Somehow, Palpatine has returned
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Greitbart: News You Can Use!
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For thousands, perhaps millions of years, GREITBART has stood for truth, justice, and the Northern way. For the longest time, this grand and incorrigibly benevolent effort has been largely decentralized, no doubt due to the subversive efforts of the Deep State. No longer! It's time for us truth-seekers to come out of the shadows and expose what's really happening in this region. Whether you're an experienced fact fighter or a proud citizen looking to do their duty to the region, this thread will record your patriotic efforts under the Greitbart banner.
Greitbart Opinion: The Case for Banning RolePlay
Greitbart | Breaking: NPA Soldier Bitten by Bug, Becomes Threat to Region
Greitbart: The Great Flag Debate
Greitbart May 2021 General Election Coverage
Anonymous PAnon sheds light on mysterious Prydania delegacy
Greitbart: July 2020 Midterm GreitPoll
Greitbart: The Unexpected Endorsement
Greitbart - Hissy Fit by Slatos
Greitbart: Breaking News: Delegate McM allies with Hole Pakistan & deploys Mujahideen to Whole India
Greitbart: New NPO Embassy
Greitbart: Fake News TNL announces Whole India is TNL Person of the Year
Greitbart is hiring
Greitbart: Only One Winner
Greitbart Election Watch
Greitbart Breaking News: Government Gets Abolished; Nobody Cares
Greitbart: Breaking News: Wussie Smolleteress attacked in possible hate crime
Greitbart: Actions Breed Consequences (ABC!)
GreitLeak: Dossier proves ABC is foreign shill
Greitbart: The North Pacific Under Attack!
Greitbart: Opinion: Raid Culture and Toxic Raidsculinity
Greitbart: The North Pacific's Council of Womyn
Greitbart: Breaking: Delegate declares roleplayers are not funny
Greitbart: The Most Exciting Election...Maybe
Greitbart: The North Pacific Renamed To Oceania By Popular Vote
Greitbart: Opinion: Is El Fiji Grande the worst Speaker we've ever had?
Greitbart: Breaking News: GBM Third Most Endorsed Nation
Greitbart: Breaking News: Former Delegate Siwale Threatened
Greitbart: Breaking: Speaker Artemis Shuts Down Government
Greitbart news
Greitbart is satirical in nature. Statements made in Greitbart articles are not representative of the individuals named in those articles. If you're offended by any of these articles, don't be. It's a joke.
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