Today something cool happened...

I just got back from a softball game I watched to find an email telling me I got a job! I am working for the school this summer for Conference services, and I get the night owl shift 11pm-7am! So when I am going to bed all of my housemates will be going to work, peace and solitude for the 5 or so hours I will sleep. Then I will have most of the day to do whatever, and then still get to hang out with my friends. :)

Plus I get to stay here in Vermont, which is beautiful in the summer. I pretty much live here. :D
so hasnt happened yet as such, but im going to see Gomez with the Panda Band and White Buffalo tonight, with a whole bunch of friends that i havent seen in months. its gonna be so flippin rad.

Well done with the job DD. i love the graveyard shift. only get to do it about 3 times a year anymore, but its awesome.
Yeah, and even better that it is late night, which she told me gets at most 5 calls a night. She said some simple data entry and the rest is waiting for the phone to ring. I'll probably get the 4 out at a time netflix, 2 one night, send them back, then watch the other 2 the next night, then send them back and i'll have 2 waiting for me. I'm going to watch a lot of movies and read a lot of books.
I got my third issue published, I think only one other person has had more issues published, Frigben, but they no longer exist as a nation. Hopefully some more will be accepted as well!
yeah, they are pretty rad, except i always get in trouble from Dr. Kawashima because i dont play it often enough. lousy game making me feel guilty <_<

I'd go for Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training. its the best IMO. and my opinion is clearly valid, i'm in the industry :yes:
Forgot to mention, i went to the concert i was talking about and it was even radder than i expected. panda band are crazy good live, and gomez were phenomenal. white buffalo wasnt too bad either, except i felt like his voice was going to beat the crap out of me.
I saw my baby and heard it's heart beat for the first time. OPA says it looks like a jelly bean. Seriously the coolest thing that I have ever heard...the heart beat not the jelly bean reference.
Governor Deval Patrick came to speak at our school, but departed before I could grill him on the state of gerrymandering in Massachusetts.

Indeed, I live a very dull and unaccomplished life.
Today something not cool happened.

We just got our interweb revoked at work. The minute I log off today, it's kaput for me posting 8 hours a day.
