Truth or Dare

I remember being at my Grandmother's house at a very young age and seeing her. Very vague memory. Possibly fabricated.

HS: Have you ever broken a law?
HS I guess that was at me .. so .. I think it would be passing wind very loudly .. that kinda ruined the date .. I was trying to hold it in while I sneaked off but failed miserably!
ID: Do you know anybody on these forums in RL and if so, whom?<img src=' images/products/10031.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image'>

IG: Do you know anybody on these forums in RL and if so, whom?<img src=' images/products/10031.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
Nope, not IRL(tm). I've talked to a few of them IRL(tm) though, and Flemingovia's son sent me Turkish Delight to get me all chocolate-covered once. It was fun. ^_^
I've had better signatures. I just haven't gotten around to really revamping this one with a good makeover. I like the Soupy George picture because it reminds me of the song, and the song is pointless, but the otters are cool. Sometimes. Especially while working late at night. I do, however, think Maxwell's Silver Hammer is the coolest thing to out in a signature. And will be working toward that sometime in the near future, as it is currently my desktop at said workplace.

Truth for DD: What is YOUR opinion of Soupy George?

Also, truth me s'more.