Chapstick Is Not Always Fun


Macs ARE for queers.
I dunno, my brother has a Mac that is the size of a little cookie tin and it is pretty awesome.

Anecdotal evidence is the best kind of evidence.

Edit: Although my family thinks my brother may be a homosexual...
Name your goldfish MP!


I took a Hypocritic oath once....or was that the one to never tell my family about how Old Mr. Stevenson baked "brownies" and gave them to the neighborhood children.....
Name it Kat. That can be gender neutral, ironic and a tribute to your favorite Greenbay Packers fan. :D

I have 3 fish...all Tetras. We had 5 but have gone through 2 Placostamus'(sp?) and one of our Tetras died last week.
Not clashin', not at all, but see my nigga wants to do a little actin'.
this is the reason OPA was warned.

Admin Edit: This warning has been overturned as it does not appear anyone (except MI) was offended by the remark, and it was apparently directed at Chapstick, who not only wasn't offended but found the remark funny. This is a OOC forum, and I try not to moderate in here unless people get offended. Also, proper procedures were not followed, leading to some confusion as to the cause of the warning. In this case, it is more prudent to request that the offending member be given a chance to correct their post rather than straight out warning them and applying moderation.

Anyway, long story short, no warnings issued, have a nice day.

Hersfold, Forum Admin
Oh nope it was not directed at me and I did get it. That is why I thought it was funny. But it is ok. There is no arguing in my blog because I am a grown up and it don't happen here. Any arguing I do is through a PM or email or even by telephone. That is the way it should be done. But anywho enough with all of that nonsense..

Today was fish was acting real funny..he still is but not as bad..I changed his water to bottled water instead of tap..maybe too much crap in our tap water for the fishies.
Yep he is doing better..moving around more but he isnt eating his food...*frown*

That is about it..awesome day..I have lost three pounds!!! Keep my weight management in your prayers coz I need to get it down!!!

My award winning signature is not changing anymore and you wanna know why?? Because white people didn't like the comic so it's not in the paper anymore!
I have never seen the show.

And I just changed my signature but I do not know ifI did right so if it doesnt change daily I will change it back to the other site!
Me too but it has not changed, so I think I will have to consult OPA on the matter.

Today was awesome..except for work...I hate to sit around and do nothing..our trainer has been like screw everything! since he came back from vacation and I am sorry but I would like to properly trained when I get out on the floor talking to the doctors..So I left early and I tolf them the reason I was leaving was because we have not been doing anything all day and its an absolute waste of my time..

Besides that I hung out with Dylan and we went to Whataburger yet has become our new Wendy's (we used to go there ALL the time) Anywho then he played FIFA and I read my book...then we had chili and now he is out galavanting with Jake at the Pearl...

But I get him tomorrow night!
Movie and The Pearl..and I get to drink!

In other news I got to talk my extremely good friend from back in the day. And I am going to see her tomorrow at work!!! Hooray!!! I love her!!!

That is about it..I am in desperate need of a shower which I will take in the morning..but I am thinking I wont feel like it in the morning since I have to get up at an absolutely unGodly hour. So maybe I should take the shower tonight..hmmm Decisions....
It's ok we got food and hung out before he had to go to work and I am meeting him when he gets off at one oclock in the morning. But thanks for the support guys!!! Now I know you got my back!
I feel sorry for OPA. Now every inconsiderate, forgetful, and mis-interpreted action isn't only going to result in consequences in RL, but a virtual flogging here as well.

It's Ok coz I am only joking.. I love that man to pieces and honestly despite everything we have been through, I still think he is the best thing that has ever happened to me..and he knows it :tb2:
Do you need a pin in case his head gets to big over the above stated fact?
Yes coz it will!

and now it is gonna get even worse coz I am feeling very sentimental...

Most of you probably don't know this but next week, OPA and I will be celebrating our Two year anniversary...while it has been an interesting and sometimes a hard two years, I really do feel like we have come out better people individually and together. This year especially has been hard, but past transgressions aside, I have always had faith in the fact that he really does love me and he has proved me right. While I still take our relationship a day at a time, I am confident that we are really good together and are really good for each other. He has always been able to lift me up even when he is the reason I am down. He is very good with words as all of you know. While you all have known him much longer than you have known me, I hold you all very dear to my heart. I have become very fond of some of you and I hope recent events have not tarnished the way you see me, or OPA, because some things are never going to be the way they are represented.

Anyways, now that I have blabbered on and on about how dreamy my boyfriend is I have to go shoot up some caffeine coz he is expecting me to pick him up from work and I am getting awfully tired.
Those who hold grudges deserve to be sitting outside of your circle of friends.

I like to live by this saying: "shit happens and then we all go out for Ice Cream"

for those who don't get it, can be put this way. "Shit happens now it's time to chill"

*wanders off after sounding like a blubbering Idiot."
You didn't sound like a blubering idiot...I am just glad someone else thinks the whole thing was stupid and childish and needs to be forgotten..I just wanted to say my own piece in the whole thing.
Awww you two are so suited, make a lovely couple. I've been with my other half 5 years on January 28th! May you grow old together!
AWW thank you CC!!! Same to you and your chap!

Today I am going to have fun...I hope...My sister and I are going down to Orlando to see Cirque de Soleil..I have always wanted to go but my grandpa found out my dad was gonna get me and Dylan tickets, so he cought me and courtney tickets...thanks....And the seats really suck..they are like all the way in the back. I looked up the seating chart and it was the cheapest section. Wow what a guy..

Now I have to finish getting ready coz we have to stop by Dylan's house and Wal-Mart before leaving!

Bye!!!!! Keep me in your prayers so I get there and back safely!!
Today I am going to have fun...I hope...My sister and I are going down to Orlando to see Cirque de Soleil..
This is a circus of extrordinarally flexable people performing unbelievable acts.

The Music is also Great (if one is open minded to all types of music).

It is better than any animal trapped circus to perform tricks for silly humans.

Hopefully we get a report of how the show was and the name of the story they acted out.
Okay so MI was right, the Circus we went to was absolutely amazing. My favorite act was a group of small chinese girls that were flinging large yo-yo looking things all ove rthe place on these strings. They were flipping and doing all kinds of acrobatics while doing to yo-yo thing so it was really awesome. Some of the stuff they did was just unbelievable. You hold your breath until their done, because you're just so sure that they are going to fall!

My sister and I had a really great time. I forgot all my cd's at home so we had to rely on the radio..which is an awful thing to rely on. We mainly kept it on the eighties station until it went out at about Daytona..then we kept searching for anything that came in. We found one station that was a soul/funk station. We liked this one. We ate tons of junk food and bought some cool bath stuff at an all natural bath store in Downtown Disney. We ate hot dogs by the water. It was a lot of fun.

Today I went to church for the first time in forever..last year really did a number on my faith and I just didn't get anything out of the service, so Istopped going. One of my new years resolutions was to try and remedy this and I still hadn't gone. Plus a lot of people at church don't know Dylan and I are back together..well they do now..but it was wierd. They were all like oh Amber it is so nice to see are you doing??? and I was like I am fine. But I went to church this morning and it was nice..I think I am going to try going back to every would probably be good for me.

Now I am doing tons of household chores and then picking up Dylan so we can watch the series premier of Extras and Rome!!!! But 24 is on tonight as well so we have to tape many tv shows to watch!!!