would be great if we could reach another milestone, and that is why I am setting the endorsement goal for Kaschovia this week at 800.
Kaschovia fell short of the endorsement goal this time around. His endorsement count declined this week, going down by 5 from last week's mark of 792. He currently sits at 787 endorsements, 42 ahead of me. This means that no reward will be given out as the goal was not met.

I believe if we gain at least ten endorsements, that would be a huge step forward for the health of our WA numbers. This week, the endorsements goal is 765 endorsements.
While Kasch and I did experience similar weeks endorsements-wise, our numbers did not go in the right direction. My endorsements took an even bigger hit than Kasch's, which decreased by nine. I now stand at 745 endorsements, compared to 753 from last time out. This is partly due to an attempt to increase the gap between myself and Delegate Kaschovia.

Hopefully, we will meet our goals this time around. Speaking of goals, here is the one for this week:

Usually, two goals are set each for the Delegate and Vice Delegate respectively. However, this week is going to be different. In light of the recent events occurring in Europe, I noticed that the gap between myself and Delegate Kaschovia is getting somewhat too close for comfort. I would like to change that. This week, the goal is to increase the gap between the Delegate and Vice Delegate by ten endorsements. I'm looking to do this without impacting my endorsement count as much, so I encourage you all to join the WA and endorse Kaschovia! If this goal is reached, I will let our community choose the poll that will be run on our regional homepage.

Next Week

Next week, I intend to get the ball rolling on some of my campaign objectives, such as the SC Survey, and finish the SC Handbook. I intend to start a discussion with the Security Council and begin planning both of those initiatives. As for long-term projects, I will begin to work on updating more of our outdated dispatches and declassifying discord logs from the Security Council channels.


Debate on the Security Council applications of Fregerson and Gorundu will likely continue for some time. I promised a Midweek Endorsement Report for the last couple of weeks, and I will draft one to be released, well, in the middle of the week. The relevant information will be updated as time goes on. I'll later report on the progress of my platform initiatives and the success of the weekly endorsement goal. We have already reached the quarter mark of the term, and hopefully, the next quarter will be even more productive than this one.





Vice Delegate of The North Pacific