The Great War: OOC

Ballistic missiles were launched at Rhuvanland from Nebula. The angle of attack meant that the Jang Fleet could not shoot them down. The missiles were conventional or incendiary and the major cities, first to be targeted, began to burn.
Rhuvish missiles responded in kind. All the finest products of the Julius Corporation of Kannex. Intercontinental ballistic missiles cut into the upper atmosphere, motors igniting and the rockets separating. The re-entry vehicles, along with decoys and chaff, deployed and flung back into the ground, striking Nebulan cities. The angle of attack meant the Nebulans could not respond and the major cities of Nebula began to burn. Skyscrapers crashed into one another as Nebulan civilians were killed by the hundreds. Soon it would be thousands as the Rhuvish onslaught continued.
Nebula and Kannex, the above two posts are godmodding. Angle has nothing to do with the ability of a missile to be shot down, and one side can not unilatterally decided they can't be shot down. Please rewrite the posts in question or they will be declared null canon and other participants may ignore the posts.
You idiots; you're gonna kill us all!

Nebs, if you wanna save the world, Malachit stepping down would be good right about now.
Both sides have already launched missiles or are about to. End the crisis before WE ALL DIE!
When I say angle I mean geographically. The Kannexans aren't in position to shoot down stuff from the north. That's what I meant.
When I say angle I mean geographically. The Kannexans aren't in position to shoot down stuff from the north. That's what I meant.
Doesn't matter:
...and one side can not unilaterally decided they can't be shot down.

When the media finds out about this you can kiss friendship with the Blue Bloc goodbye.
Snipers wouldn't be on rooftops because there are none where the combat it.
I've already said, the streets are stacked ontop of eachother, making buildings roofless.
Can you penetrate my forts too? XD

Anyways Cro, I need you to post on the actions of the rebels all across the North as well as the state of Karandin so we can progress without godmodding.
Snipers wouldn't be on rooftops because there are none where the combat it.
I've already said, the streets are stacked ontop of eachother, making buildings roofless.
So, Karandin is like the Kowloon Walled City?

How did they manage to build a wall separating that?
Snipers wouldn't be on rooftops because there are none where the combat it.
I've already said, the streets are stacked ontop of eachother, making buildings roofless.
So, Karandin is like the Kowloon Walled City?

How did they manage to build a wall separating that?
I guess.
But there's streets and duplicates of those ontop of that about 3-7 times and much, much larger

They literally just build a giant concrete wall on each layer.
I doubt the North Cronaals would be able to invade when they have revolutions erupting all over.
Hey, what if Malachit steps down suddenly after protests or whatever we agreed on and North Cronaal is screwed over and slowly yet dramatically collapses in on itself?
Or North Cronaal takes over the South, but Nebula does the thing we talked about and Cronaal turns into North Korea.