Chapstick Is Not Always Fun

No it isn't at all. But he did not put me on it so I am getting my very own truck insured in my name on Tuesday after work.

Today was great I got so much work done. I have the worst carpet. There are a ton of stains and even when it is clean it looks horrible. I used to paint a lot and I had nowhere to do it except my room so stains all over the place. That and a lot of spilled cokes. Anywho I got on my hands and knees and sprayed some extremely powerful stain remover and scrubbed out most of them so my carpet looks amazing. There are still stains but even the ones that wouldnt come out are much harder to see. I am soooo excited. I guess it is kinda dorky to be so excited about clean carpet but oh well!

Now I am getting my finances all put together and surfin the net. Woohoo for getting crazy on a Saturday night!

Peace out you crazy fools!
I'm far too fantastic for them to keep their attenion focused on a silly guitar shredding contest. I mean when they could pay attention to me, isn't the correct choice obvious?

*Chapstickisfun wonders how long it will take someone to give the wrong answer to be funny.
Ok I was just kidding. OPA and I do not have a strange urine-related sex life...though it is strange...

I'll leave you to your imagination MP
Ok. Gilmore Girls has now come to a close for the week and I have to say one thing. Few things surprised me.

The fact that Jackson did not get a vasectomy and Suki is pregnant was a huge surprise.

Lucy and Rory making up was not.

Christopher leaving Loralei for the time being was not. (*Chapstickisfun dances around coz she hates Christopher)

But the most surprising and most terrible part of the episode was the end. How in the world could they have Rory's grandfather have a heart attacl in the middle of class. He is one of the best characters!!!! I am so horrified and I am really hoping that he does not die.

How predictable is it that Loralei might get back together with Luke? While that would make me happy, it was predictable and I am assuming they are losing viewers this year..they miss the creators.

Anyhwo, now that I have talked on and on about a television that I am indeed absolutely obsessed about, I will leave you for the evening. I have a phone call to make.

Peace out you crazy fools!
It was last night. My father and I had a rediculously huge fight and it was really horrible. And we almost didnt get to utilize the yo la tengo tickets I got Dylan for our anniversary. But we did we just missed the first hour. Yo la was awesome. I had never rerally heard them before, so it was quite an experience. The Sun Ra Arkestra was good as well...well for all two songs we got to hear. Anywho...

Then we went to the pearl but we didnt stay very long. I was wicked tired so we danced a little bit and had a few drinks and then went home...

Now I am waiting for the tow truck driver to get here so I can go with him and meet dylan at missions automotive.

Peace out
It is not often that I actually come to terms with things that have hurt me deeply. One of the things that has hurt me the deepest actually. But I sit here at my desk and realize that it truly is over. I am comepletely over it and can now move on. And because of that, I wish to write about it. Well it is something I wrote when it happened. I never posted it anywhere because I was afraid I would bombarded with questions. I was and am afraid people will assume they know who I am talking about and get offended or curious. But it doesnt matter. I will not answer any questions about it because after this, it might as well have never happened. I read my thoughts and I see a hurt, insecure woman. But as I sit here, I feel confident and independent and sure of who I am in all aspects of my life. These past few months have been very busy and I have done a lot of maturing. And it is because of that fact that I write this as a way of letting go of it.

I posted it earlier as just something on my mind, but the edit will be the entire entry.

What about you was so much more inviting? Did he speak to you the same way he spoke to me? Did he tell you that you were the world? That I was simply one more obstacle to overcome? Did the two of you laugh at the state of me and make playful jokes about my undying devotion to that man who in your world was no longer mine? Did you make plans to run away and form a life together while I lay next to him fast asleep? When I answered the phone, did you really not see the real situation? Were you as blind as I was? And when he told you how important your relationship to him was, did you imagine he would say the same to me only moments after? When you dreamed of being with him, did you imagine the two of us sharing a bed together? Did you see us intertwined as if no one else in the world existed? Or did you blindly see me in the next bedroom, simply in need of company? Were you really so naive? Was I?

And what ran through your mind when it was relayed to you that we were indeed still together? Did you tell him you were moving on? Did you pack your emotions for him away and simply cut your losses? Or did you beg him to leave me and be with you? Or did he beg for that matter? Did he sing songs of undying devotion to you? Did he string a line of excuses for my presence? Did you believe it? Or did the both of you simply come to the conclusion that the charade was over? Did he leave willingly, or you did you tell him to go home to me? Was he hesitant?

When he was gone did you cry as I did when I learned about you months later? Did your heart feel so empty yet so full that you would simply die from the weight of it all? Could you look at him and see a man you loved? Or did you gaze at his pictures and see a liar? A selfish man who served his impulses only? Did you forgive him the way I did? Did you go on as if nothing had ever happened? Did he censor himself during conversations with you, or did the two of slip up from time to time and think of what could have been? Do you still see your children?

Did you ever think of the other girl next to him once you knew the truth? Or did you even care about the life you were helping to ruin? The love that I felt or the trust that I carried with me? Did you ever for once think he was really going to come to you?

And now that we are together do you think badly of me? Am I the woman who stole him away? Have we switched roles? Do you sometimes feel the hurt of this trespass will never leave you? Do you wake up and look into his eyes and see someone you have never really met before?

But do any of these questions really matter? You are there and I am here. He is here as well. And while this pain may never leave, niether with the love I feel. So all I can do is hope for the best, and pray that I am not made a fool of again.

Peace out you crazy fools!!

oh yeah and GO BEARS!!! ( only this edit was done after they Go Colts!!! :lol:)
So I got my offer letter for permanant employment from blue cross and blue shield today and I am making more than I thought would be so I am looking apartments and leaving the nest on my own! I will be leaving probably may to june..I am so excited!!!! Anywho..that is about it for me today..first full day by myself in my little cubicle and I actually really liked it!

Woohoo for today! Now I am gonna go eat some salmon!

Peace out you crazy fools!

I am watching 24 at the moment and I am simply seechless...I cannot believe what just happened....I wonder if this is helping the ratings..I hope so b/c I love this show.