Truth or Dare

Holy crap, that's the hardest question anyone's ever asked me. Allegedly.

Oh, there are so many ties for first. My current favorites are:

The Gymnast, High Above the Ground - The Decemberists
Central Reservation - Beth Orton
Someone Is Waiting and Song Against Sex - Neutral Milk Hotel
A Man Like Me - Beulah
Song In The Key of Chance - Augie March
In Love With A View - Mojave 3
Consequence - The Notwist
More Yellow Birds - Sparklehorse
Girl on the Wing - The Shins
The Ship Song - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
Squeaky Fingers - Ted Leo & The Pharmacists

As you can see, I could go on forever.

However, my first true love, lyrically and musically, will always be Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd.

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air to a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange
A walk on part in the war,
For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

Truth-me in a coma, I know, I know - it's serious.
Holy crap, that's the hardest question anyone's ever asked me. Allegedly.

Oh, there are so many ties for first. My current favorites are:

The Gymnast, High Above the Ground - The Decemberists
Central Reservation - Beth Orton
Someone Is Waiting and Song Against Sex - Neutral Milk Hotel
A Man Like Me - Beulah
Song In The Key of Chance - Augie March
In Love With A View - Mojave 3
Consequence - The Notwist
More Yellow Birds - Sparklehorse
Girl on the Wing - The Shins
The Ship Song - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
Squeaky Fingers - Ted Leo & The Pharmacists

As you can see, I could go on forever.

However, my first true love, lyrically and musically, will always be Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd.

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air to a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange
A walk on part in the war,
For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

Truth-me in a coma, I know, I know - it's serious.
One day, out for a walk in sunny Utah, you happen upon the POTUS and VPOTUS. Both are in a lake, drowning. There are no secret service agents anywhere to be seen. What do you do? Mayhap you save Bush or Cheney? Or neither?

Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said I'd like to
smash every truth in your head
If it's not truth than it's the bomb that will bring us together.
Which song in your enlightened opinion has the best lyrics ever written?

No, it's not like any other truth, this one is different, because it's us.
Cliche though it may be, "American Pie" is the first that comes to mind. Such a deep song...

And since that makes you indie-types turn up your collective noses, "Don't Start a Band" by Reel Big Fish:

Don't start a band
Nobody wants to hear
Nobody understands
Don't start a band
You'll be so disappointed that it was nothing like you planned
Don't start a band
Oh yea yea yea
*guitar hit*
I hate to ruin the magic
I hate to kill the dream
But once you've been behind the scenes then you'll know just what I mean
*fast ska guitar*
You might think that's its cool to get up on stage
And play rock and roll from your heart and soul
But no one shows up and your songs all suck
And there's no applause and no flying bras
No girls will scream for you and no ones gonna sing along with you

Don't start a band
Nobody wants to hear nobody understands
Don't start a band
You will be so damn terrible they will think you're shitty and bland
Don't start a band
Oh yea yea yea
'Cause you wont get paid
And you won't get laid

And even if you make it
All the way to MTV
I don't think you could take it
All the bullshit and the greed
*fast ska guitar*
Everyone is so fake when they shake you hand
And they kiss your ass 'cause you're makin' cash
And the business end will turn every friend
Ao an enemy oh you will see

They'll turn their their backs and they'll be gone
Faster than can say 'what did I do wrong'

Don't start a band
no body really cares nobody understands
Don't start a band
You will sign your life away and then you will be working for the man
Don't start a band oh yea yea yea

Your message will get lost
You will be double crossed
*guitar solo and some brass*

And if you that the joy of playing
Will keep you going through the years
Wait 'til you're poor and frustrated
And the fun just disappears
Nobody cares what you have to say
And no one's gonna listen anyways
Rock and roll will bring you down
And it will kick you while your on the ground

Don't start a band
Don't even try you will regret it yea
Don't start a band
You'll be so disappointed that it was nothing like you planned
Don't start a band
Oh yea yea yea

So just give up now
I'll show you how

Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuth me, truth me, it was really nothing...
One day, out for a walk in sunny Utah, you happen upon the POTUS and VPOTUS. Both are in a lake, drowning. There are no secret service agents anywhere to be seen. What do you do? Mayhap you save Bush or Cheney? Or neither?

Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said I'd like to
smash every truth in your head
I'd save them. For the money. And if they promised to stop pretending to be conservative.

Truth for whoever needs one: Favorite day and why?

Dare for whoever needs one: Write a poem about why you love The Lexicon.

The boy with the thorn in his side, behind the hatred there lies a murderous desire for truth.
I'm no good at poems.

Another. And a truth.

Truth for you: Who is your favorite comedian, and what is your favorite joke of theirs?
Easy. Arsenal win the Double. Seems like that'll be the only way we win it this year.

Truth your life... And have the pleasure of meaning what you say.
Easy. Arsenal win the Double. Seems like that'll be the only way we win it this year.

Truth your life... And have the pleasure of meaning what you say.
OPA: What's your least favourite thing on TV at the mo?

Learn to truth me,
Assemble the ways,
Now, today, tomorrow and always.
Truth for Sydia: What is one stereotype that you believe fits the thing stereotyped completely?

Come on baby, truth my fire.
Erm. Hmm...

You've basically told me to offend a bunch of people.

So here goes. In my experience the Scottish do tend to be...frugal. This could be because I had a Scottish guy for a boss who wouldn't give me any more money.

Truth for you: the same back! Not only unoriginal but now you have to insult people.
Other than when listening to RBF? Nah. Well, sometimes. I could have sex whenever I wanted.

If it's not truth then it's the bomb that will bring us together.
I think they are vile beings. Cigarettes make me sick...literally..

might that question have come from the movie earlier?

Truth for you is: What is one thing you always do when you're drunk without fail?
I ususally call my girlfriend's sister. To tell her how wonderful she is. Even though she might not be.

Truth for you: What's cooking?

Truth for you: If you could date antone in the whole wide world, who would it be?

Your current boyfriend is invalid as an answer.

Truth me.
How do you know I have a boyfriend? LOL..

Umm probably Ewan Mcgregor...I am watching the Island and he's the first hot guy I saw...real hot accent too..

If you could date any girl in the whole world who would it be? Current girlfriend excluded. (I am a copycat this morning)

Truth me again