Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

Gotcha. My day was less craptastic in the evening! Hooray! And now I have to go because I am late for work. I forgot what time I was working.
I have never seen that one. that is quite hilarious if I may so myself...which I may..

Yesterday was pretty crappy because I had to work all day with the boss that wouldn't let me work Tuesday...I felt like I worked about twenty hours when in reality it was only ten..

When I went to see Dylan he asked if I wanted to see a movie so I said hooray! Something fun. I read the Stephen King book until he got off work and then we went to see Borat...Wow that naked men wrestling scene was quite possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever watched.

Afterward we said our goodbyes...and I went hom and went to bed...after some fun and then not so fun conversation...

I do not know what I will pack for my lunch today because I am absolutely broke..speaking of broke I need to call Capital One again..and I think the mail is here!

OK I think I am done..I am gonna get ready for work and then work and then go straight home.

*Several edits done due to my apparent inability to use the english langauge today.*
I read the Stephen King book until he got off work and then we went to see Borat...Wow that naked men wrestling was quite possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever watched.

We could almost be the same person. That sentence was the exact highlight of my smucking day yesterday.

Though, I admit, while it was pretty damn nasty, I still nearly peed myself. :lol:
I read extremely slow..ask Dylan...I told him how I read and he made fun of me just because he can read so fast it doesn't look like he's reading at all..just showing off...douche...and yes I have enjoyed it so far..I'm not usually a fan of his.

Today was awesome..I got to work and my friend/assistant manager told me to put away the stuff at the end of the counter and lo and behold was a christmas gift bag with an adorable note attached that read as follows:

Dear Amber:
Happy Early Christmas!

And it was decotrated with drawings of snowmen, santas, and gifts. And do you want to know what was in that? CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!! I needed clothes so badly! She is officially the sweetest person I have ever met! So since my day started out nicely I was quite happy..but lethargic..I am tired and all that a lot of the time though. I am not quite sure why but I rarely have a lot of energy..only when it comes to certain things.

I am so tired but I am not in bed..tomorrow I get to buy my sister's Christmas present. Whoa there is a lot of pressure on my head right is wierd...OK it is a litttle better one of these days I am gonna fall apart..but back to her is a Bible. Sounds kinda lame but she asked for it. I dunno if she will use it very much but maybe it will be of use to her one day.

My jaw is killing me now I have got to take drugs and go to bed.

I absolutely love that word. And I found out that if you have anything not current as far as bills go they wont hire you..and I still do..almost all done but they probably wont take that into account. :mad:

Oh well..I have an oppurtunity at Blue Cross Blue Shield as well..and who knows..maybe vystar will take pity on my past financial decisions.

Today was boss is mad at me and wont confront me about it and I am not going to apologize coz I don't think I did anything wrong and I am stubborn so she practically ignored me all day, and was very short and rude with me all day..I could not wait for her to leave.(run-on sentence like crazy) :fish: Also I am spending Friday evening alone because the boyfriend is at a "night out with the men" with his best friend because he leaves for Nevada in about a week I think. And unfortunately I do not have very many friends that (A) live in the immediate area or (B) have time for me coz they live with their boyfriends/girlfriends.Dylan and Shaun stopped in to see me though, which was nice. Shaun wanted to buy a Christmas Cd.

I got two more shirts with the leftover credit from Mary's Christmas present to me (Two of the shirts did not fit so I returned two of them but didnt have time to look around. So I picked out a shirt and put the rest on a gift card). Now I have four long sleeve shirts! I am so excited and so obviously underpaid.

I think I will get into my snuggly jammies and my fuzzy socks and watch a girlie movie with the covers wrapped around me. Maybe I will even have hot cocoa. That sounds absolutely blissful. And I do not work until three o'clock tomorrow but I am probably going to go in early just to spite my childish manager. :lol:

Well I believe that is all for the evening. I am pooped. I don't think I have said "I am pooped" since I was a little girl. It always made me giggle too.

I think that is the only avatar I have seen that does have anything to do with a woman.

I am eating chocolate chips pancakes that my mommy made. mmmmmm
This weekend was miserable...FSU was shut out and the Jags lost their first game at they have practically no chance to go to the play-offs..they would have to win the rest of their seven games..Their performance yesterday was pathetic and maddening...At least the company wasn't so bad.

My father is planning on moving my bedroom to an even smaller space in the house...I have got to find a good paying job before I am moved to the closet and my furniture donated to Goodwill.

Now I am going to go make some pancakes.

I am feeling better after those pancakes!

Still no word back from Vystar. They must have done my credit check. If I do not hear back from Blue Cross Blue Shield by tomorrow afternoon I will call back until they do. Even if the answer is no, it is just polite to respond to a message.

Work was OK. Got a lot done. And right now I am enjoying a nice quiet evening alone..which is nice considering last night was....interesting....I had a first time experience that I will never speak of beyond this, but let's just say it was ineresting and odd...and I don't think I would like to repeat it...I don't think anyways...*considers*

Now I will go put jammies on and drink hot cocoa...
CC posted this is the games and arts section and I found it quite beautiful..and while OPA can be quite an insensitive ass when he is barely trying..there is also a side of him that is very kind and caring..I know it is hard to believe..some of you may need to sit down...but this made me think of him despite some complicated and uncomfortable feelings I have been having concerning the two of us this past week or without further ado..the poem:

The Web

You worked your art
You spun a web
Around my heart
How beautifully
Your deeds have spread
Each intricately
Woven thread
With strands of care
You dried my tears
Your gentleness
Dispelled my fears
Your wisdom
Helped me understand
And patiently
You held my hand
To give me courage
To brave the storm
With kindness
You have kept me warm
Your passion
Lit a glowing fire
That filled my soul
With sweet desire
You're all
That I was dreaming of
For the web you spun
Was made of love

- Written and owned by Sherri Deskins -
OK so I have already posted so much but this is too exciting to wait...

drumroll please...


*Chapstick dances to funky town as it plays in her head.
OK so I have already posted so much but this is too exciting to wait...

drumroll please...


*Chapstick dances to funky town as it plays in her head.
For health insurance or for a job?
They called for a job. And if I get this job..then debt goes by by extremely fast and then I start saving with Dylan for an apartment which would be extremely awesome seeing as I haaaaaate having to say goodbye every night :cry: But if I get this job we can start looking and getting furniture ready and such. :D

And on the behalf of people I love I must say that is disgusts me that some people that are given information and trusted with said information decide that everyone and their mother deserves to hear said information. It upsets me that trust is so important to some but when trust is put in them, they throw it to hell. I do not appreciate it at all. Just had to get that off my chest.

Today was absolutely wonderful. Dylan and I met up after he got out of a class that he is not failing. Then he said we were going to his house when in fact we were going to Sonny's BBQ for lunch :clap: Then we went to his house to clean and then we went to the mall to look for a shirt for my assessment with BCBS. Then he bought a really nice black shirt and a green tie for work. Matches his apron. But we had a blast and he even let me watch Gilmore Girls with my mom but I do NOT want to talk about that because I am sooooooo upset by what happened...and if what happened sticks, then this will definately be the last season. I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY GOT MARRIED WITHOUT EVEN TALKING TO RORY FIRST. And she is completely and obviously miserable. However, Lane and Zach's baby adventures make it worth it. They are so funny. Mrs. Kim however is scary and derranged. OK so apparently I did want to talk about it. But now I am done.

Tomorrow was gonna suck coz I work with the manager all day just the two of us. But with the idea of Thursdays appointment with BCBS I will be extremely chipper and productive. And no I am not telling her until I know whether or not I got it. She has decided I do not deserve decent treatment in the workplace so right back at her.

I am still flying from how absolutely wonderful this day has been. And thank God I am actually tired tonight. I couldn't sleep last night and didn't go to bed until 3 AM. I don't think that will be happening anytime soon again though. Things seem to be looking up..I just hope if I look up with things, that they don't fall down on me..Until next time.


Also..please pray for My friend Sean's father..he is in the hospital for congestive heart failure, and he has liquid surrounding his heart and lungs. He also just had a tumor removed. No fun.
So Yesterday morning I woke up at 5 a.m. and took a shower, blow-dried my hair. put make-up on ( :o ) And got dressed in very nice clothes. Why did I do this? (several of those are very uncharacteristic of me). I had to take my assessment at Blue Cross and Blue Shield yesterday. IF I passed the assessment, then I will have orientation on Tuesday. The only drawbacks? I have to wait until Monday to know if I passed, because she had to send them to another building across town to have them graded. :mad: I am beyond nervous. And another drawback is I will not be able to give sufficient notice to my current employer. This wont stop me from accepting the position, but I h ad to write a letter to my boss giving her a heads up, that if Monday rolls around, and they say "You're in", then that will be my notice. She is gonne be pissed coz there are four employees right now and she wont really have enough time to train someone. But I am not going to pass up an oppurtunity to make almost twice as much as I am for a company that wont pay me over minimum wage, wont give me benefits, wont pay me overtime, and wont adequately staff the store leading to problems when things like fuinerals and other important things come up. So there, Paxon. God I hope I get this job.

I have to go get ready for work now which is going to suck because Cindi is gonna be pissed. But oh well. I might not have to deal with it much longer.
Today's score? Quite nice.

Got a bigger raise than I thought, got to see The Prestige with Dylan and realized a banking blunder before it was too late.

Now I must retire to where it is warm.
Ok I feel like I am writing to myself lately! Anywho..

I got my job at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida! First they sent me an email saying I didn't get the job and then I called to find out what part of the assessment I didn't pass. When she called back she said I had passed and had gotten the job. So I spent half the day feeling like crap and then I was really happy. I have orientation tomorrow. Now all that is left is Dylan getting a raise and we can start saving and apartment hunting!!!! Ahh to feel like a real grown-up.
I am completely confused and am all ready for my orientation with almost twenty minutes before I need to leave. Can you tell I am excited?