Today something cool happened...

Today something cool WILL happen. I have a meeting with a woman I work with at a grocery store (my shitty am part time job). She's in the business of selling stripper clothes and sex toys. We are going to combine her side job (sex toys), with my real job (video). The first shoot will be a series of instruction videos, how to use some of the toys. After that, I think it's going to become straight up porn. A new venture for me I must say. I hear there's alot of money to be made in the adult entertainment industry.
No longer today in my timezone, but nevermind:

Today I received a job offer after obviously succesfully completing interview round 2.
They want to offer me a concrete contract. No more could-be.

20% more fixed salary
Company car (Yeah, rising gas prices require alternative options)
Very likely 30%+ more total salary because variables are higher.
No longer today in my timezone, but nevermind:

Today I received a job offer after obviously succesfully completing interview round 2.
They want to offer me a concrete contract. No more could-be.

20% more fixed salary
Company car (Yeah, rising gas prices require alternative options)
Very likely 30%+ more total salary because variables are higher.
Ooh. Very nice. There are no hopes of me getting a company car (and gas prices SUCK on with a jeep), but my company DOES pay for my cable and internet connection in addition to my cell phone. :)

AND, I'm at work right now.
I learned that there's a company that produces sunglasses exclusively for me!


I found out from a friend that one of my friends (who I like) is intimidated by the fact that I do what I want. I think of cool stuff to do and then I do whatever I can to make it a reality. Pretty cool thing I felt like.
I really need a tablet and a decent graphic program. Oh well, at least this optical mouse is a step up from the rollerball one. That thing was effing IMPOSSIBLE to draw with.
The cool; I found my pocket amp! The not cool; It has no battery and takes those weird square-shaped ones I can't frigging find anywhere.
A 9v one. Will procure one this very day, so help my Og. And a new pair of headphones, the right channel is literally hooked on to my ear around the foam. Oh, and a stamp and a letter...landlord wants the rent mailed...oh, might get some scented candles, they're always some...blah blah why are you reading this nonsense?

If I want I'll show you my guitarinstrumentIhaventplayedinagesbecauseofunibutamrelearning. Type thing.
Ok, you asked for it!

Regard...the redness:


I intentionally took that at the worst angle possible, as I couldn't fit all the awesomeness in one shot otherwise.
That's an awesome photo. I like the angle! And it's a RED guitar!?! You have to warn me about that beforehand. Now there's drool all over my keyboard. Everyone knows red is my favorite color.
Being a pretentious kind of prick, I did the pretentious prick thing of naming my guitar. She's called Emily. Aaahhh! You get it? Now I can literally See Emily Play...ah.
I name all of my stuff. (Well, not all of it, that would get me locked up or something.) I have yet to think of a good name for my guitar, though. But my computer's name is Calvin. Yep.
You named your compy? I just call mine 'compy'. Come to think of it, I should name it McBlinksalot.

Thank Jebus you changed topic. We were going off on a dangerous tangent.

Tangents...remember that?

And hooray for your g-ma!
Her new hubby looks exactly like the guy on "Waking Ned Devine" who rode the motorbike in only his birthday suit. I couldn't look Dave (the new hubby) in the eye the entire day. :pinch:
Er...thanks for that image! Don't wanna think about naked old people at 9 in the morning.

And there goes my breakfast.