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  1. Cthul Murgos

    A brief statement on my abcence

    I have returned after a brief illness. I will do my best to take care of the backlog. We of the MoIIA greatly apologise for any inconvenience. King Yinthrak C'thul Murgos
  2. Cthul Murgos


    If you've never played, let me brief you. Basically, wikihopping is a game where you try to get from one page to another in as few "hops" as possible. You may not use the search function at any level, but must start that the first page and end at the last using the cross-reference links on...
  3. Cthul Murgos


    Basically, make up a slogan for either yourself or the person above you and post it. < "An explosion of Gay in every post!"
  4. Cthul Murgos

    Public Notice of Ejections

    This thread is the public place where nations may check and see if their RA status is in jeopardy. Mind, by the time names go here, at least two attempts have been made to contact the nation in question. Nations have five (5) days to rectify the situations posted here and must notify me they...
  5. Cthul Murgos

    A question.

    Why is it that we have Admins/Mods and a Judiciary? What exactly stops us from making our Administration and Moderation our judiciary and law enforcement, answerable to the cabinet?
  6. Cthul Murgos

    My purpose in life

    Some people are quick to say I am an ugly person, a hateful soul. I assure you, nothing could be further from the truth. If anything, the image I have created here is mostly the direct opposite of who I really am. We all fall voctim to the 'character neurosis' where we associate a person with...
  7. Cthul Murgos

    Nikki no Sato

    Things Change I tend to mindlessly, disconnectively ramble in things like this. Fair warning. I've found myself in a precarious position as of late. I changed my job fairly recently to something far more risky, and performance oriented. The potential for me to make money is more than there...
  8. Cthul Murgos

    C'thul Murgos of MoIIA

    I'd like to state right up front that I do not expect to win this race. If my past experience shows anything, elections are little more than glorified popularity contests. Let's face it: I'm not popular, I'm a hard-ass when it comes to what I believe, and a great many people don't like me...
  9. Cthul Murgos


    A news reporter appears on screen in front of King C'Tal Yinthrak, as he enjoys his favorite program 'The Fleet of Fleets' from Hersfold... as the graphics of 'Breaking News!' flicker past his screen, he grumbles for the interruption. We have breaking news for you right now, apparently a fight...
  10. Cthul Murgos

    Guys-type thread

    Ever feel your relationship is about like this? Cookie.
  11. Cthul Murgos

    Platform and Q & A thread

    I suppose if you're reading this, you want to know my platform for the Ministry of External Affairs. FIRST: The Diplomatic Corps The Diplomatic Corps is an organization plagued by inactivity for many reasons. It is my perrogative to maintain an active, strong Diplomatic Corps by adhering...
  12. Cthul Murgos

    Attn: DC Members

    This is a Roll Call. All DC members report in this thread. State the regions you are ambassador to (if any) and briefly update your respective Diplomatic Information threads, even if it's 'nothing to report' or 'region inactive outside OOC' I want to know where my ambassadors are and what's...
  13. Cthul Murgos

    Proposal for Abstentions

    I propose the idea that if a particular election recieves 60% or greater (i.e., consensus) in abstentions from the voting block, the election for that position alone is held in abeyance, and the position is appointed post-election by the PM, and confirmed by the voters either aye or nay (no...
  14. Cthul Murgos

    ATTN: DC Members

    I'm putting together the NP regional update within the next few days. If anyone has anything they wish to contribute, post it here or give me a PM. (I'll be putting my own stuff here too for my reference as soon as my brain isn't a mass of useless goo.)
  15. Cthul Murgos

    Under new management

    My wonderful sister, in her infinite wisdom (or at least, it will be), gave me control of her nations and here I am. I'm not much for words, really, and it feels wierd coming into a community that she frequented now that she's decided to leave, but I love her dearly, and if this is what she...