Truth or Dare

Cool! Fwee money!

First off, I would buy one of these:


And one of these:


And one of these:


I'd live in this:


Have two of these:


And invite you and several other cool people to come and stay with me.

Also, the house would be located here, in Yachats, Oregon:


Then I'd save the rest. ^_^
PS: Truth for Sydia: What three things do you most want to see before you die?
*drags mind out of gutter*

Let's see...
The Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Love Japan, love to go, but it's so friggin' expensive.
Athens, Greece. The Parthanon in particular. History up to the eyeballs.
The Grand Canyon. Gotta have some natural spendour in there; and you can't get much more spectacular than that.

I forgot to ask for another truth. I'd like one, please. If you're feeling accommodating.
I'm feeling accommodating, but not imaginative;

IndieGirl: The Movie. One Forum. One Spammer. One Destiny.
Who plays you?

Oh, and truth me too.
Hrrmmmm...that's a toughie.

I pick Melanie Lynskey


OR Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs:



Martine McCutcheon


Either way, they'd have to be wearing these glasses:


Because those are the glasses I wear. Only mine are red. Well, they're called "Chianti", but they're red.

Truth for Sydia: In Sydia: The Myth, The Man, The Mystery who would you cast as yourself?

I know, I'm a gimmick thief.

Truth me up right.

IGEdit: More options...
Probably the chap in Byardkuria's ava (Dylan Moran), I feel he has the same kind of befuddled air required. Plus he kinda-sorta looks like yours truly.

Truth for you: What's the most embarassing thing in your music collection?

Truth us again.
The Most Embarrassing Thing In My Collection(tm): Air Supply's Greatest Hits.

Truth for you: Who is your favorite female vocalist?

Truth me again, like a pillock. :lol:
Ooh, good one. *browses collection*

Do the backing vocals at the end of the Stones song Let It Loose count? They always make me swoon.

If not, I'd say Dusty Springfield. And no, I'm not gay, before you start poking fun. Also Janis Joplin.

Truth for you: Keeping on the subject of music, what are your top three favourite songs at the mo?

Truth us again.
Truth for OPA: If a biopic was made about you (OPA: The Movie. Sex. Lies. And Arsenal Football Club. From the people who brought you DragonOfDarkness The Movie: Why, God, why?) who would play you?

Samuel L. Jackson. Hands down. Blackshear would be played by Paul Giamatti and you get to be played by John C. Reilly. Becuase they are two of the Greatest Actors Alive(tm).
Have you ever been tempted to use your mod powers for the forces of evil?

Truth us.
Define the forces of evil. If by that you mean for my own personal enjoyment then no. I've tried to be pretty responsible with it and I have never been tempted to use them in an evil way. I will do silly little things though, nothing harmful. :shifty:

Ok, i'll take another truth!

OPA: Who is fresher than HOV, riddle me that
Have you ever been tempted to use your mod powers for the forces of evil?

Truth us.
Define the forces of evil. If by that you mean for my own personal enjoyment then no. I've tried to be pretty responsible with it and I have never been tempted to use them in an evil way. I will do silly little things though, nothing harmful. :shifty:

Ok, i'll take another truth!

OPA: Who is fresher than HOV, riddle me that
What mo' can I say to ya? Ain't... Nobody truah dan.. HOV...

Except maybe The Roots. ?uestlove is a fucking genius. As is Black Thought.

Truth me?
Truth for you: Keeping on the subject of music, what are your top three favourite songs at the mo?

Today, they are: Hey - Pixies, Just Like A Woman - Jeff Buckley's Live at Sin-e cover of Bob Dylan's song, and Blackbird - Joe Cocker.

Truth for any and all: What was your favorite song when you were a small child? Or you may substitute this answer by telling what your favorite joke was when you were a small child.

Truth me up, baby.
Truth for you: Keeping on the subject of music, what are your top three favourite songs at the mo?

Today, they are: Hey - Pixies, Just Like A Woman - Jeff Buckley's Live at Sin-e cover of Bob Dylan's song, and Blackbird - Joe Cocker.

Truth for any and all: What was your favorite song when you were a small child?
I can answer this one easy - Roy Orbison; The Only One. Because it was always on in the car.

Truth for you: You can appoint anyone to the US presidency. Three conditions;
They can't be directly affiliated with any party.
They can't be a forum member.
They have to be alive!

Who do you choose and why?

Truth us.
I said he can't be dead! Although...[theology delteated!]

Hmm...I'd say the Queen. Think about the ensuing hilarity!

Truth for you: Speaking of queens, if you were the Queen for a day, what would you do?
Truth for you: You can appoint anyone to the US presidency. Three conditions;
They can't be directly affiliated with any party.
They can't be a forum member.
They have to be alive!

Morrissey, with Jon Stewart for VP.

Truth me!
Truth for you: Speaking of queens, if you were the Queen for a day, what would you do?

If I were queen for a day, I'd knight you and OPA and Veebs, send DD to the Hague, gift Ireland to myself, and eat crumpets with lots of jam while wearing all my jewelry at the same time making a mess of my fancy dress.

I would also throw a kegger at Buckingham Palace. Everyone's invited.

Truth for OPA: What's your least favorite thing about the s13?

Truth me, if you can handle it.
Would you rather give a chainsaw to Hitler or a set of nunchucks to Stalin? Explain your reasoning.

No, I don't like Huey Lewis and the News.

Truth for Syd: You have been gifted 500,000 quid and have to spend it all in the same store in one afternoon. Where do you go, what do you buy, and why?

I want you to truth me. Oh, baby. oh, baby.