Office of the Vice Delegate


October 18th, 2021

Vice Delegate Update

Salutations TNPers,

Before I began discussing the state of the transition and whatnot, I would like to thank Robespierre (Francois Isidore) for his service as the trusted transitional figure for the past few weeks. Due to real life circumstances he had to stepdown as the in-game delegate and as the first in line of succession Ghost (Pallaith) was the obvious choice to hold the seat of the in-game delegate during the transition.

On the matter of the transition, Delegate Madjack is currently two endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor. It is only matter of time before Madjack takes the in-game seat. I am moving closer to the eight hundred endorsement target and currently in the fifteenth spot in the region. We also regained over 120 Keepers of the North since the start of the term.

Thank you and have a great rum fulfilled day!

October 18th, 2021

Vice Delegate Update


Howdy fellers,

Look where he is at! Look where he is at! Delegate Madjack is in 5th spot in the region at 863 endorsements. He is currently 57 endorsements behind Security Councilor Pallaith who is still holding the in-game delegate seat. I am currently in the 14th spot at 802 endorsements with a little fluctuation from day to day. I am about 40 endorsements behind the nearest Security Councilor. Also we saw 20 Keeper increase over the week.

The contest is still ongoing until Madjack reaches 875. The winner of the draw will get to choose the flag of the region and the flag of the beloved Delegate Madjack.

Here is a link so you can like it and enter the contest -

Thank you and have a great rum fulfilled day!

November 4th, 2021

Vice Delegate Update


Greetings TNPers!

The seventh week of this term and another Vice Delegate report. I sincerely apologize for delaying this, it was delayed due to Z-Day and the release of World Assembly Development Program (WADP) awards. Since the last report Madjack has taken the in-game delegate seat at 915 endorsements. Due to Madjack taking the in-game seat a few Security Councilors took a hit in endorsement levels hence the red but we should back to regular endotarting soon. I have also have been on a rapid increase once I got over the 800-endorsement hump. It is only matter of time before I get into the second spot in endorsements.

The endorsement contest has can come to an end once Madjack reached 875 endorsements. I will be drawing the winner today and they will be allowed to choose the regions and Delegate’s flag.

I am also working on making Gameside Advocate templates that will talk about WADP, Security Councilors, and other fun stuff.
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November 11th, 2021

Vice Delegate Update

Hello The North Pacificans,

The eight week of the term and two months since the election. Let us get straight to business. Delegate Madjack has been holding the in-game seat for over ten days now with a steady number of endorsements. I have moved down a ranking with only a few endorsement increase since the past week. We are seeing green for the rest of Security Councilors and soon with my endotarting efforts and promotion of World Assembly Development Program on the regional message board, I will get to the second position. We are also seeing a steady increase in Keepers of the North which is fantastic as more nations are actively endorsing the Delegate, Vice Delegate, and the Security Council. The unfortunate is we lost a handful of WA nations in the last week.

As I have said last week the Gameside Advocate's templates have been revised and are now being posted on the regional message board. Now we are advertising the World Assembly Development Program, encouraging the exchange of endorsements, and explaining the benefits of becoming a Keeper of the North. With these efforts more people will be informed of the WADP and it's benefits.

We are also having a new endorsements contest for Delegate Madjack. The current goal is 930 endorsements. I ask that you please like this post so you can have a chance of winning the contest!
Unless something changes before next update, which is possible, the VD will finally be in 2nd place for endorsements tomorrow. This transition took up close to 3/4s of the term :blink:
Unless something changes before next update, which is possible, the VD will finally be in 2nd place for endorsements tomorrow. This transition took up close to 3/4s of the term :blink:
It's tough to do when the number of WAs in the region are falling. On another note though it's been well over a week since the last weekly update.
Unless something changes before next update, which is possible, the VD will finally be in 2nd place for endorsements tomorrow. This transition took up close to 3/4s of the term :blink:
Yes! Someone noticed. Which is why I was holding of the report so I can bring some good news like Professor Farnsworth.

November 22nd, 2021

Vice Delegate Update


Good news, everyone!

The government is bankrupt and everyone is fired. I've sold The North Pacific to New Pacif... that's not right. Someone must have mixed up the lines, that is supposed to be in the next weeks report. Where was I? Ah yes. Good news, everyone! I have reached the second spot for World Assembly endorsements so we can call the transition complete. Thank you for all the Security Councilors with helping me get into the second place and a thank you to all of The North Pacificans for your endorsements. Additional thank you for all the Gameside Advocates who have been promoting the World Assembly Development Program and the endorsement of the Security Council, the Delegate, and me.

Well let's take a look at the numbers on that fancy excel chart above. A lot of green and a whole lot more red. We had a sudden increase in nations past few days due to a tiktok advertising NationStates which has increased a number of WAs but through regional message board activity it appears that these nations wont likely stick around for long. There will be more green on the graph once the Security Councilors have began resuming endotarting and the endorsements start flowing in. The Keepers of the North has been stagnant for the past week but it will rise over the past few days and following weeks. Circling back around to regional message board activity, I have been staying active and engaging with the community. Interacting with the regulars, new comers, and guests on a daily basis just being the friendly face of the Security Council. I like the progress that I am seeing, I have high hopes for the future.

December 7th, 2021

Vice Delegate Update


Hello Loyal Hard Working Citizens of The North Pacific,

Lets take a look at the wonderful green numbers in the excel image above. There was a bit of fluctuation with the endorsements on my end but I am still in the second spot in the region which is great news. Madjack's numbers are going up and up, which is what we love to see. We have more voting power in the WA which is wonderful news. The rest of the Security Council also is in the green which is more wonderful news.

Another big thing is the WADP awards were released about a week ago. Congrats to the winners of the awards and a big thank you to the Keepers of the North. Promotion of the WADP on the RMB has been going very well thanks to the gameside advocates. I believe we are making huge progress in informing our beloved gameside community on the wonders of the program and its benefits.

January 7th, 2021

Vice Delegate Update


Hello once again TNPers!

I promised to post the update on a regular basis and no better time to start it while I am still in office.

The numbers on the sheet are being compared to the numbers on the last update which was December 7th, which will help show how much change happened over the holiday season in TNP. We went down from 1446 total WAs to 1399, with a 47 WA nation drop in total over 30 days. But Delegate Madjack, I, and the Security Council still managed to maintain a relative constant WA even with the loss of 47 WA nations. Also since December, we have increased the total number of Keepers from 590 to 624, a stunning 34 Keeper gain over a one month period. As the holiday season has come to an end, I hope to see more players coming back which will hopefully further increase our numbers.

Another big thing that happened recently is the WADP Award Volume 91 which encompasses the month of December. I want to congratulate all people who won an award, all our TNP Keepers, and those who voted on the WA floor. The winners should receive their cards shortly.

Don't forget to stay warm if you are in the northern hemisphere and stay cool in the southern!

~ Sir Kasto

January 15th, 2021

Vice Delegate Update

Hello TNPers,

I want to apologize for a delay. I got the COVID virus so that hit me really hard this week after the election.

So lets look at the numbers that we currently are holding relatively at the start of the term. Although there is a lot of green there was a bit of red a few days earlier but we managed to turn it around. The big announcement is that Delegate Madjack has reached 1000 endorsements which is good news because we are returning to levels of endorsements we were seeing before the summer lull hit. With me and Madjack quickly rising in the endorsements, we need to ensure that the rest of the Security Council is keeping close. I have been sending out daily alerts for lowest SCer to help raise them closer to the top.

The total WAs in the region have increased by 37 nations and number of Keepers have increased by 25 nations since the start of the term. We also saw an influx of players this week from Brazil because of a youtube video, it currently does not look like total WAs were heavily effected by the influx but I expect a possible decline in the upcoming weeks.
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January 25th, 2021

Vice Delegate Update


Greetings citizens!

Another freshly baked Vice Delegate report. Just from a brief observation we can see a lot of green which is fantastic.

Delegate Madjack continues to climb in endorsements after hitting the 1,000 endorsement landmark, we are finally seeing pre-lull levels. I am also coming in close behind at 964 endorsements while maintaining quite a healthy gap to ensure that I don't accidentally seize the WA Delegate seat. The Security Council is closely following behind with the lowest SCer at 884 compared to last reports 869. As I have mentioned in endotarting query thread I have been sending out regular dispatch alerts alongside individual SCer endotarting.

The Keepers of the North keep steadily rising each week and hopefully we can break 700 in few weeks. The total WAs keep increasing even past the large influx of new players.

A bit unusual but I decided to keep everyone informed on my outreach (VD Mentoring) to new players who passed the security check. I have reached out to eleven players since beginning of the term and had the opportunity to converse with two of them.

If you have any questions feel free to reply to this post!

~ Vice Delegate Sir Kasto
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February 1st, 2022

Vice Delegate Update



Welcome to February!

I just realized I have been writing 2021 still.

First Vice Delegate report of the month. This time there is two graphs mostly so I can show off my excel skills.

Looking at the bottom graph that shows the North Pacific population and the World Assembly population in the region. If you look at the data range December 31st to January 12th. Both of the populations are stagnant with little deviation from either one of them. Shifting over to January 13th, the day when a large influx of players joined the game until February 1st. We hit the peak of the wave on the 29th at 12,500 nations but we have yet to hit the WA member peak. It is safe to assume the larger decline will began around February 12th to February 22nd, which is a 30 to around a 40 day range to let nations CTE. I will follow up on this in a few weeks.

Moving onto the Security Council chart. We are gradually continuing increasing endorsements with only Delegate Madjack having above a 1,000. The current goal is to get every Councillor beyond the 900 endorsement line. I will be continuing the dispatch alerts for SCers at the bottom to help get them across the goal line. The Keepers numbers are still going up, we recovered all of them since the September election. My predictions is that we will reach 700 in early Spring but its hard to get an exact estimate while we are still experiencing the influx of players.

The final note is that have I reached out to twelve new forum users who passed the security check.

If you have any questions feel free to reply to this post or ping me!
~ Sir Kasto

February 15th, 2022

Vice Delegate Update


Hello TNPers!

Sorry for the delay on this update, had a busy week and whatnot.

Starting with the top graph, the WA Population of the North Pacific. We are seeing what is a gradual decrease in total WAs in the region as was expected. Started around February 10th about 30 days which nations need to be inactive to cease-to-exist. It appears we hit the peak on the 10th too, I will closely monitoring and recording the data the aftermath of the upcoming weeks are more nations cease-to-exist. From being the RMB, the new Portuguese players are beginning to disappear so its safe to say the influx is over.

Moving on to the bottom graph, even though we are seeing a gradual decrease in overall nations in the region the security council and delegate still are maintaining large number of endorsements. The rest of the SC is moving closer to the 900 goal line with only few more SCers left to cross it. Dispatch alerts for SCers are being send out but at larger intervals than before. I also got to 1,000 endorsements but over the next few days it may change depending if nations move or cte. I fully expect to be permanently in the range in the upcoming weeks. Our Keepers of the North are slowly nearing 700, according to the original projection we should get to that goal in around March.
Wow. When I first heard you're VD now, I didn't expect you'd be nearly so good at it. I love the population graphs!

Have you considered asking the admin/mod teams to let people Like posts in this subforum? If people can like good delegate updates, they ought to be able to like good VD/SC ones too.
Wow. When I first heard you're VD now, I didn't expect you'd be nearly so good at it. I love the population graphs!

Have you considered asking the admin/mod teams to let people Like posts in this subforum? If people can like good delegate updates, they ought to be able to like good VD/SC ones too.
Hey Cretox,
Thank you for the kind words. I thought about it when Esthe asked but I don't see see real use outside of boosting my ego and reaction score.
Hey Cretox,
Thank you for the kind words. I thought about it when Esthe asked but I don't see see real use outside of boosting my ego and reaction score.
You're not supposed to say the quiet part out loud, dummy

March 2nd, 2022

Vice Delegate Update



Hello TNPers,

A bit of time has passed since the last Vice Delegate update and I apologize. There was a lot on my mind in the past couple weeks especially college and life related.

So what happened in this time you might ask? Quite a bit! In my previous post, I stated that we were going on a decline since majority of the new nations that came because of the Brazilian youtuber influx started to cte. It appears we are no longer on a decline like I predicted but instead rebounded on the 16th after seeing the decline on the 10th. I am currently unsure of the causes for the continued WA growth but I am actively monitoring RMB activity to try and get information possible.

As we are increasing in WAs, the majority of the Security Council is too. We are moving a lot faster than I expected. Only one security councilor left to move across the 900 goal line which is a good thing, now we are shifting the focus on getting past a thousand. The Keepers of the North are on a fast rise too, I gave an initial estimate putting us closer to the end of the March but we have crossed the 700 goal line. These are good times for the region and hopefully it will stay that way.

I have posted the WADP awards for February 2022 which you can find here - Part I and Part II
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March 16th, 2022

Vice Delegate Update



Salutations TNPers,

Not much happened in the past two weeks except for some declassification like I promised to do. That should be viewable to all folks in the Security Council archives subforum.

We are still moving onward towards greatness in terms of WA numbers, nations in the region, and Keepers of the North. There was a weird dip on the 13th of March but it seemed to have recovered back to the previous days number in the next update.

Moving onto the numbers of the Security Council, Me, and Madjack, we are seeing a lot of upward trend if you look at the table. All the Security Councilors are in the 900 range and we are making a team effort to get everyone up to a 1000. Beloved Delegate Madjack has moved past 1100 and slowly climbing up to 1200. I am at around 1060 which helps maintain a healthy gap between MJ and the rest of the Security Council. But don't worry we are still going strong in endotarting to keep going forward even more.

March 29th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,
I meant to get this out earlier but was working on the graphics and how the organizational structure of this new Vice Delegate report. Going forward there will be Citizenship, Declassification, Endorsements, Security Council sections to each report. It will help organize and keep consistency in the reports going forward.

The new citizenship section, here I will mostly cover whether I am keeping up with doing citizenship checks and how the Vice Delegate mentoring is going. Also I will be reworking the Vice Delegate mentoring to better fit what I want it to do. I believe mentoring is something that fits the scope of the Home Affairs ministry and that I should be focusing on outreach to new citizens. The key difference in my opinion is that I am reaching out the wider group of people and can't offer the same personal experience a Home Affairs mentor might.

The new endorsements section, here I will cover the endorsement numbers in the region and keeper of the north numbers. Since the last Vice Delegate report, the number of the registered world assembly nations in the region is still on an incline but seems to be flattening out at the 1580 number. The Keepers of the North are going up slowly but steady, I think we will reach 800 before the end of the term.

The new security council section, this will cover the security council numbers, but kept separate of the entire world assembly numbers of the region, and also anything related to security council affairs. We are still seeing a lot of green across the board for all council members. The Delegate currently is half way to 1,200 endorsements and I am slowly climbing to 1,100. A few councillors still below a 1,000 but we are making an effort to get everyone above and past 1,000 endorsement goal.

The new declassification section of the report, it will obviously cover everything related to the declassification process. We currently released a bunch of security council redacted archives and currently working on starting to redact security council discord channel. I will update everyone the progress once I have more on it.


April 13th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

I present you another Vice Delegate report with the current up to date numbers of endorsements in our region.

I am going to be reworking on the images so it might be a bit before they are up but I will stick to the organizational structure without the fancy stuff.


There was a bit of a backlog in our citizenship applications due to my real life academic course load but it has been cleared up before I wrote this report. I will try to do the checks as fast as my workload allows but not skipping the important steps that protect our region.


From the brief look we are seeing a lot of green in the change column of the endorsement table which is a fantastic thing considering our slow climb since our recovery from the summer. We have yet to reach a plateau where we see no potential endorsement gain for the Delegate, Vice Delegate, or the rest of the Security Council. It might be coming up but I am unsure since I estimated we might see it in January-February but I was proved wrong. As far as I know, the region did not see another large player wave that could have potentially increased our WA numbers. The region is currently at above 1600 world assembly nations with 13300 nations in total. The total number of Keepers of the North has increased by approx 20 nations. We are currently at 765 which is almost close to the Keepers of North we saw at the start of the events that transpired in Spring of 2020.

Security Council

As I previously mentioned above, we are seeing a lot of green on our change column on the security council endorsement table. The big takeaway from this is we are nearing around 1000 endorsement goal line for our security councilors, just four more councilors to move past it. The Delegate endorsement count is in 1100s nearing the 1200 range, but its slowing down as historically the Delegate has been near 71-72% of world assembly endorsements. I am currently also past 1100 at 1117, I expect my number to fluctuate a lot since numbers as high as mine and the Delegates tend to change drastically with each major update. The Security Council average is near 64% which has been the historic average but we are working to move it firmly into that range.


The one of current tasks are discord logs from 2016 - 2017 terms. The technical issues have been solved and I am currently beginning to work on them, the first release is about 72 pages long in a word document which might take a bit but should be released in the following weeks before the end of the term. The other task is finishing up on 17 threads that are in the war room that have reached the one year deadline. I am awaiting on the threads to be copied over to the archive so I can start working on them. They should be done faster than the discord logs, they will gain priority once I get the ability to redact them. The third task is revising all the old threads. This is currently on the back burner but will be given priority once the discord and current threads are released.


The World Assembly Development Program release for the month of March has been released.

They can be found here by clicking the hyperlink.


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April 25th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

I present you another Vice Delegate report that detail up-to date numbers of our region.


There is a few applicants that I need to pass or reject but should not be a big issue or cause a backlog and I should have it done by the end of the day.


In the past few weeks, the total number of endorsements has been fluctuating quite a bit that is difficult to estimate or even predict how our future looks or what can we expect in the upcoming summer months. What I can tell you for sure is that our numbers dropped about ten in total bringing the overall world assembly endorsements number to 1597. The total number of nations in the region is also fluctuating a lot but the recent data pattern shows it's on a decline.

Security Council

We are seeing a bit of red for all of the security councilors on the table and it seems we are hitting the endorsement ceiling which is around 1160. Delegate Madjack endorsements are at 1157 which is around 73% of the total world assembly nations in the region which historically seems to be near the natural resting point for many of the delegates. The Vice Delegate, me, is hanging around the 1100 endorsement number. The majority of the councilors are beyond the 1000 endorsement goal line with a few just in close range. The total Keepers of the North has dropped by two but we should be able to recover that number in the upcoming days.


The declassification is moving along nicely, the discord logs are being redacted and read through which will cover Plembobria term in 2016 which is when the North Pacific started to use discord, the discord logs will be divided up by terms. For the forum threads, I am currently waiting for them to be moved before I can proceed with the redactions.


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The declassification is moving along nicely, the discord logs are being redacted and read through which will cover Plembobria term in 2016 which is when the North Pacific started to use discord, the discord logs will be divided up by terms. For the forum threads, I am currently waiting for them to be moved before I can proceed with the redactions.
I am very glad to see this and all the progress that has been made in relation to declassification since the passage of the laws on this. Given I spent a fair amount of time annoying candidates and applicants over declassification, I do also want to say thank you to you, the Council, and the other Vice Delegates past who have put effort into actually putting it into effect.

May 9th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

I present you another Vice Delegate report that details up-to date numbers of our region.


All the applications should have been processed at the time when I wrote this.


The total number of world assembly nations in the region has been floating around 1600 for the past few weeks, the numbers look pretty constant slightly deviating from 1600 by ten WAs and looking at the trend of the line its fair to say we are not in a decline. Same can be said for overall nations in the region, the number has been around 13000 for a few weeks. Our Keepers of the North are going up again and have reached 776, a thirteen nation difference since the last report.

Security Council

Compared to the previous report, there is a lot more green in the change column. Few SCers are below the 1000 endo line and the other half is above it. Bigger news for the SC is that they have nominated Loh for the Security Council. So don't forget to vote in the RA on their confirmation to the SC.


Forum thread declassification is on hold until threads get moved. Discord declassification process is still ongoing but logs should be released soon after final review.


World Assembly Development Program Volume 95 for April has been released and cards have been sent out.



May 21st, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

I present you another Vice Delegate report that details up-to date numbers of our region.


All the applications should have been processed at the time when I wrote this.


So I have included two tables. The first table that one has Madjack and not Loh is for May 12th and the other table is for 20th of May which now does not have Madjack but does have Loh. For May 12th table I will refer to it as table one and for the other as table two. In table one, Madjack has ceased endotarting and so have I which allowed beloved Delegate Pallaith to cease the WA seat in about a single day more or less. In table two, Pallaith is in the Delegate seat but we have not returned to the previous Madjack numbers around ~1150 since it appears we are constant in our WA numbers but active endorsements are still dropping faster than they can recover. But, Delegate Pallaith managed to stay around the ~1130 mark since gaining the seat.

Security Council

Since the transition has happened and there was a brief halt for endotarting for the SCers at the top of the chart which contributed to a loss in endos as not to overtake me or Pallaith. We also saw a big drop in Keepers of the North mostly due to appointment of a new Security Councilor but those numbers should rise back up once Loh gets up to the rest of the SCer range. Even with the transition, most of the SCers managed to stay relatively close to their original positions.


Two discord logs have been released in the redacted War Room archive. The next declassification process will began soon after the information disclosure request has been complete.

Images not working but the problem has been reported.


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June 4th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

I present you another Vice Delegate report that details up-to date numbers of our region.


All the applications should have been processed at the time when I wrote this.


At the time of writing this report the total world assembly numbers in the region are at 1590 WA nations which is a 9 WA nation decrease from the last report or two week period of time. They have been fluctuating for the past few weeks dropping even to around 1560 on the 26th of May. Although we saw a decrease in endorsements we have gained quite a bit to the previous report numbers, there is no clear indication whether activity is falling gameside or the mass migration of nations due to "purge event" in the West Pacific. We are steadily climbing back up with our Keepers of the North after electing a new delegate and appoint a new Security Councilor, the total Keeper number for today is 716 keepers and we have surpassed the 700 goal since the last report.

Security Council

The first thing you might have saw is Great Bights Mum's influence and influence rank, it is because of the ban and ejection of a certain player from the region who held a large sum of endorsements which caused GBM to use up over eighty percent of her influence. Since falling under the influence requirement the exemption for GBM was passed and she will be exempt from the influence requirement until she gains the Soft Power Disbursement Rating of at least 182,500, or an influence rank within The North Pacific greater than or equal to Apprentice, whichever is lower. I also restarted endotarting in the past week after dropping down to create a large gap between me and Pallaith but so far Ghost has managed to climb up to around 1140 endorsements which was where the former delegate resided.


The information disclosure request logs have been posted and now I will start working through discord logs for the next terms that followed the previous released logs.


How can you tell that the NPIA has bugged your apartment? There's a new cabinet in it and a trailer with a generator in the street.


June 18th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

I present you another Vice Delegate report that details up-to date numbers of our region.


All the applications should have been processed at the time when I wrote this.


The data and the graph in my excel sheet seem to be messed up and is missing for the entirety of May and June. I will restart the data entry for the next report so unfortuntely there will be no graph showing TNP population projection for this update. The total number of nations in the region is on a decline, the total tally for today is around 12,327 but we are still number one and quite ahead of all other GCRs and UCRs. The total number of World Assembly nations also have declined by ten nations since the last report, which is closely related to the large loss of total nations in the region.

Security Council

The majority of the Security Council endorsement gain is in the green which is a good sign knowing there is a decline in overall nations. Since the last report, Great Bights Mum has recovered over 30,000 influence and moving steadily to the Security Council requirement. I have began an effort to move myself closer to Ghost to get back into my position of around 1,120. I am also working with SCers at the bottom to help move them up and a bit closer to the 1,000 goal line. Although we saw a decline in total nations and WA nations, we have gained ten new Keepers of the North since the last report. Delegate Pallaith is steadily increase in endorsements, having gained eight since the last update.


I am finishing up the logs, once they are reviewed they will be posted. I don't want everyone knowing about @Pallaith's problem with his foot bunion back in 2017 and how shoe polishing relieved the pain.


Nothing at the moment.


June 30th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

This is just an announcement that all the current threads in the War Room Redacted Archive will be hidden so I can unredact stuff in accordance with the current laws. The regular VD update will be posted later today.

June 31st, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

This is just an announcement that all the current threads in the War Room Redacted Archive will be hidden so I can unredact stuff in accordance with the current laws.

Here is the report! Woohoo!


All the applications should have been processed at the time when I wrote this.


The total number of nations in the region is on a decline, the total tally for today is around 11,105 but we are still number one and quite ahead of all other GCRs and UCRs. The total number of World Assembly nations also have declined by around fifty nations since the last report, which is closely related to the large loss of total nations in the region.

Security Council

The majority of the Security Council endorsement gain is in the red which can largely be contributed to nations CTEing quicker than we can get endorsements. I am continuing my effort to move myself closer to Ghost to get back into my position of around 1,120 but with the decline of WA it may be difficult. Although we saw a decline in total nations and WA nations, we have gained four new Keepers of the North since the last report. Delegate Pallaith has declined in endorsements but not at an alarming compared to other SCers who were effected.


I have released the Discord Log from Sept 2017 to Jan 2018. I will be working on forum declassification next so discord logs will be on hold.


Nothing at the moment.


July 17th, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

Another day, another report.


All the applications should have been processed at the time when I wrote this.


The total number of nations in the region is on a slight decline from previous report, the total tally for today is around 10,259 but we are still number one and quite ahead of all other GCRs and UCRs. The total number of World Assembly nations also have slightly declined by around ten nations since the last report, which is closely related to the large loss of total nations in the region.

Security Council

The majority of the Security Council endorsement gain is in the green which considering the overall situation is a good thing as we are managing to still see gain in these times. I have currently stopped endotarting to ensure I don't accidentally overtake Ghost. Although we saw a decline in total nations and WA nations, we have gained over forty new Keepers of the North since the last report. Delegate Pallaith has declined in endorsements but not at an alarming rate.


I am currently working on unredacting and redacting old threads.


Nothing at the moment.

Are you just disregarding Chicken Overlords or are you copypasting the same stuff over and over again?

TNP is #1 in WA Power. Chicken Overlords has very little WA power, as its just a puppet storage region. Number of nations in a region does not mean the biggest and most powerful. From his post it is clear that he is talking about WA Endorsements. We hold the top 19 spots in the game, and can easily take the top 20 over completely. In WA the only category we dont hold is the ratio of nations to WA Nations, in which we are second.

look at it this way. Chicken overlords has alot of nations but very few players. TNP has alot of nations and alot of players.

August 1st, 2022

Vice Delegate Report

Greetings TNPers,

Another day, another report.


There is currently one application that got submitted today. I will have it reviewed and have a decision in the next 48 hours.


Since the last report the total number of nations have returned to ~10,800 which is the number we saw around the start of July. The biggest dip in total nations was in middle of the month, going down to about ~10,200. Despite losing quite a bit of nations, we remain in the lead as the biggest game created region in the game. The total world assembly nations also fell by just eight, which is a good sign that we soon to rebound and get out of the inactivity phase as summer starts to come to an end.

Security Council

A lot of movement between Security Councilors in terms of endorsements. I had to briefly pause my endotarting efforts since the gap between the Delegate and I was becoming to close for comfort. I will began to restart my endotarting efforts at a slow pace to keep a health gap between the next Security Councilor and Delegate. Since the last report, we have gained eleven Keepers of the North. Hopefully, we can hit 800 by the end of the term.


The new batch of old threads have been released to be up to date with the current legal code. Mostly unredacting messages that had the consent redaction. The next batch should be released sometime this week.


I will have the WADP awards for the month of July released tomorrow with the card awards. Congrats to the future winners to whoever that might be.
