Today something cool happened...

Basically, I was just discussing the differences between German and Swiss-German with my Swiss German roommate. And then, we discovered one thing: the Swiss Germans don't use the German word for bicycle (Fahrrad), but the French equivalent (vélo).
And she was totally surprised to hear that a bike is NOT called vélo in Germany, like in Switzerland.

"But how do you call vélos then?"

"Well, Fahrrad, of course!"

"Ah, I don't like that word, it sounds so....German!"

What should I say other than:

I was delivering something from Admissions to the Wellness center. While I was waiting to give the Chaplain her stuff I noticed there was a flyer for a ballroom dancing class being offered by someone local, starting this coming up sunday and all through the summer. I am totally going to go. :)
It was my day off. I spent it mostly lying on my bed staring at the ceiling and listening to my stereo...with the volume turned up AS LOUD AS I EFFING FELT LIKE IT!

It was rad.
I found a partner maybe for the ballroom dancing. A girl who was hitting on me a bit ago, I asked if she was down, she said yeah. :)

After that I will have to find another one. :(
Discovered I'm getting a chance to stop running the "Pissed-off Customers" department at work, and move to the "pissing-off Customers" department. It'll be like paid vacation!
Nearly all food products are illegal to bring into the country. customs gave me a list of things you cant send me. i'll send it over some time
One of my best friends in college was an Afghan refugee. although yeah, most of them weren't exactly welcomed with open arms im ashamed to say.

IG just sent me an email with this comment in it
Every time we walk on the phone it cheers me up

emphasis added. i love nonsensical typos
I went to a dancing lesson and it was awesome! I learned some swing dancing! Tomorrow my partner and I are going to go to another place where they hold their class so we can learn some tango. :D
I went looking for pictures of the Cod of War and found out that there were a number of disputes between Iceland and the UK from the 50s to the 70s known as the
Cod Wars.

Best name for a war ever
New South Wales. One of them has been going to school here and is graduating, his brother came to see it. The brother had just gotten done with a 3 month backpacking trip in South America. I also learned about state of origin matches in Rugby, really fascinating.
not rugby. state of origin is Rugby League. rugby refers to rugby union. completely different sports. careful, you could get hurt saying that kind of thing.

you know where abouts in NSW? ive been through most of it, and lived in a few towns within it
I spent a month in melbourne researching at the zoo there. it was so rad, i got to go into the gorilla dens when they were getting trained, and every morning Jan the one handed gorilla would sign Hello to me. best animal ever.

The baboons and mandrills i was studying were much bigger jerks.
I would name my firstborn after Jan the one handed gorilla. wouldnt that be tough on the kid.

Teacher: Is Jan-the-one-handed-gorilla Briggs here?