Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

I try every day to get my kids to understand that they make the choices and then have to suffer the consequences of those choices. It's not easy to accept that. I'm very proud of you for recognizing that it's not God's fault (a lot of people would blame him). Ironically, that is a step in a very good direction. Now you can grow more and take positive steps.

From the sound of it, you are "spending time apart" from your SO/BF. Not an easy thing to do but in the end, it will point you in the right direction. Sometimes we become so involved with something that we have a hard time stepping back and seeing it for what it has become instead of seeing it for what we want it to be. It's never too late to go back to the drawing board. Good luck. Be happy. :hug:
Thanks so much fpr the encouraging words. My boyfriend and I are spending some time apart. We saw each other today to talk about what we have each been thinking and it looks like no matter what happens, it will be OK, but we both think i we take it slowly and continue to work on ourselves individually, then we will be ok. Thanks so much, it really made me smile!
:hug: You know where i am if you need a chat, whatever time of the day or night.
Thanks! And thanks to MI as well. I got an award?!?! I beat Dylan?!?! Jackpot!!!! What is really funny is he was the one who put that signature on there. It wasn't even my idea. When he told me what he did, I was like SWEET!. Anywho...the forums is all christmasy!! I like it!

today was much better...I got to leave work at noon which was good coz I was not going to remember anything I learned today. I was super depressed..and then something clicked. I am not going to die because of what is going on between Dylan and I and my life is not over. Yes it is hard, and I never thought we would end up like this..but such is life, and I have to learn to deal with hard times if I expect to survive the real world.

We had to see each other today coz I still had some of his clothes, and it was really nice. We talked on the phone forever and we hadn't done that in I don't even know how long. We didn't even run out of things to talk about. Then when we met up in Riverside, we talked in the park a little and got some Al's pizza. We talked about what he has realized the last couple of days and what I have realized and we both had pretty much the same things to say. We are also both pretty confident that with a little more time of us just hanging out a little or talking on the phone, we can work this out. We just need to continue to work on ourselves individually before we can work on our relationship. We both discussed the fact that we really do love each other, but we were too serious, and couldn't communicate and honestly this year has been so terrible, it is amazing we made it this far without breaking up. But we're going to take it one step at a time and work on this individually and then together. We both think it is gonna work out but there is nothing set in stone yet. I also get my christmas presents coz he kept them I gave him his on Sunday.

I also found out I won best signature. :winner: I am so cool that nobody even knows I'm cool. Man I feel a lot better today. I have realized so much and me and Dylan touching base with each other and talking everything out really helped. He says hi. He is taking his routine break. He does that every so often.

Well that is about it. Christmas specials are on soon. Hooray!
Right on! Now, some of the most useful features of a forum are the user signatures. They can be full of useful links and information that will provide a forum newcomer with whatever they need....or they can be filled with pictures or quotes for our own individual amusement. The following award goes to someone whose signature falls firmly in to the latter category, but that doesn't make it any less magnificent. Therefore, I am proud to announce that the award for Best Signature goes to......

Okay so noooo one is writing in their blogs anymore!! Dylan will when he goes back to school but I feel lonesome!! Oh well...I think IG got in trouble..her cell is gone..

OPA and I are back is great....New Years should be fun...That is about all..I am gonna go check my checking account and other important things.
Well today is the end of the year. No more 2006. I wish I could say I look back on this year with fondness, but alas, it sucked. But the good side to this is that it is over. So hooray. I get to "move on"

I hope everyone is enjoying their New Year's celebration....I think Dylan and I are staying in..woohoo...should be fun... :no: ..I dunno maybe...I really wanted to go out tonight.

Now I am going to take a nap so I can stay up all night.
Uhhh, Sydia is a Monk fyi. He also doesn't bathe very much from what i've heard. They said he has disgusting habits.

Edit: Yuck yuck yuck

Edit 2: I'm on fire today!
^^ It did fall apart!!!! Where have you been!? I hope your new year was awesome.

Today was a stressful day but a good one.

I found out the test that I have to pass to keep my job is next week. We will also be taking phone calls soon and I am so nervous it makes me feel ill.

Dylan came to see me at lunch! He surprised me and drove all the way to where I work and ate some cheeseburgers with me and some other ppl I work with.

CSI is new tonight and I am so excited!

Now I am going to go. Texting with Dylan.
Wow haven't written in awhile but now is the time because ladies and gentlemen......


I will never sleep again! ( I like how I am acting as if I am a sixteen year old with a computer in her room.)

Anywho, things on my end have been pretty damn good. My new years rocked my socks off. With all the crazy people in mind, Dylan and I decided to stay in for the evening and a have little party all our own. We bought some booze, pizza and so much snack food that I am still eating it. We rented Superman Returns and The Descent and just stayed at my house all night eating and drinking and having an awesome time. I never thought I could have so much fun just sitting at home on New years.

Then last night we went out! We don't get to do that very often coz we have conflicting schedules. But this weekend his schedule was different so we went to see "Children of Men" and it was absolutely one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time. Very good. I give it five billion stars! Anywho after the movie we went to a local bar known for its atmosphere. Very "artsy" I suppose you could say. Anywho we had a few drinks. Well I had about four but Dylan only two coz he was driving. Poor Dylan. I think that is the first time since he has turned 21 he was the designated driver. We had a blast though. There were several older men there on the dance floor that were extremely entertaining and slightly creepy. Then Dylan and I hit the dance floor for the first time ever the entire time we have been together...the entire two years (well two years on the eighteenth). And for the record, dancing is a lot of fun. We had so much fun. Then we went to the London Bridge eatery and pub, which was absolutely dead, but they have this cool jukebox that downloads music so you can practically pick any song in the history of the universe. We sat outside and listened to the smiths and made fun of the drunk guys at the table next to us who later asked if either one of us knew where to get some weed. Then about 2 am we went home to my place. It was so much fun.

And now I am on the internet in my room!!! I don't have to wait for my sister to go to bed to use the computer! Oh happy day!

Alsoa work update. I took my test for the training class..the one I had to pass to keep my job and I made a 98%!!!!! Now I have one less hurdle to jump through.

A kink in the living situation is I am supposed to move out by june and I need a roommate. And unfortunately, of the few friends I have that I could stand to live with, none can get an apartment. They all have leases that are up too early for me. GRRRRRRR. Oh well I am sure I will find someone.

Anywho, I am off to continue my spring cleaning. I have thrown so much stuff out!!! It feels good. And the extra storage space doesn't hurt.

One last thing....who here thinks I should get a goldfish??
Well I waas on my way to work this morning and was then informed that I have no work today coz of a training in service. GRRRRRRRRRR. It has been nearly a month since I have worked a full week!!!! Seriously!!! What is the deal???? Oh well..I guess the day off is fun. I might even go back to sleep! Woohoo!!!! Yeah I am pretty tired...night night!
YAY!! I am glad someone thinks I should get one. They are sooo cute!!!! How have you been???
Oh, I don't know. You think you know them, their house trained, friendly, fetch the news paper in the morning and then... BAM ...the furs flying and the teeth are out! Officially vicious wee beasties when cornered.

Get a Beta they are funnier than a gold fish and colorful as well. Just keep the mirror away from them.

I have had one of those several time and mirrors are funny with those! No I think I want a goldfish. I saw one that so cute!!! But I neede dthe money for something else.

The Gators won. I am sad. Other than that, today was wonderful. I was surprised with a lunch at Sonny's with the boyfriend who doesn't lie to me thank you very much. Then we just hung out on the comp and listened to music. Ate dinner and watched tv with the folks and he bought me an Outkast cd I did not have. He is so good to me! Well now that I have to be up in five hours, I should go to bed. That football game ran way late.

Goodnight everyone! Until tomorrow!

DD: Quotes
You are so clever boyfriend of mine.

Anywho, big news.....drumroll please...

I got a goldfish this edvening. Dylan helped me pick him out and now he is home and in his cute little bowl and I have a problem...

What should I call him? I am thinking of starting a new thread for name ideas...hmmm...I dunno..

That is about it, work was real boring coz most of the people in my training class are extremely obnoxious, but I am doing well in it so that is good. I also fixed whatever was done with my computer I am pretty sure.

Had dinner at Whataburger with I'm home watching Gilmore Girls which is ANOTHER RERUN!!!!!!!!!

And I am talking to a potential roommate. Hope this works out. I need one.