Truth or Dare

I dare you to change your av to something anti-Star Wars, and then use your sig and member title to convince people that you really do.

For an indeterminate amount of time. Until I say you can take it down.

Truth me.
Somewhere between my knees and my chest.

Truth me!
I'm shocked this topic has been unattended for a whole month!

DD's truth; would you rather have a bionic arm, or a bionic ...leg (yes, I've been watching Extras).

Dare me, why not.
I'm assuming by that you mean a kiss!

I ain't doing 'one step further' than that!

Nevertheless, dare us again.

Truth for SJ: What inspired/why did you pick your user/nation name?
I dare you to change your avatar to this:


for 24 hours.

Truth me! Quick like bunnies!
Samoas. Those are by far the best. Coconut, caramel and chocolate? Does life get any better? I submit that it does NOT.

Truth for you: Do you prefer your ice cream in a cone or a cup?
Samoas. Those are by far the best. Coconut, caramel and chocolate? Does life get any better? I submit that it does NOT.

Truth for you: Do you prefer your ice cream in a cone or a cup?
In a cup!

Cones are too messy, and I can never eat the ice cream fast enough.

Truth me!
I'm assuming by that you mean a kiss!

I ain't doing 'one step further' than that!

Nevertheless, dare us again.

Truth for SJ: What inspired/why did you pick your user/nation name?
My name ment soul hunter or eater i forget now but it was from along time ago when i used to play Utopia online

truth again
You know what it is, and you hate it. Silence, FTWxxorz!!!

Truth me?
Which three members of the forum would you:
A) Marry,
B) Do naughty & fun things with/to,
C) Chuck off a cliff?

Dare me, and truth me too, what the hey.
You know what it is, and you hate it.  Silence, FTWxxorz!!!

Truth me?
Which three members of the forum would you:
A) Marry,
B) Do naughty & fun things with/to,
C) Chuck off a cliff?

Dare me, and truth me too, what the hey.
I'll make it three apiece, just for you!

Marry (in order of legality): IndieGirl, HoneySheep, Sydia
Do naughty and fun things with/to: CrazyGirl, king-girl, Sydia
Chuck off a cliff: James2Spooky, DragonOfDarkness (remember him?), Sydia's girlfriend

Dare for you: Express some sort of illicit love to Hersfold via PM. Do it as seriously as possible, then provide us with screens of the correspondence. Truth for you: What is the best concert you have ever seen? Anyhting to do with Pink Floyd is invalid.

Truth me?