Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

what do you get when you BLEND not cross chapstickisfun with OPArsenal?

Answer is..... Use your imagination I did. Don't worry U-2 (now not that group)

You might like my answer cause it would be to your benefit of pleasure.
Today was Thanksgiving. It was an awesome Thanksgiving. I spent the whole day with my family and we didn't even fight once. Then I got to see Dylan.

Holidays bring something out in him that is just amazing and sincere and loving. So naturally, I love holidays. Plus, soon we are going to go apartment hunting to see how much we need to save for deposits and such. And get an idea of where we wanna move of course. This is so much fun. I cannot wait until we get to go to sleep together and get to eat breakfeast together and such. The fights will probably be more interesting as well. Ok musy time is over. I am going to go watch a movie called "Hard Candy". It's about an internet pedophile. :bat:
Wait....JAL actually gave clearance on that movie of his life? Shocking.

:clap: For the succesful Thanksgiving and Dylan-lovin'!

...bad choice of words. Dylan-being-with? I don't know. I'm too tired to think of witty nonsense.
The Dove and Eagle-Hawk are penning the beginning of their adventure.
Amusing poetic and a dream worth living for. *sneaks away before getting the oddball glare again*
You are an extremely odd individual.

In other news, Stranger Than Fiction is an awesome movie. High praise for Will Ferrell's somewhat serious role. :clap: Who knew? Seriously though, really good movie all around. And even better, the tickets were free. Movie theatre connections are so sweet and they rock my socks off. It is extrememly late, but tomorrow I do not work until three P.M. and I do not plan on leaving until I absolutely have to. That is unless it is to pick my little sister up from her friend's house.

I also get to buy some new clothes for work this weekend. My daddy loves me and after I told him I have one pair of pants and one shirt that meets the dress code requirements, he decided he would help me out in the area.

Black Friday is awesome when you work at a small, slightly unsuccessful bookstore. By the time I got there, not so busy. And also a surprise was Dylan asking me to see a movie. We have been frequent moviegoers lately, which I love. Also funny is who sat down two seats down from Dylan and I in the theatre: My ex-fiancee's best friend Sam. He is awesome, yet very strange. It was really cool seeing him, and once I realized Carlos was not with him, I was relieved as well. So much that I was able to stand up and give him a hug. Nothing more awkward than your ex-fiancee showing up at the same theatre as you and your boyfriend and sitting in the same aisle just a few seats down. Disaster averted! Also real quick may I say, Queen Latifah has lost some serious weight. Good for her.

It has come to my attention that trust is an incredibly important thing reguarding all types of relationships. Trust has always been a hard one for me and now is even harder due to some extremely sucky(no other more articulate way to describe it) circumstances. But no worries, the sucky circumstances are hopefully being overcome. What the problem is, unfortunately, is that sometimes people cannot let go of certain things or certain attachments, even when they know it is the decent and the right thing to do. And while friendship means a lot to me, loyalty is even more and should be mutually exclusively to the previously mentioned friendship. But lately I have deiced to not be one to worry because everyone knows it all comes out in the wash.

Thank you and have a lovely day. And go see Stranger Than Fiction!
Today was my first day at Blue Cross Blue Shield and it was absolutely wonderful. I found out I wont be assisting customers but providers, which will be a bit easier as far as rudeness goes. Also I will be making more money once I am promoted from Training. Hooray! And hopefully this Saturday or the next, we will begin the search for an apartment. I also checked the classifieds on my bcbs website and theres lots of stuff we need super cheap! I found a maytag washer and dryer(poversized) for 300 total! It will be great when we are actually ready to buy all that stuff. day was really great and things are awesome. I am extremely tired though and will probably go to bed soon. I feel like it is eleven oclock when in reality it is only eight fifteen.
* wanders in sees a roll of duct tape at door with M I's name on it.* Looks around, bends down to pick up roll, tears off a strip, giggles as tape is applied to mouth.

*waves hello to room* Wanders off while yanking off tape and gives self a poor mans way of shaving mustache.
Weekend has been pretty crappy..that's about all I am going to say about...

Work is going OK. I'm learning a whole bunch of crap...

today i have wrapped all the presents left to be wrapped for Dylan's birthday..which is Monday btw.

The rest of the day is probably going to entail laundry and tv...maybe some food...I don't really feel like eating though..too crabby to eat...I dunno maybe I will cheer up soon...anywho

Tomorrow I am going to see Reel Big Fish and I am soooo excited about this I could explode...that's the high I am done.
Last night was one of the best nights of my entire life...I got to finally see the Reel Big Fish in concert. And was it amazing? Oh yes, it was.

The first band kinda sucked but the second and third was fantastic and then when RBF finally came on I was kinda tired, coz it was getting late but it was well worth it. They are even better live than Dylan said they were. Hooray!

Now I have to go get ready for the birthday celebration!
Today was OK until I decided to talk to someone. I dunno. Lately I have just felt like I can't open my mouth without offending someone even it is obviousl;y a sarcastic joke. Never mind the fact that some people make fun of me ALL the time. I just am sick of arguing over absoluetly nothing and feeling like nothing I do is good enough. I am also sick of living with my parents but what else is new. I am going to go get my lazy ass sister out of bed since it is almost six-thirty at night. all she does is throw trash everywhere and sleep. Nice.
First time poster.....not long time reader but hey, not long time member either. I'm sorry to hear people aren't dealing with your 'tude well. But take it from the bald, old guy here in the corner....if you don't laugh with them you just end up pumping them full of chocolate eclairs so they are fatter than you.

Stay real. Fantasy is a place for dreamers. :D
Why do always feel like I am coming in second? No matter what happens,it seems there is always a place for her that is more significant.

I have a hangover and was in a fantatsic mood until I signed on this morning. I am tired of it.

I do get to go to a baby showe today though. I love babies. they are great. My jacket reeks of cigarette smoke... :ill:

Well I am gonna go finish getting ready, Dylan is on his way.
:( ...

But yay for baby showers! I love those things. Dear god, I will one of those by this time next year! Wierd! :pinch:
I fixed your post.

It'll be awesome to have a little IG around!

And yes. That just happened. I just commanded you to have a baby. Doesn't it feel great?

Chapstick: I always feel second. ALWAYS. The best thing to do is to realize it and not focus on it. Focus on something else. (Dylan).
Thanks everybody. I was real sad but ya'll cheered me up. And IG...babies?!? I dunno..that would be wierd..

Yesterday was pretty fun. Dylan came to pick me up for the baby shower and brought me flowers...He has only done three times in the entire two years we have been together...So that was nice...we went to the baby shower then went to his house to meet his parents to go to christmas tree shopping..and a huge fight exploded so no christmas tree. Then me and Dylan decided to go to the movies. We saw Apocolypto...It was super crazy gross but an awesome movie. then we came back here and he tucked me in.

The night before we went out with our friend Jake and got drunk. Jake was the DD. I have decided Long Island Ice Tea is the most amazing thing ever. :yes:

That is about it. I am going to go Surprise Dylan with something now.
Wow, you get to come in second???? I'm jealous. I'm the middle of 7 kids. I was happy to come in 4th or 5th. Hang in there....*hands you some super glue* this should help . :)
This hasn't been written in in awhile because unfortunately, I am not able to write anything too personal seeing as how my boyfriend reads it. Sometimes, there are things you wanna write so you can get it out, but I can't do that here. Oh well..

My mind has been a mess the past few weeks. I'm thinking things I don't want to think, and as the year comes to a close I am forced to recount the memories I have created in 2006. Unfortunately I have to say, it was one of the worst years yet. I did things I never thought I would be capable of doing. It has left me feeling empty, weak, and completely undone. They say God never gives you anything you can't handle, but what about things you give yourself to deal with? What about the choice you make that you know would not be God's choice for your life? You can't always handle those. It's even harder when there are things you haven't been able to overcome yet, and the only other person directly involved in that event has. I have no one to turn to about these things, and it makes me feel trapped. I thought I had someone to turn to, but she has a hidden agenda and she thinks I don't know it. She doesn't care about anything I am going through, she just cares to know anything she can, especially in reguards to him. Clever though, I must give her credit. It was silly of me to think either one of them were completely innocent anyways. I am too naive sometimes, and I care too much about making other people happy.

I feel like nothing in my life is how I have perceived it to be for so long, and the things I hold dear to my heart seem shallow and for show..or for I'm grasping to a rope that, reality, is barely woven together and could break at any moment. What does a person do to heal these feelings? What can a person do to push the memories of such losses to the back of the mind, where someday it may even be forgotten? I have been looking for the answers to these questions, and I have found no solutions. Just sadness..and regret...regret that can never be put right...What I regret is a loss so permanent, that it follows me everywhere. It will jump into my mind at the simplest reminder, and once it is there, my mind cannot go anywhere else. I'm afraid it will be like a ghost that follows me the remainder of my life. But I suppose I kind of deserve this. Even after a year like this, most of these horrible memories have been choices that were my own.

My heart is sad, and I can't seem to make it happy..I am not sure how to fix it, and it scares me.

Enjoy your weekends, I hope I didn't put you in a sour mood.
I have been nominated for best signature. The only other person nominated is my boyfriend. This could get ugly.

I did some christmas shopping today and I got my new phone! Hooray! I am gonna get a cover for it tonight before I go to Dylan's His parents are going out so we get the house ALL to ourselves. This never happens. They are almost always home! YAY!
Thank you....

This morning my eyes are still puffy from crying. and even though this may not be over, it somehow feels like it is, and I am left empty. Having given everything of myself that I could, I am left with nothing but memories of his arms around me, or his beautiful smile, or the way he gently kiss my forehead when I was sad. I feel like I can't take this pain. It has never hurt this much before, and while the time away may be good for us, I am afraid he will not miss me as I miss him. I don't understand how all of this happened. I just hope we can make it. This might be too much.

but then again somehow..maybe this will be good for us...reguardless of the outcome..maybe we just need to see how life is like without each other...reevaluate everything..and if we both feel like we are better with each other..then we will get back together..but if we realize that we were holding onto something that isn't going to happen..then we wont be together anymore...I suppose life will go on...I just hate this empty heavy feeling in my heart....

Merry Christmas to me...
It is two thirty in the morning. I have no one to talk to and I really need someone..but none of my friends have been there for me yet...not even my two best friends...and he said I could call if I needed to..if I didn't have anyone else to talk to I could call...but I can' all I can do is just lay in bed.....
I try every day to get my kids to understand that they make the choices and then have to suffer the consequences of those choices. It's not easy to accept that. I'm very proud of you for recognizing that it's not God's fault (a lot of people would blame him). Ironically, that is a step in a very good direction. Now you can grow more and take positive steps.

From the sound of it, you are "spending time apart" from your SO/BF. Not an easy thing to do but in the end, it will point you in the right direction. Sometimes we become so involved with something that we have a hard time stepping back and seeing it for what it has become instead of seeing it for what we want it to be. It's never too late to go back to the drawing board. Good luck. Be happy. :hug: