Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

Heloooooooo!!!!!! My blog is not gone!!!! I am so happy!!!!!! And Ig I love your sig. I am in the public library coz I am a loser and do not have internet connection..

Well I finally ot a job I love! I start working the front desk at a Family Care Practice way close to home. I bought scrubs today and I look adorable! dylan is an area director at a boy scout camp for the summer and then who knows where. We are getting our own apartment in the next months and it can not come soon enough our roommates are gonna make me kill someone!!!

Anywho bought a lot of crap today like dishes and pots and pans and a vacuum and a trash can and boring stuff like but it made me happy. I will have to take pictures of me in my scrubs coz i am too much...:smile:

Ig you dont call us anymore and I am sad. I wanna know how you are doing? Anywho...that is all for now..
I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone that is still here who knows me. i have lost all interest in this game unfortunately and will be leaving now. i love you guys. goodbye.
I don't know you too well, but would like to say bye bye, too.
Seems things are developing the right way for you. Good luck. :hello:

Btw: You don't need too much interest in the game if you want to stay here in the arts and entertainment.
Sorry about that guys. That was a really quick post and i wanted to say more but did not have enough time. I was at the library but Dylan and I are moving into our own apartment on the 19th of august and just got our internet hooked up so I have more time.

I would like to stay here sometimes but so many of the people I was close with are gone. GBM you are amazing and you have been given me support insituations when no one else could. You are awesome and have always been really sweet.

MP is gone it seems but in case he reads this, you are hilarious and always made me laugh even when I was in a terrible mood.

IG we have not always been very close which was unavoidable given past circumstances but we became friends despite the things that happened and you turned out to be pretty cool. I miss you and Dylan and I both wonder how you're doing often as you were a part of both our lives at one point. We both hope you are happy and successful.

CC is gone but i hope her circumstances have brightened and I miss your sunny disposition. It helped me a lot more than you will know.

I do not know if this is really goodbye, but for now let's assume it is. Thank you for the goodbyes from the new faces. It's very sweet.

Dylan and I would like to give you an update and let you know how things are going. We are still together and have been living with absolutely terrible roommates for several months now and have begun packing to move into our own apartment on August nineteenth. I finally got a job closer to home and in a doctor's office. I plan on going to nursing school next year to become an RN. Dylan got a job at a boy scout camp this summer and has decided he wants a career in the scouts. He is going back to school to get his bachelor's degree and will pursue a position as a distric executive for the scouts.

We love you guys and miss you and maybe someday we will talk again. Bye for now.
:o You should be ashamed of yourself!! Terrible roommates are the absolute worst...well you guessed it..I am apparently back and no wI get to know the people who were so polite to say goodbye :clap:
Soooooooo I am back..I missed it too much. Dylan (OPArsenal) is not back as he is currently absolutely in love with cybernations..I hate it because I cannot play as Dylan and I live together and he uses our compluter to access his nation. Apparently you're not allowed to have multiple users on one dumb...

Anywho..The apartment is great only I lost my job about a month after we moved in and just started working last week..sylan also lost his job about a month ago and got a job at target but is trying to get a job at the collections agency I am working is literally directly in front of our apt complex so that is super convenient and the pay is decent..

Today i collected NOTHING...I am so lame sometimes but no one answers their phone coz they know who i am calling from..oh its time for a shower so i can watch survivor and CSI.