Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

Guess what is in my garage?

MY TRUCK!!!! My daddy is working on it as we speak. We had a few setbacks though. While it was sitting out in green cove, someone stole the back tires with the rims and cut off the catalytic converter. But my dad has one the problems fixed (tires) and hes workong on the cluthc before he works on the other. But in a week to ten days I should have my truck.

And Dylan is buying his truck tomorrow so hooray for transportation!!! longest week ever man!!! Us both being without transportation sucks!!

Anywho I am going to go finish my cleaning now!!
Prayers Needed

As some of you may know, I have been periodically posting prayer concerns for a man named David Allen. I learned two weeks ago that he was told he needed a heart transplant to live. Obviously that is a huge concern as a lot of people die every day waiting on a an organ that they need.

But God is so amazingly wonderful sometimes. After being on the transplant list for only 27 days, David Allen received a call informing him that his heart was on its way to the hospital!!! :winner:

Last Wednesday he received his heart with no complications! The transplant was an amazing success and he is already in his own room and out of ICU. He is expected to come home hopefully Friday or Saturday.

I just want to thank everyone who prayed for this man from the bottom of my heart. This man has been an incredible influence in my life and has been there for me so much. His wife and two small children are also eternally grateful and would like to express their thanks to you.

Please continue to keep him and their family in your prayers and thoughts. He is not out of the woods yet! He is extremely susceptible to germs and illness right now, so he is pretty much quarentined.

Thank you again so much to anyone who answered my request for prayers. This is truly a miracle given to him, and he has you to thank for that.
Valentine's Day is only fun if you are participating in it. Period.

And as a disclaimer before I write this, I am sure the Valentine's day we have this weekend will be more wonderful that it could have been if we had celebrated it today.

But I work in an office setting so of course tons and I do mean tons of women receivede flowers and candy and presents and everyone kept asking me what Dylan and I were doing and of course I got off work at the same time that Dylan was going in and neither one of us have any money b/c he just bought a new car and I'm always poor coz I am getting ready for an apartment.

It just sucked. But I did get to see him today for a few minutes and it was real nice.

I also got to see my friend joel which was cool coz we dont talk a whole lot.

That is all. Criminal Minds rocked. Dr. Reid has not used the drugs he took from the bad guy last week.

I also bought my fav Mindless Self Indulgence cd this evening and I am taking it to work tomorrow for my overtime work and downtime during the day.

Goodnight everyone, I have cleaning to do.
You know what I find funny and somewhat flattering? That people cannot get over themselves long enough to mind thewir own damn business and find something else to talk about. Or maybe their lives are so empty and meaningless that they have nothing to talk about but me or dylan and what they think the state of our relationship is. Oh well though. That's their burden to carry. What a shame.

****EDIT: The above paragraph is in reference to my asshole ex-fiancee.

This weekend was amazing. Well thursday me, dylan, ashley, beth, and joel went to the pearl and got rightfully smashed and danced for hours. Friday I got to go out to dinner with julie and joel which was fun and this weekend Dylan's parents were out of town so I spent the whole weekend there and we were sluggish the entire time. We just "hung out like wet clothes" as he called it and watched tv and had pizza and just relaxed. It was great. Our schedules are very different since I took the job at bcbsfl so during the week we dont get to see each other very much. When I am at work he isnt and when he is I am not. It sucks, but its been a little better lately. He's been working less evenings and more days. And we always seem to find the time to see each other anyways.

It's so wierd how things happen. One minute it seems everything around you is about to come down and all of a sudden your life puts itself back together again all on its own. If you had asked dylan or me if we thought we would still be together as of today we both probably would have said no. All the shit we have through has sucked but miraculously it has also brought us closer together. We have never been happier with the state of things. It really is awesome beyond belief.

My aunt is coming into town today and I have not talked to her for over ten years. I really am not too excited about this. She is wierd and makes me uncomfortable, and honestly am I supposed to pretend that I am beyond jazzed to see her when she hasnt called once since we moved until now? I don't anything about her except she used to scare the hell out of me when I was little.

I am gonna go clean now and get ready for the evil woman's arrival. Then later tonight me and dylan are watching rome coz I finally caught up. It's so nice that we always make time for each other despite our busy schedules. Somehow we manage to spend tons of time with each anyways.

I also love having the computer in my room now. Before I always had to use my sisters and I never had access to a comp when I wanted to use it. Not unless she was gone. But now I have my own computer and so I get to use it as much as I want!

I also picked an apartment this weekend and I have tons of stuff in my closet for my kitchen and bathroom.

I love being so happy. It's funny how it happens that way when your convinced it never would.
I am so over this childish, dramatic bullshit.

In the News right now

Michael Jacksonkilled the emergency vet clinic employee killed in Jacksonville

The dutty wine dance, which was started in jamaica, is unsafe and can kill you.

Rediculously stupid people are convinced shows like CSI and 24 are also leading our children down the path of violence. It's not just video games now.

The premature baby that was born was the earliest birth that has survided in recorded history. Thank you Jesus.

Britney has not only checked in and out of rehab in one day, shaved her head, and gotten two tatoos; she has not rechecked into the same rehab. The portrait of motherhood.

It's too damn warm outside.

A woman was killed in my town at an emergency vet clinic..she was opening the clinic and was shot and the rimary suspect is in jail and his name is Michael Jackson
I got you this:

In other happier news, I slammed my finger in the car door this morning and was sent home! Hooray!! A day off!! Lunch out with the boyfriend!

24 is on tonight and I am so excited.

I also watched Marie Antoinette this weekend with my sister. While it was actually pretty acurrate, the ending was disapointing. The costumes were amazing though, which was proven last night when it won an oscar for it!

Speaking of the oscars, martin finally won his. About damn time, wouldn't you say?

The major disapointment in the entire evening was that Children of Men was not up for more awards and that it didn't take home a single one. That movie was amazing and anyone who has seen it would surely agree. The Departed won the most I think, but I haven't seen it. Want to really bad.

My truck is almost finished! One more week and it should be fully operational! Woot!!!!

I have been searching for a new signature and cannot think of one. But since the boondocks was taken out of the paper for being offensive, my sig does not change everyday thus loosing its charm. If anyone has any ideas please let me know!

I have volunteered for another term as deputy minister of this fine establishment. Maybe I will be more active since I have better access to the intertron. MI should be so lucky!

I suppose that is about all. I am going to buy seat covers this weekend since the interior of this truck is kinda shot. Oh well its a cute red pick up truck and it's mine!
Did you know...

That the new HPV vaccination Gardisil actually prevents genital warts as well as well as the four major types of HPV?

Just thought you all would like to know.
Okee dokee..

Today is sort of glum....on a positive note my good friend from high school became an uncle today. His sister gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.

And speaking of babies my sister showed me a picture of my high school boyfriend's new son. He is beautiful. It kind of made me sad but not for obvious reasons..sadness for me is never obvious and always far too complex for its own good.

I have been sad quite often lately and I am not completely sure why. My life is actually very good right now and I do not have much to complain about. Of course thats usually when I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. And seeing Tom married and with a baby is wierd on so many levels because that was almost me, and while I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, it still saddens me somewhat. Don't get me wrong I love my boyfriend very much. Actually much more than I ever loved Tom. I dunno, everything makes me sad I guess. I am a bonafied basketcase sometimes. I guess people always find themselves saying what if even if they like what have more than they would have liked the what if. I guess happiness is just a relative thing but isn't that such a cliche?

In other news Dylan and I are actually quite wonderful. Sometimes I think I am gonna wake up and realize all the problems we solved will be staring me in the face again saying "you thought it would really be that easy?" I guess it has always been hard for me to be content with what my life is, no matter how wonderful it is. Maybe I am selfish? Or maybe I am jaded and cynical. A shame since I am just three months shy of 22 years here with ( Lord willing) much more than 22 more to go. I would hate to already be cynical with so much more time to get there.

Maybe I need a nap. Maybe I need my sister to understand I dont wanna see the damn pictures of that baby..or any baby really...but I would hate to be that woman that cant stand the sight of children. I am far too young for that.

Maybe I just need someone to talk best firned and I rartely get a chance to communicate and sometimes it would be nice to have a girl to talk to but they don't like me much.

And Veronica Mars is not on..however the Pussycat Dolls show is..excuse while I go throw my tv out the window rather than watch that Godforesaken show.

Maybe I do need sleep. And I have to be to work at 8:00. At least it will give me some time to work on the millions of requests I had to leave open today.
I have been sad quite often lately and I am not completely sure why. My life is actually very good right now and I do not have much to complain about.
I've been feeling the exact same way. It's confusing, but other people I know are also feeling it. Something in the air, mayhaps?

I am just three months shy of 22 years
That would be June...when's your birthday? 27th for me.

And Veronica Mars is not on..however the Pussycat Dolls show is..excuse while I go throw my tv out the window rather than watch that Godforesaken show.
And that is why you are amazing.
I have been sad quite often lately and I am not completely sure why. My life is actually very good right now and I do not have much to complain about.
I've been feeling the exact same way. It's confusing, but other people I know are also feeling it. Something in the air, mayhaps?

I am just three months shy of 22 years
That would be June...when's your birthday? 27th for me.

And Veronica Mars is not on..however the Pussycat Dolls show is..excuse while I go throw my tv out the window rather than watch that Godforesaken show.
And that is why you are amazing.
Why thank you for letting me know how amazing I am. It's nice to hear it and my birthday is actually the end May..The 27th actually. :lol:
I am so mad it was sold out last night! Hopefully we can all get tickets tomorrow.

My feet are so tired. I decided I would be the wonderful daughter my parents alrteady know I am and clean the house today...for those of you who have never been to my house (which is all but one of you), you must knbow my family is not very hygenic or clean or neat or anything resembling tidy. So when I decided to clean the house I quickly realized this was going to be an all day thing. It took me over an hour just to get the kitchen done. We officially have no food, just lots of condiments and some milk. I cleaned the fridge out and found some things with expiration dates of september of last year.

Now I am cleaning my room which is also no easy task as I have been quite messy as of late. So I decided to take a break and check my business email but my password has expired so I cannot access it from home until I change it at work on Monday.

I was supposed to work today for overtime but I did not feel like getting out of bed so I called and told them I would work next saturday. We are ok as long as we work two of them per month.

I am nasty and in need of a shower so I am off!
I saw 300 last night and it was amazing. Visually just spectacular. It will most likely win an oscar for the effects. The camera work and all that. Costumes maybe. The persians wore very extravagant clothing but the spartans just wore diapers so I doubt they get an award for that one. But who knows.

My ex fiancee was in the same movie theatre as us and the two of us ran into each other when i went to go to the bathroom before the movie started and he tried to have a conversation with me. I just said "hi" and walked straight into the bathroom cutting him off in the middle of his sentence. Jackass.

We also saw some crappy previews last night. Some good though. I kinda wanna see the movie about the plaugues hitting the town but it has hillary swank and I really cant stand to look at her. All I can remember now is that and the it just left my head. Oh ok here it goes again. The movie with Kate Beckinsale and Luke Wilson where the get trapped in hotel room and the people are trying to kill them. It looks a bit overdone. However Spiderman 3 looks amazing and I am going to have to rent Spiderman 2 so Dylan knows whats going on when we go to see it.

I am trying to correct my time sheet from home because I can access my business email and payable time and all that from any computer and it is a pain in the butt coz my manager was supposed to fix it and did not.

I am not feeling well today. I got up and was kinda hungry so I made an omelette and proceeded to get rid of the omelett rather quickly. Then again on my way to work and then once I reached work and I have a slight fever which is not normal for me. I am usually below normal temp, so when I have a normal temperature it is considered high to me.

There are these two people that just walked into the library and are being very obnoxious and loud. I would really like to tell them to shut up but I am spineless when it comes to confrontation. I do not lik and avoid it at all costs.

I am going to see the lion king on wednesday on stage. I dont really want to go, but my family has tickets. And they informed I was attending. Maybe I had to work late.....maybe... :shifty:

I have so much on my mind and what really sucks is a lot of it I cannot write about it.

These people next to me are really going to piss me off in a minute. They are laughing theyre heads and cussing like they are outside but unfortunately they are in a fucking library. How retarded do you have to be? Apparently however retarded they are. Wow that was a lame insult.

I am going to leave before I lose my mind.
Have you ever had a really bad day and even crying really hard does nothing to take away any of your pain? I have had an extremely bad day and it only keeps getting worse. I consider myself a christian but lately it has been hard to believe that if there is a God he is compassionate and merciful and loving, because when I look around all I see is suffering. That doesn't seem very compassionate to me.