The Great War: OOC

Specifically I'd like for a "Great Peace" settlement where all parties involved pledge to respect the national sovereignty of all the signatories, and to respect each country's political system. Also, each signatory should reiterate commitment to world peace.
Specifically I'd like for a "Great Peace" settlement where all parties involved pledge to respect the national sovereignty of all the signatories, and to respect each country's political system. Also, each signatory should reiterate commitment to world peace.
I would sign this.

Likey? I makey.
Annex annex
I don't see why you insist on keeping Balle. A defeated nation shouldn't be making demands to the victor nations.

10 million or SAFF takes Balle by force.
Nebula itself, however, will not give up so readily. See the stereotypes thread.
If you don't cede land that rightfully belongs to Cronaal to Cronaal, we will take it ourselves and cede it to Cronaal.
I already know that Syrixia is on a warmongering power trip due to their victory over the communist forces. Just curious if you are as well...
I already know that Syrixia is on a warmongering power trip due to their victory over the communist forces. Just curious if you are as well...
I wouldn't call it a warmongering power trip because I'm offering a quick end to the war. Nebula's being unreasonable. The Kalinin Islands were originally the Anchor Islands and were created by Cronaal as part of his claim. They belong to him ICly and OOCly.
Keyword: Remnants. I'm guessing most of the North Cronaali forces either defected to the South Cronaali army or became POWs.
How do we ask him, btw? Does anyone know if he's on now? When is he normally on?
Look at threads he posts a lot on.
You ask him since you own the islands currently. Tell him to answer in the form of a statement by his nation's government in the IC thread.

As for me, I gtg.
How do we ask him, btw? Does anyone know if he's on now? When is he normally on?
I am always on.
I reload the forums quite a bit.
For most of my day
I have no life
I have to admit, I'm not a fan of the flag. Sorry bae.
What do you suggest? Should I just do the tricolor? Something else?
Not sure, I might mess with Flagmaker Jr for a little though.
I could try the sun, moon and star, but I do think we should try to change the star to something else because the sun is a star.

Also, peace celebration time!
I might set up a separate OOC for the festival because I need to keep track of who's involved and some other stuff which would be harder to monitor in this thread.