Granted but it's transparent ink I wish that nobody commits treason to the North Pacific
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 24, 2021 #681 Granted but it's transparent ink I wish that nobody commits treason to the North Pacific
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 24, 2021 #682 Granted, but TNP becomes a dictatorship Hail Aerilia! I wish to become leader of TNP
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 25, 2021 #683 Granted, but @mcmasterdonia organizes a coup and restores democracy I wish I could live forever Last edited: May 25, 2021
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 25, 2021 #684 Granted, but as the years go on, the sun gets bigger. And you'll live in extreme heat, until the sun eventually eats the Earth. And when that happens you'll be trapped in the sun forever! I wish I knew what people are thinking
Granted, but as the years go on, the sun gets bigger. And you'll live in extreme heat, until the sun eventually eats the Earth. And when that happens you'll be trapped in the sun forever! I wish I knew what people are thinking
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 25, 2021 #685 Granted but everyone hates you I wish to destroy the world
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 25, 2021 #686 Granted, but somebody destroys it before you could I wish to destroy the world before @SoulCrusher
Guilleana Registered Pronouns he/him TNP Nation Republica_Guilleana Discord Reggy Two-Bit#1987 May 25, 2021 #687 Granted but your bank account gets hacked I wish for an extra wish
New Celoveniortan Leader Dimmer Wint of the Federal Republic of NC TNP Nation New_Celoveniortan Discord New Celoveniortan#9135 May 25, 2021 #688 Granted but no uwu/owo in it. I wish for the metric system to be the only system.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 25, 2021 #689 Granted, nothing bad happens I wish for Australia to rule the world
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 26, 2021 #690 Granted, the world is now upside down I wish for Spain to rule the world
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 26, 2021 #691 Granted, but everyone dies I wish to change the channel using my mind
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 26, 2021 #692 Granted, but you always change to your least favorite channel I wish to crush everyone's soul
Comfed Not involved in Iran-Contra - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation Comfed Discord comfed May 26, 2021 #693 Granted, but that includes your soul. I wish for a gerbil.
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 26, 2021 #694 Granted, but I don't know what that is so you get a guinea pig. I wish for a MacBook Pro
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 26, 2021 #695 Granted, you get a book about the Mac MacBook Pro I wish for two random books!
Comfed Not involved in Iran-Contra - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation Comfed Discord comfed May 27, 2021 #696 Granted! They are entitled, respectively, the Tome of Eternal Suffering and the Old Intestine Farmer’s Almanac of 1367. The images are disturbing. I wish for a rock.
Granted! They are entitled, respectively, the Tome of Eternal Suffering and the Old Intestine Farmer’s Almanac of 1367. The images are disturbing. I wish for a rock.
Vivanco Legal Nerd? Yeah, that's me - - - Pronouns She/Her They/Them TNP Nation vivanco Discord ra#9794 May 27, 2021 #697 Granted. You now have ownership over an action figurine of Dwane "The Rock" Johnson. I wish for garum!
Granted. You now have ownership over an action figurine of Dwane "The Rock" Johnson. I wish for garum!
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 28, 2021 #698 Granted, but the store didn't have any, so you just got tomato sauce instead I wish for a pet cow
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 29, 2021 #699 Granted, you get a Commodore PET-themed cow. I wish for a Commander X16
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 29, 2021 #700 Granted, but you get a cheap knock off called the Comander X16 I wish for some beans
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 29, 2021 #701 Granted, you get beenz. I wish for a working Commodore 64
Tringapore Eric Cartman wannabe Pronouns he/him TNP Nation Tringapore Discord tringa.#0 May 29, 2021 #702 Granted, but it is way battered and damaged beyond repair. No more antique museum-quality items to sell! I wish for a Godzilla
Granted, but it is way battered and damaged beyond repair. No more antique museum-quality items to sell! I wish for a Godzilla
Wolfsea TNPer TNP Nation Dakana Discord Seph Wolfe May 29, 2021 #703 Granted but they come with Minya I wish for an armadillo-skin posing pouch
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 29, 2021 #704 Granted, but there was a mix up at the factory. And you got a jumper instead I wish for a road
Tringapore Eric Cartman wannabe Pronouns he/him TNP Nation Tringapore Discord tringa.#0 May 30, 2021 #705 Granted, you have a road named after you. It is named Aerilia Avenue I wish for a bottle of Coke
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 30, 2021 #706 Granted, you get a bottle of Pepsi I wish for some water
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 30, 2021 #707 Granted, you get poisonous water I wish for a newer, better dark theme in the forums
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 30, 2021 #708 Granted, but now you can't see anything I wish for a plane
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 30, 2021 #709 Granted, it crashed. I wish for a compatible copy of explorer.exe
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 30, 2021 #710 Granted, but I steal it I wish I was able to ping @Skaraborg
Tringapore Eric Cartman wannabe Pronouns he/him TNP Nation Tringapore Discord tringa.#0 May 30, 2021 #711 Granted, and he should see your post in a while. I wish for a free 12 month subscription for Netflix
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 30, 2021 #712 Granted but you can only watch movies at 144p I wish for a stonks meme
Skaraborg Election Commissioner - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation The_Democratic_Kingdom_Of_Skaraborg Discord Skaraborg#9816 May 30, 2021 #713 I wish I had a unicorn called @Aerilia as my pet.
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland May 31, 2021 #714 Granted, you get two @Aerilias. I wish for an AMD Ryzen Threadripper 9 9900X Last edited: May 31, 2021
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 31, 2021 #715 Granted, but the AMD Ryzen Threadripper 9 9900X turns into a @Aerilia I wish for a pony
Skaraborg Election Commissioner - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation The_Democratic_Kingdom_Of_Skaraborg Discord Skaraborg#9816 May 31, 2021 #716 Granted but it doesn’t have a ponytail. I wish for a bar of chocolate
Venicea Registered TNP Nation Venicea Discord Venicea#9298 May 31, 2021 #717 Granted, but the bar is so hard that it's impossible to eat it without breaking your teeth. After having tried to eat Skaraborg's chocolate bar, I wish for a dentist. Last edited: May 31, 2021
Granted, but the bar is so hard that it's impossible to eat it without breaking your teeth. After having tried to eat Skaraborg's chocolate bar, I wish for a dentist.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 May 31, 2021 #718 Granted, you go to a dentist. I wish I had a new bin
Lightbeam Keep me warm, dumpster fire. TNP Nation Homyland Jun 1, 2021 #719 Granted, you now have an aerilia.bin I wish for Rocket League Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jun 1, 2021 #720 Granted, but something happened to your wish in which it became corrupted. I wish for a dictionary