Truth or Dare

Oo-er missus.
For the truth one; I'd say this month a few Sundays ago - I went with a Scottish mate I work with to T in the Park. The Who, baby. Anyone else playing was irrelevant.

As for the dare; get back to me one that. Could be interesting, and disturbing, in equal measure.

By the way, I like How I'm mentioned in marry, "do nasty things to" and throw off a cliff. :lol:
Hers has replied!

Here ya go OPA, you sick, sick little moo cow:

Re: An Ode to Hersfold
Thou administrate in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that 's best of UN and Starfleet
Meet in thou aspect and thou flag:
Thus mellow'd to that tender Admin CP,       
Which heaven to gaudy spammer denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the administrating grace
Which waves the modstick in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er thou face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their forum-place!

P.S. I want your babies.
:lol: :hug: Thanks, Syd. It's good to have you back. :worship:

Should I put this in my sig?
Well, I guess I'm just curious, so I thought I'd try Truth or Dare. This is funny!

But I'm not sure if there's been a truth or dare given. I kind of got lost/distracted/something.

So, I'll take advice given and simply say: Truth, please.
Well, I guess I'm just curious, so I thought I'd try Truth or Dare. This is funny!

But I'm not sure if there's been a truth or dare given. I kind of got lost/distracted/something.

So, I'll take advice given and simply say: Truth, please.
Truth me?
Truth me! I want a good one! From Sydia, if possible!

*IndieGirl is done demanding now, and might consent to being submissive if properly coerced.
What the..........
'Twas OPA's dare. Which he hasn't commented on! All that time spent butchering a romantic poem for nothing.

Truth for Indie: You are given the oppertunity to put a word of your choicein the OED (Oxford English Dictionary, for you uneducated oiks) - what's the word, and what's its definition?

Truth for OPA: Er, the same! Not very creative of me but what the hey.

Gimme a truth and/or dare.
My word would be "Sydia." A noun used to describe one who is beloved by all, mercilessly funny, and beautiful beyond belief.

Truth me?

Truth for you: I'll let IG have it.
OPA, you sycophantic sod!

Truth pour toi: Santy Clause brings you a time machine in his sack. You can only use it twice (once to get back, once to go home), and you can only send back your person. Where do ya go and what do ya do?
OPA, you sycophantic sod!

Truth pour toi: Santy Clause brings you a time machine in his sack. You can only use it twice (once to get back, once to go home), and you can only send back your person. Where do ya go and what do ya do?
I go back to when my mom and dad are having sex that results in me. Right in the middle of the act, I run in, slap my dad on the ass and yell, "I'm your son from the future!!!!!!!!" then run away.

Truth me?
Truth for Indie: You are given the oppertunity to put a word of your choice in the OED (Oxford English Dictionary, for you uneducated oiks) - what's the word, and what's its definition?

Chelicious - adj.1. More delicious than you can possibly imagine in three lifetimes; 2. A thing you have an irresistible desire for.

Truth for Sydia: Which three forum members would you like to:

A) Marry.
B) Do dirty naughty things with/to.
C) Chuck off a cliff.

Truth me again, you fools.
I don't.

Truth for OPA: If you could drive any car, what kind of car would you drive, and where would the first place you drive it to be?

Truth me again! Do it!
I don't.

Truth for OPA: If you could drive any car, what kind of car would you drive, and where would the first place you drive it to be?

Truth me again! Do it!
A Maserati. And I'd go to Provo/Orem. To see a Certain Someone(tm).
OPA, you should never be allowed near a time machine. Ever!

As for Indie's truth; er, let's see.

Marry: Duh - you. Dumbass!
Do things to: Hmm...OPA, just to see the look on his face, I think.
Chuck off the cliff: Southeast Asia, for dissin' Can't You Hear Me Knockin'. Such heresy must be punished by a long fall and sudden stop!

[size=-3]Just kiddin', SA![/size]
:rofl: Syd called me a dumbass. I want to sig that. But I'm not like some people.

Dare for Syd: Unabashedly proposition OPA for your next 10 posts.

Truth me.
:rofl: Syd called me a dumbass. I want to sig that. But I'm not like some people.

Dare for Syd: Unabashedly proposition OPA for your next 10 posts.

Truth me.
Bloody hell!

Does it count if I do it ten times in one post? Plus I'm not sure 'unabashed' an English gent such as myself could get on a publique forum.

Truth for OPA: Who would win in a fight between Zeus and Jupiter? Explain your reasoning. 20 Marks.

Truth me, another dare might have me declaring love for the 3 billion males on the planet methinks.
IG: In an alternate world, would you be a lesbian?
Psh. Opa wagers I might be one in the current world. And, girl howdy, am I. :w00t:

If Sydia's a girl, that is.

Truth for Sydia: If you were going to marry me, what would our wedding be like? I want colors...type of cake...where you plan on spending our honeymoon, etc.

Truth me!
My truth: Krispy Kreme Original Glazed. Orgasm. Yes.

Your dare: Put this in your sig for a week:

If Sydia's a girl, that is.

Truth for Sydia: If you were going to marry me, what would our wedding be like? I want colors...type of cake...where you plan on spending our honeymoon, etc.

Truth me!
Quick Vegas style affair, followed by ten minutes in a hotel room.
Just kidding, it'd be five.

Har har.

Right now, the wedding would have to take place in the Lake District. In one of those villages that have those ancient Norman churches which are older than...God. This kind of style:

(That's technically a priory, but you get the idea).

Custom vows incorperating Floyd lyrics, naturally. "I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like...and also marry me."
Well, better than that.
Following this, the wedding reception would be an unpractical and expensive marquee affair on the banks of Wastwater.
Picture this inside (pink theme, obviously):

And this outside:

The wedding cake will be constructed like the Pharos - a lower square section, a middle octagonal section, a circular section at the top. And lego representations of the bride and groom atop (as I'll likely have no money left from the wedding, though if anyone asks, I'll say it's for comic effect).

After dancing and an expensive buffet (with expensive cheesecake!), the wedding band (Floyd, natch, who I will have bribed, they'll be there), we'll chuck OPA (the best man) into the lake for the fun of it.

Honeymoon; let's see. Since we've done the wedding in my locale I'm tempted to shift the Honeymoon back to your locale, but Utah is about as romantic as a burning orphanage.

Let's go to Florence instead, culture coming out the yazoo, beautiful architure and plenty of five star hotels to blow the savings on.
The view from our room:

By then, however, the tranquiliser will have worn off.