Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

Oh no I forgot to get postcards!!!!!!!

And the Season premier of Rome was this evening. Serious, the man that plays Vorenus gave an absolutely outstanding performance. That episode is about ten emmys. While it was very depressing, it was amazing and I give it a million thumbs up. Now I am going to go to bed. My bed is so may be my most favorite thing in the world.
Ok here I am!

I have a plastic grocery bag on my head right now b/c I am redying my roots are all over the place! I amk also giving myself a pedicure and all sorts of fancy stuff coz I have to look hot tomorrow. It is OPA and my two year anniversary! I really cannot believe we have actually made it this far..with all we have been through the odds are very against us. I also got a new shirt..nothing fancy or anything but it is cute!

I just got done watching the last two hour part of the season premier of 24..what the hell...Jack shot Curtis!!!!!!! and he died!!! And then several minutes later, the terorrists successfully detonated a nuclear bomb! In the seasonl premier this happened! Holy crap. I am in shock. :o There are only two more regulars left from previous seasons in CTU besides Jack. That is it. They shot the fat guy and now I cannot remember his name, the kiled tony and michelle..and least Chloe isn't dead yet. Anywho now that I have written an entire paragraph ona t.v. show, it has occured to me that I need to get a life. I also need to check my account..

And I just reralized I forgot to set the timer for my hair so I have absolutely no idea how long this stuff has been in my hair..hmmmm..should be interesting...I will wait another 1/2 hour just to be safe.

Until tomorrow...well I probably wont be on tomorrow coz its a fantastic fun filled day! :tb2:
Thanks!! Looks like I did decide to ge tonline today..I came home a little earlier than expected..had to run to the store for one more thing! Peace out ya'll!
Well last night started out kind of bad. We were fighting by the time he was on his way to pick me up so that sucked. I did get season 4 of Home Movies on DVD and a really cute teddy bear wearing an old fashioned looking suit. We had dinner at Ted's Montana Grill which was good but it made my stomach hurt like hell. I felt sick the rest of the night. By the time we were done with dinner it was almost ten and I didn't feel like going to see a movie and he got mad about that so we started driving out to the beach and misse dour turn but finally made it to our destination, but it was boring and I didn't want any hard liquor coz my stomach, so we sat there awhile and talked a little and then we went to the Pearl which was a surprise coz he had said he didn't want to go there. We got there and his best friend was there so we hung out with him a bit and I got to see my friend Joey, who I never see anymore on account of him always be on tour or doing something crazy coz he is a famous person now :cry: I miss him a lot sometimes coz he is awesome..anywho we drank and danced for hours..the only part about the pearl that sucked was another one his friends who hates my guts was there and she avoided us like the plaque. I did get to talk to her in the bathroom and was super nice to her but she still avoided us after that. Oh well, one day maybe she'll grow up...anywho then Dylan took me home and he ended up leaving at like five in the morning. We were muy tired. I did not get up till just a few moments ago! Now I might be going to lunch with him so Peace out! thanks for the well wishes! It ended up being a really awesome night!
Aww you guys are so nice!


-had lunch with Dylan
-did laundry w/Dylan (geez do I ever hang out with anyone else??)
-washed my car and cleaned it out (in the process I found eight
drinking glasses and four bread plates)
-went to Starbucks and got a discount!
-took movie back to blockbuster and got a new one
-got chinese
-am at the computer
-now I am going to cuddle up and read some of my book and
then watch a movie!!
I am sick and I hate it. Going to work with this awful feeling is terrible..grr stupid horrible cold...

New gilmore girls tonight though! Something to look forward to!

Are you up to a duel to the death in Risk? Or Stratego? Or even a ninja war? Hell, I'm even up for an Olde English styled sword fight. Over a pit. A pit filled with crocs.
I am turning down your nancy-boy "sword duel" and returning to you the challenge of a true man's activity.

A shred-off. You. Me. Two electric guitars. More amps than a Spinal Tap reunion. Let's do this; I'm a cashew.



*Chapstickisfun forgot to check and see if OPA signed off when he used her comp yesterday so this is an accident..please disreguard.
OK when did my blog become a Stephen Colbert tribute?

And my input on today is this....


My father decided to put my truck on his insurance instead of me having it coz it ll save me money..but he did not ask me if I wanted it and I don't want it. I would like to have forty extra dollars every month but I would also like to be on my own and to begin that process I need to not be on my mommy and daddy's insurance. He is driving me crazy!!!! he is having a fit coz I cannot get my insurance until tuesday. He is convinced that his car is going to stop working before then and it will be my fault of need to take into consideration the fact that he told me about the truck and his plans to fix it oh I think about five months ago. Maybe if he had fixed ti when he said he would, we wouldn't be having this know part of me is sure he waited this long coz he knew as well I did that the car is crapping out and he wanted to be able to blame it on me. And another thing!!!! He said he would pay what was owed to the college I used to attend so that I could save for classes and start attending again over six months ago! He said, and I quote, "I'll cut you a check this weekend." Six months later this is still owed and on my credit report. Every time I ask his about it he gets pissed off. So I finally toldhim this afternoon that he can shove his promises up his ass coz he doesn't know how to follow through on them and I dont need his damn insurance because I am sick of him holding things over my head all the time! I am tired of being tied to them in reguards to every aspect of my life. I am tired of him! When I told him I would just pay it myself he got even more pissed and said I am ungrateful......IT'S BEEN SIX GODDAMN MONTHS!!!!!!! :headbang:

OK I actually feel a little better...and I even forgot a couple things I was going to yell about. Man...OK...well I wait in anticipation to see which one of you goes away with the prize in this crazy shred-off...
I have switched photos of my photo of extreme shreddage, because I noticed that it was a picture of Dimebag Darrell, and felt that it was disrespectful.

And so, I continue to wait, wait for the outcome of this battle, and to see Chap on the news, after the murder of her father under "mysterious circumstances".
Mysterious circumstances?? Shoot, I expect to see her being dragged off by police yelling, "And I'd do it again to the lousy piece of [crap]!!"
I am much happier today because my mom talked to my dad and apparently he had not put me on the insurance yet and he is not going to. So hooray! Also I went out last night with Dylan and about fifteen other people and had a blast. And even though I only got three hours of sleep last night I was oddly hyperactive the entire day.