Please mask @Gondigams and @Ali nakhjavani as NPA. Please also demask @Willitya following his resignation. Thank You.
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DonePlease mask @Gondigams and @Ali nakhjavani as NPA. Please also demask @Willitya following his resignation. Thank You.
DonePlease also mask @The Federalist as NPA and, conditional upon admin check passage, mask @duminep as NPA. Thank you.
Sorry - didn't get to this darc. But acknowledging the request.When the admins get a chance, could one of you privately message to me, via forums or Discord, an up-to-date list of all members who currently have NPA masking?
DoneRemasking Requests:
The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and should be remasked as a resident:
@Notboss Dragonking
@Nation of stars
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and should be remasked as a member:
@The leader of Romania
DoneRemasking Requests:
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and should be remasked as a member:
@The Brit
DoneWhen the admins get a chance, could one of you privately message to me, via forums or Discord, an up-to-date list of all members who currently have NPA masking?
Please demask @Be Prepared and Palladium At Night as NPA.
Done.Please demask:
Divine Eulogy
Drew Patel
Greater St Bagel Area
Scar Island
as NPA.
Done.Please demask @TheEmeritus as NPA.
Passed and masked.Please admin check @Sus Andross. Conditional on passage, please mask as NPA. Thank you.
Already checked from citizenship application. Masked as NPA.Please admin check @Aria_Heart. Conditional on passage, please mask as NPA. Thank you.
Remasking Requests:
The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and should be remasked as a resident:
@Republic of Santan
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and should be remasked as a member:
@Hohenzollern America
Done!Remasking Requests:
The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and should be remasked as a resident:
@2 and 2 is Fish
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and should be remasked as a member:
@Shadowbolt bloodmane
I haven't talked to Admin since Saturday morning about my continuing role here, so until that's sorted out, which I'm pretty sure this post already does that, please remove my Global Mod and RP Mod masks.
Can @Koopa103 be given Minister masking? (if only for a couple of days)
Done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, and done.Remasking Requests:
The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and should be remasked as a resident:
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and should be remasked as a member:
@Republic of American Maplestory
@The United Wolves
@Csa Naraxi
DoneRemasking Requests:
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and should be remasked as a member:
DonePlease demask the @The Federalist as NPA as per his resignation. Thank You.
@mcmasterdonia should be unmasked as a Minister and masked as Delegate. (Election Results; Oath)
@Sil Dorsett should be unmasked as Vice Delegate. (Election Results)
@Artemis should be masked as Vice Delegate. (Election Results; Oath)
@El Fiji Grande should be unmasked as Delegate and masked as a Minister. (Appointment; Oath)
@Owenstacey should be masked as a Minister. (Appointment; Oath)
@Goyanes has been elected AG, so he probably needs that maskHe's no longer going to be a Deputy Minister of Culture though, so he needs that one removed.
@Syrixia will be carrying over as a Deputy Minister of Culture. So he'll keep that one. Here's his oath fort this term.
@St George has been appointed as a new Deputy Minister of Culture. So he needs the Deputy Minister mask. Here's his oath.
@Highton has been appointed as a new Deputy Minister of Culture. He too needs the appropriate mask. Here's his oath.