Truth or Dare

*IndieGirl finally catches a gasp of breath between the fierce shrieks of laughter.*

That made my day. Like, probably my whole month, actually.

"I have a bike...also, marry me..."

*erupts into peals of laughter again*

Legos, Tranquilizers...

Also, Florence? HOW DID YOU KNOW?! :eyebrow: Are you stalking me?

*deep breath*

Wow, I needed that. That was marvelous.

*IndieGirl is now torn. ;)
I'd stalk Insane Power, just so I could leave creepy messages lying around for him to find and make him scream like a woman, because I'm betting he totally does.

Unless you mean romantically, in which case I would have to say....Jack Bauer.

Since you ruled out you, of course.

Truth me again!
Truth for you:  Community swimming pool or a garbage dump?  Why?
Garbage Dump. At least I'd have clothes to protect me somewhat. Also, there's less of a chance I'd get fondled at the Garbage Dump. Because that's always what happens at the pool. :mad:
I gotta go to the pool!

My speech: Hello. Welcome. Congratulations. Way to... *vomits*

Truth me?
Truth for you:  Community swimming pool or a garbage dump?  Why?
Garbage Dump. At least I'd have clothes to protect me somewhat. Also, there's less of a chance I'd get fondled at the Garbage Dump. Because that's always what happens at the pool. :mad:
I gotta go to the pool!

My speech: Hello. Welcome. Congratulations. Way to... *vomits*

Truth me?

Errr...for your truth; What's your favourite of the seven deadly sins? And why?

Truth me up and hose me down.
Erm... I don't really have one, I guess.

Truth for you: Have you ever listened to Swords? It's a band. Check them out.

Truth me?
Never 'eard of 'em! Good name though.

Truth for you: What's the stupidest thing you've done recently?

Truth for me.
Truth for you: What's the stupidest thing you've done recently?
I dropped a bowl of lasagna on the floor on my way to the table to eat. I then almost flew into a fit of what can only be described as a form of Sustenance Deprivation Rage. The only thing that prevented it was the timely intervention of my friend Krystal.

Truth for you: Do you have any hidden talents?

Truth me?
Armor with a cloak over it. A-like so:


*IndieGirl keels over in a swoony drool-fit.

Truth for you: Hot alien chicks or Hot anime chicks?

Truth me up tight.
Since everyone in Utah are aliens, I have to choose the first one. Everyone except the Osmonds. They're robots.

Truth for you: Ananke or Magicality?

Truth me?
Drogba all the way. He's hawt. Mmmm. Drogba.

Truth for you: What was your initial gut reaction to that (^) statement?

Truth me harder.

IGEdit: Tags.
Truth for IG: If I gave you £1 Million (1,858,594.75 Dollary-doos for you colonial oiks) what would you do with it?

Truth for OPA: If a biopic was made about you (OPA: The Movie. Sex. Lies. And Arsenal Football Club. From the people who brought you DragonOfDarkness The Movie: Why, God, why?) who would play you?

Truth me up.