Truth or Dare

No, I don't like Huey Lewis and the News.

Truth for Syd: You have been gifted 500,000 quid and have to spend it all in the same store in one afternoon. Where do you go, what do you buy, and why?

I want you to truth me. Oh, baby. oh, baby.

I'm very tempted to say a high-quality London tailors; getting meaured up for ridiculously expensive suits.

Altruism however compels me to say somewhere like Oxfam or the British Heart Foundation charity shops, I could get presents for everyone I'd every known and be uber-charitable.

Truth for you:
Have you ever nicked anything?
*raises eyebrow*
One thing in specific, or am I supposed to confess to all of my heinous crimes as a kleptomaniac from the time I was 11 up to when I turned 16? All in all, I'd nicked about $800 worth of stuff. Then, the summer before my senior year of high school, my guilty conscience caught up with me and hoping to alleviate the stinging sense of guilt and make restitution, I spent a week cataloging everything I'd taken, pricing it, and using all my savings from my summer job to anonymously mail cash payments back to the stores for everything I'd stolen.

I never deviate too far from my moral code what that I get to a point where I don't make it back eventually. ^_^

Truth me again!
[size=-4]A better truth (no offence SA)[/size] @ IG:
Ever had a crush on fictional character(s) (aside from Jack, of course, I know about him. :P)? If so, dish!

Truth us.
SA: Yes, I am really a girl.

Sydia: I have an unholy and somewhat embarrassing crush on Mr. Rochester of Jane Eyre fame. He's excellent at banter, shrouded in mystery, has broad shoulders and is excruciatingly romantic without being a sissy. He'd beat the pants of Mr. Darcy ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

Truth for Sydia: have you ever had a crush on a female member of an 80's hair and/or synth band? If so, who and why?

(Optional truth for Sydia: If you could "do it" with any female character from a movie who would you choose and why?)

Truth me, Truth me, Truth me,
Truth me, I won't say no. How could I?
Truth for Sydia: have you ever had a crush on a female member of an 80's hair and/or synth band? If so, who and why?

(Optional truth for Sydia: If you could "do it" with any female character from a movie who would you choose and why?)

Truth me, Truth me, Truth me,
Truth me, I won't say no. How could I?
80s hair/synth band? Can't think of any! 80s cheese isn't my thing, anyway. Ahem.

A movie? None spring to mind immediately, although if you count The Avengers (the TV series, not the dire film), it would be Mrs. Emma Peel - the Ultimate Woman(tm). Of course, it'd probably be the last thing I'd do, she'd no doubt blow up my lair whilst sneaking off in the night. Worth it.


She could shoot me any day! I'm not really sure what I meant by that.

Truth for IG: Tell us five things about yourself we wouldn't have guessed.
:rofl: @ "Worth it."

Hrmmm five things you wouldn't have guessed about me?
1. One of my very favorite things to do is go fishing early in the morning when it's raining.
2. I love to snowboard and live in a place that's very convenient for it.
3. I can recite the complete works of Dr. Seuss from memory. Well, most of them, anyway.
4. I can't cook frozen or packaged foods. Seriously, if I don't cook from scratch it totally gets ruined or burned. Excepting microwave burritos and ramen noodles.
5. I'm a sissy.

Truth me again! ^_^
Even though she's as dumb as a sack of hammers, Maggie from Extras is quite a cute young lady. IMO.

Truth me!

Truth for you: Green or brown and why?
Green, because they say genii choos green. I'm so modest.

Truth for you: Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Green, because they say genii choos green. I'm so modest.

Truth for you: Do you have any guilty pleasures?

I never feel guilt.

OK, maybe my daily Starbucks lunch. Triple grande Java Chip Frappucinno. Mmmm-mmm, bitch.

Truth for you: Lenin or Stalin and why? Death counts do NOT apply in this scenario.
Truth for IG: What are some of your favorite memories from your formative years.

Playing "Hop on Pop" with dad and my little brother. Drinking soy sauce. My parents always finding me on top of the refridgerator. Singing "Happy Birthday" to myself when I turned one. Cracking hazelnuts on the stone bench with rocks in my Grandma's backyard. Hiding in the attic being the giant samurai curtain. Catching my little brother eating catfood in the hall closet. Picking apricots from the back porch swing with grandpa. Choo choo the cat. Tetherball. Irrigation day. Trampolines. Mrs. Seibolt's first grade class. Pouring Elmer's glue all over Eric Montoya's hair during craft time because he was a jerk. Playing football with the boys at recess during third grade. Mr. MacPherson's Advanced Learning Class in 4th grade...he was my favorite teacher.

That's all I got off the top of my head.

Someone truth me again.
Green, because they say genii choos green. I'm so modest.

Truth for you: Do you have any guilty pleasures?

I never feel guilt.

OK, maybe my daily Starbucks lunch. Triple grande Java Chip Frappucinno. Mmmm-mmm, bitch.

Truth for you: Lenin or Stalin and why? Death counts do NOT apply in this scenario.
Straight off, Lenin; because he was slightly better than Stalin at not being what we historians (and Izzard) call a "genocidal fuckhead". But, since you said death count need not apply, I'd still say Lenin. I could write an essay (and indeed have) on what an asshole Stalin was. He got a lot of credit for winning WWII, but if you know your history, it wasn't exactly planned. Purging the Red Army of your officer corps? Trusting Hitler? Durrr! Read up on his monumental cock-ups during 1941 where he disappeared from public sight. Once Zhukov and Chuikov were winning the war he was all over. He also crept his way into power (betraying and killing one of my favourite communists, Bukharin) whereas Lenin was the original revolutionary cat. Well, that was Trotsky, technically, but let's not get in to that.

Truth for IG: Descibe unto me your daily routine.

Truth me.
Gah! Moral quandries. That means I'll have to wake up my brain.

Let's analyse this logically...Which would give humanity the most progress, and which would end most suffering.

Curing all diseases would obviously end a hell of a lot of suffering. However, it depends on the nature of the "cure"? Is it something you have to manufacture and administer? Or is it, in this hypothetical, a "all diseases cease to exist"? Assuming the latter, it would ease suffering in war; the danger would still be there from flying bullets, but any follow up diseases wouldn't exist. Africa would instantly be put on a far more level playing field with the rest of the world. Drinking any water source without fear of death? Yes please.

On the other hand; world peace would probably mean an altercation in human nature. The dissolution of the world's military would put billions into more worthwhile areas, including science.

I'd say cure all known diseases. It'd cut out the need for hundreds of years of research and end most suffering. The drawbacks are that it may lead to a stagnation in science.


Truth for OPA: In a similar moral dilema;
The exact same truth back at ya!

I'm well original.

Truth us.
Truth for IG: Descibe unto me your daily routine.

Gosh...if I had one, that might be easier. :pinch:

6:30 am - Alarm clock goes off.
6:30:03 am - Alarm clock gets smacked.
6:40:03 am - Alarm clock gets smacked again.
6:50:03 am - I curse the morning DJs and roll out of bed, usually on the left side, and onto the floor. Usually onto something hard that I dropped there in disinterest the previous evening, like a book, or a sketchbook, or a pen, or a gameboy, or an exbox controller.
6:52 am - I put on a robe so I can get to the shower down the hall without anyone catching me nekkid.
7:00/05 am - I emerge from the steamy bathroom. Steamy because the fan is broken and the window is painted shut.
7:06 am - Stereo is turned on. This morning it was The Final Cut
7:30ish am - Have finally decided on what to wear and brush my teeth while putting gel or mousse or some other type crap like that in my hair.
7:31 am - Prove that brushing teeth and singing to Pink Floyd are not mutually exclusive.
7:35 am - Hair is dry and doesn't look like I can control it, no matter what the styling product bottles say.
7:40 am - Change my mind on what I've decided to wear. Put on outfit option number 4 instead of number 14.
7:45 am - Make-up, earrings, any other accessories. Shoes.
7:47 am - Leave bedroom, lock door, make sure I have auditory stimulation and keys with me, head upstairs.
7:50 am - Return to bedroom to grab chapstick and forgotten cell phone.
7:51:07 am - Leave for work.
8:03 am - Get to work.
8:05 am - Clock in at work.
**The hours between 8 and Noon are usually erased from conscious recollection, Excepting 10 am, where I get online for break and post the blog entry for the day that I've been typing in a Microsoft Outlook window pretending to be busy because we've nothing else important to do.**
12:05 - Clock out at work.
12:17ish - Get home and scrounge lunch from the fridge or cupboard. This usually consists of a sandwich, wrap, ramen noodles, or if I'm in a cooking mood, something cooked.
12:30 - Run to my room to get away from an 8 year old and 5 year old - both with lightsabers, and a small yappy-type dog, and two teenage sisters. And my naggy third parent who is currently inhabiting the body of my 20 year old brother.
12:32 - Remove shoes and be glad to be barefooted and carefree again.
12:45 - Wander out to the backyard and find something to do, like lounge on the trampoline, or weed (usually it's not this one, but it's always an option), or pick the plums, or lay out and try to get a tan. This usually ends up with me being sunburned.
1:00 pm - If I am not drawing, reading, writing, playing the piano, wreaking Jedi havoc with small children, barking back at the yappy dog, or playing xbox, I will take the scooter and run to either a local book store, game store, or the old record shop where I used to work. I afternoons are always free and unscheduled, at least until I find a full time job.
7:00 pm - Supper and Family time.
8:00 pm - I walk the dog, or my friend Andrea. Sometimes both.
8:45 pm - Back home. Recreational activities until 9 or 10 or 11, then I get a phone call from a "friend."
11 to 1 am - Talk, write stuff, read stuff, fall asleep listening to The Division Bell.

Truth for you: Do the same thing. Bwahaha. :bat:
Good Lord, let's see. It's incredibly tedious.

0514 Wake up
0515 Alarm goes off.
0520 Breakfast. Crunchy nut corn flakes and an apple, whilst watching the morning business reports on BBC News 24. Like I give a crap what the Nikkei is doing.
0540 Leave for work on bike.
0542 Chain falls off bike. Much cursing.
0603 Arrive at work. Muck about for half an hour.
0900 Brew!
1200 "Lunch". I.e. a banana and drink.
1359 Leave work on bike.
1414 Chain snaps off bike. Much cursing.
1422 Get back. Shower. Change of clothes.
1435 Proper lunch, depends on what's in. Today: baked beans on cheese and tomato pizza.
1500 - 1600 Music, emails, writing, TV, etc, etc.
1600 - 1800 Siesta. Depends on how tired I am.
1900 Tea.
2000 - 2130, same as 1500-1600
2200 Prepare 'lunch' for the morrow. TV, PC, PS2.
2300 Sleepytime.

Fun fun fun.

Truth us again.
These days it's Hitman: Blood Money, because it wouldn't run on my ye olde graphics card. It's a game that teaches us all that it's fun to kill people for money and shoot old men in wheelchairs.

Truth for IG: What's your spinach (i.e., does for you what spinach does for Popeye), and what's your kryptonite?

Truth us.
Hrmmmm...Interesting question.

My Spinach (Does it have to be a food? I hope not) is probably...gosh, I don't know. The only thing that makes me suddenly passionate and feeling strong about stuff is well...poetry...but that sounds so cheesy. Art and music too, though. And NOVA documentaries. And Battlefront II. I'm tempted to say OPA, but then you'd really retch.

My Kryptonite would have to be....yardwork. Or squash.

Truth for Sydia: If you could have dinner with any three people who are important to you, dead or alive, real or fictional, who would you choose to dine with, where/what would you eat, and what would you hope the conversation was about?

Truth me, truth me.
Good one.

The answer would be; Roger "Syd" Barrett (circa 1967), Gautama Buddha (circa 480 BC), and Sherlock Holmes (circa 1900). Syd for his creativity, B-dog for his spirituality, Sherlock for his logic. Plus they've all been kind of inspirations for me at one point or another. One hopes the conversation would turn to music. Syd has his guitar, Holmes has his violin, and Buddha with his..hmm, we'll asks him to bring something interesting from the 5th century B.C.

Truth for you: The same! Who would your three be. How original.

Michelangelo Buonarotti, Roald Dahl, and Gertrude Stein. We'd go to an Indian restaurant and I don't care what we'd talk about. Mostly I would just like to sit and listen.

Truth me again!
White chocolate macadamia nut. And Oreos.

Truth for you: If you had to choose between these two, which would it be and why?
  • -Eternal global conflict, but happiness for you (also eternal)
    -Eternal global happiness, but pain and heartache for you (also eternal)
I'd pick option number two for the sole reason that I think I could cope with it better. I dunno. As much as it annoys me, humanity means a lot to me, and if by choosing something that wouldn't be wholly impossible to bear I could be the means of peace for mankind, it wouldn't be a hard choice to make. I'd do it without a second thought.

Truth me again!
Well, I would have, if you'd asked for it. But never fear:

Truth for OPA: If you could go anywhere in Europe for a month, where would you go and why?
Islington, London, England, United Kingdom.

Arsenal FC holiday.

Truth for you: Think of 5 reasons that you love Beirut and post them here.

Truth me.
It's easier to pronounce than to spell.
It's not France.
I've yet to taste Beirutian food, so it's piqued my curiosity.
They don't make crappy sitcoms there.
It's a great vacation destination. Allegedly.

Truth for you: If you had a boat, what would you name it?

Truth me, truth me, truth me...truth me I won't say no, how could I?
Truth me, truth me, truth me...truth me I won't say no, how could I?
If you were forming a band, what would it be called, and who would you include in the lineup (out of anyone who ever existed)?

Last night I dreamt, that somebody truthed me...
Truth me, truth me, truth me...truth me I won't say no, how could I?
If you were forming a band, what would it be called, and who would you include in the lineup (out of anyone who ever existed)?

Last night I dreamt, that somebody truthed me...
Oh mother, I think I just moaned that moan out loud. Do you KNOW how droolishly orgasmic an experience that would be?

I would say....

Jimi Hendrix - guitar
Jeff Buckley - guitar & vocals
Jimmy Page - guitar
Freddy Mercury - vocals
Roger Waters - bass
Les Claypool - bass
Neil Peart - percussion
John Bonham - percussion (we'd have two drum sets)
Jerry Lee Lewis - piano
Rick Wright - keybards

We'd call the band "Circumbendibus" and our first album would be called "The Morbid Curiosity of Rubbernecking Television."

Truth for you: Answer the same question!

I am the son, and the heir, of a truth that is criminarily vulgar.
Mine would end up looking a bit like yours, I have to say, but I'd try and cut back a bit so I don't have a mish-mashed combination of all classic rock band members ever.

Lyrics man - Bob Dylan.
Vocals - John Fogerty
Lead Guitar - Keith Richards
Rhythm guitar - David Gilmour
Bass - John Paul Jones
Percussion - Keith Moon "the Loon".

It'd sound insane; insane I tells you. Call it "Notes From the Underground", the first album would be self-titled. Would play the blues exclusively; and nothing else on pain of death.

Still, I must speak frankly, Mr. Shankly, give us a truth!