The Great War: OOC

I don't think you guys understand the technological context behind WWI trench warfare... unless either of you want to switch out your accurate howitzers, tanks, grenades, and striker aircraft, trench warfare is not happening. Static has been replaced by the mobile, for the most part.
I didn't mention trench warfare or even fighting as such.
I'm watching you... :ADN:

Anyways, I thought the situation was supposedly so tense in Cronaal (our version of a divided Germany) that a crossover would trigger a world war?
I don't think you guys understand the technological context behind WWI trench warfare... unless either of you want to switch out your accurate howitzers, tanks, grenades, and striker aircraft, trench warfare is not happening. Static has been replaced by the mobile, for the most part.
I didn't mention trench warfare or even fighting as such.
I'm watching you... :ADN:

Anyways, I thought the situation was supposedly so tense in Cronaal (our version of a divided Germany) that a crossover would trigger a world war?
I just kinda liked the idea of Cronaal being utterly in ruins after the story arch.
I don't think you guys understand the technological context behind WWI trench warfare... unless either of you want to switch out your accurate howitzers, tanks, grenades, and striker aircraft, trench warfare is not happening. Static has been replaced by the mobile, for the most part.
I didn't mention trench warfare or even fighting as such.
I'm watching you... :ADN:

Anyways, I thought the situation was supposedly so tense in Cronaal (our version of a divided Germany) that a crossover would trigger a world war?
I just kinda liked the idea of Cronaal being utterly in ruins after the story arch.
Can do.
I don't think you guys understand the technological context behind WWI trench warfare... unless either of you want to switch out your accurate howitzers, tanks, grenades, and striker aircraft, trench warfare is not happening. Static has been replaced by the mobile, for the most part.
I didn't mention trench warfare or even fighting as such.
I'm watching you... :ADN:

Anyways, I thought the situation was supposedly so tense in Cronaal (our version of a divided Germany) that a crossover would trigger a world war?
I just kinda liked the idea of Cronaal being utterly in ruins after the story arch.
Can do.
Come annex me, hoe.
I don't think you guys understand the technological context behind WWI trench warfare... unless either of you want to switch out your accurate howitzers, tanks, grenades, and striker aircraft, trench warfare is not happening. Static has been replaced by the mobile, for the most part.
I didn't mention trench warfare or even fighting as such.
I'm watching you... :ADN:

Anyways, I thought the situation was supposedly so tense in Cronaal (our version of a divided Germany) that a crossover would trigger a world war?
I just kinda liked the idea of Cronaal being utterly in ruins after the story arch.
Can do.
Come annex me, hoe.

Just the North, or the entire thing?
I don't think you guys understand the technological context behind WWI trench warfare... unless either of you want to switch out your accurate howitzers, tanks, grenades, and striker aircraft, trench warfare is not happening. Static has been replaced by the mobile, for the most part.
I didn't mention trench warfare or even fighting as such.
I'm watching you... :ADN:

Anyways, I thought the situation was supposedly so tense in Cronaal (our version of a divided Germany) that a crossover would trigger a world war?
I just kinda liked the idea of Cronaal being utterly in ruins after the story arch.
Can do.
Come annex me, hoe.

Just the North, or the entire thing?
I, I honestly don't mind. Would make for a fun scenario if Ganjarius was temporarily a city-state
Apparently throwing stars to the back look like accidents. You know how those ninjas can get when they play around.
Can we retroactively and proactively ban all nuclear weapons from RP? Every single military RP inevitably ends up being "don't shoot, or I'll nuke ya." Most countries in the world don't a) have nuclear weapons and b) if they do, they don't threaten to use them every time a war goes on. Ridding ourselves with nukes would allow our geopolitics to play out better.
Leah may surprise you in my next post.
More nukes? I hear they're the must-have diplomatic strategy.
She'll be a bit different from the peaceful Leah you know. No wars, but you must remember, Guslantis is socialist and she dislikes Liesel and her movement.
You say you want the Syrixo-Guslant relationship to be repaired and yet to seem to insinuate Guslantis will side with Nebula. :lol:

:clap: Logic.
...I don't see any insinuation as such. At all.
Nope, not yet.
"Not yet"? I think you meant "not ever", since nuclear war and the resulting nuclear apocalypse would be a bit... insane.
It's kind of hard when Nebula dishes out nuclear threats so liberally.

I'm in favor of each of us getting one city nuked in a brief, limited nuclear strike. After that I'd like to discuss banning nukes from the forum.
Don't we all.
Oh you'll love Leah.
You say you want the Syrixo-Guslant relationship to be repaired and yet to seem to insinuate Guslantis will side with Nebula. :lol:

:clap: Logic.
Well, you've got to think of Leah's goal: Rhuvish sovereignty. Whether that means through capitalism or communism, she will be fighting for Rhuvanland to be Rhuvanland. That's why she is going to be so happy Liesel is gone. Liesel, in Leah's opinion, was not a good leader and was more diplomatic than martial. People like Nowe, Scottsfield, and Akerman who actually take action would be perfect for her.
Leah may surprise you in my next post. She'll be a bit different from the peaceful Leah you know. No wars, but you must remember, Guslantis is socialist and she dislikes Liesel and her movement.
Here you are, Darc. :3
Realistically, the communist victory should haunt Liesel's party for quite a while. I don't even know how that happened -- a fairly advanced, industrialized middle-class country goes red.

Anyways, who's Liesel's deputy? I assume he or she is the interim chancellor now.

Bootsie, not sure how Guslantis thinks "Rhuvish sovereignty" means, but Kannex is committed to upholding the FR government.
All I'm going to say before posting:

Strong army + strong diplomatic leaders = perfection

That is Leah's thought process.
Liesel's deputy, also known as the Vice Chancellor, is currently Adolf Vennstein.
Nope, not yet.
"Not yet"? I think you meant "not ever", since nuclear war and the resulting nuclear apocalypse would be a bit... insane.
It's kind of hard when Nebula dishes out nuclear threats so liberally.

I'm in favor of each of us getting one city nuked in a brief, limited nuclear strike. After that I'd like to discuss banning nukes from the forum.
Well, after a short conversation with Lord Lore, I do believe you both need to calm down. Nuclear threats are nice and all, but don't actually launch any nuclear weapons. Even the threats are getting out of hand. You both can perfectly well destroy each other conventionally, which would also be more interesting, so I suggest threatening and, if necessary, warring conventionally, instead.

If nuclear warheads are launched, we may need to close the thread or null canon, but we'll deal with that when it happens.

5:42:30 PM[c]<+Darcania>[c]Hey, Lord_Lore, what should RP mods do about Burning Mountains, or any other thread, if Nebula and Kannex, or any other nations, start a nuclear war?
[c]5:42:54 PM[c]<+Lord_Lore>[c]You take the missile and shove it up their nose <.<
[c]5:43:18 PM[c]<+Darcania>[c]I, uh... can't do that. I don't know anyone here IRL
and I don't have the missile, since it's fictional
[c]5:43:49 PM[c]<+Lord_Lore>[c]Darcania why you got to be so practical D:
And not let me have my insane rantings
[c]5:44:31 PM[c]<+Darcania>[c]Because the nuclear war looks like it'll start soon. And with potentially many participants, since Nebula and Kannex asked for the assistance of Faibuaizu and Helmebane.
[c]5:44:58 PM[c]<+Lord_Lore>[c]Yay my cascading failure theory is starting to emerge :D
[c]5:45:51 PM[c]<+Darcania>[c]Faibuaizu has failsafes, but luckily Nebula rarely asks for us to join the war.
[c]5:45:55 PM[c]<+Lord_Lore>[c]But on a serious note I would slap a notice to calm down and remind them that nuclear weapons are an idle threat they are nothing but a pricy show of force and etcv
And that there are A LOT of steps and other measure and hoops to jump through before the use of nuclear weapons
They are not a weapon of first resort but one of last
I think that once the Saga ends, there won't be any need for nuclear weapons. I may even start a disarming program.
I understand. Does the nuke ban apply to this RP only, or is it general?
General. You can do nuke threats and all that, but even the outright threats should be last resorts. If all you have to defend your position is "I can end the world and I'm not afraid to do so", then your position isn't defensible.
I understand. Does the nuke ban apply to this RP only, or is it general?
General. You can do nuke threats and all that, but even the outright threats should be last resorts. If all you have to defend your position is "I can end the world and I'm not afraid to do so", then your position isn't defensible.
Thank you.
I should note that non-canon nukes and all that are fine; I just don't want canon TNP to be "Nebula ended the world. Again." It tends to drive people off. :P