Truth or Dare

Wrote them a fuck-off lot of poetry. Bad poetry. Wanna read one? Here:

Love or Insanity?

If you love someone else
But they don’t love you
Why do you keep feeling
The way that you do?
What is it about them
That makes your knees weak?
Why, when you’re near them,
Can’t you start to speak?
Why do they make
Your heart do a flip?
Why when you see them
Do you just want to skip?
Why do you act
Not a thing like yourself?
Why do you look for poems
In the books on your shelf?
What makes you want
To look great everyday?
Are you hoping they’ll come
And just sweep you away?
Why do their words
Mean so much more to you
Than anyone else’s
That you ever knew?
Why do you feel
Like you just have to sing?
Why do you want
To tell them everything?
Why do you just
Look at them with regret?
I’m sure I don’t know
No one does,
Well, not yet!

Wrote that when I was 14. Complete shite. And the stupid kid made noises with his orthodontia. Totally not worth it.

Truth me again! Quick like bunnies!
Most bizarre dream? All my dreams are bizarre. Here's one I remember most vividly:

I can't see anything. It's pitch black, I keep reaching out and running my hands over the trunks around me. Branches snag my clothes and hair, but I don't mind. I'm not afraid. The trees comfort me. Suddenly there are stars through the branches. I feel quiet. It IS quiet. There's a red glow in the distance...I see a huge fire burning on the outskirts of the wood. The trees are moving. They close off the gap to the fire. Someone calls to me from up above. I sense a presence in the branches. I climb. I keep climbing. I'm in the tree-tops, above them. I'm surrounded by stars, there's a fire burning all around the forest. Talons grab my shoulders, and I'm yanked sky-ward. The trees are crying for me. The talons pierce through my skin, lodged in muscle and hurts, but somehow it's a good hurt. I'm still not afraid...but I'm anxious. I want to look up at the thing that's snatched me, but I can't. Its screeching cry echoes in the sky, plunges deep, and lodges in my ears. The stars sing back to the huge dark bird. It cries again, and flings me forward and up into them. Letting me go. I feel warm blood blossom over me from the holes in my shoulders. The warmth is comforting, even as my skin grows cold. The stars call to me. I bleed into unconsciousness as I fall into the sky.

Truth: your most bizarre dream?

Truth me again.
thats just a little weird.

i know that truth wasnt at me, but im gonna tell you who was involved anyways. me, a time travelling Jesus, a group of talking cave lions and a 44 gallon drum. the end result? i save the world and return to our time a hero.

truth for IG: hmm. thats tough, not much that i can think of that i dont know i think. ok, whats the worst way you've ever broken up with someone.

Truth me
It was the same orthodontia guy when I was fourteen. I told my friend to tell him that I thought he was creepy and then avoided him like the plague for the rest of the school year. Then he got really hot between high school and junior high and wouldn't talk to me in high school and I was miserable for 6 months because I really wanted him back. It was a rather traumatic first love experience.

Truth for MP: If you could live anywhere other than R.I. and do anything other than what you currently do, what and where would you choose and why?

Truth me, straight up, kids.
favourite hobby? easy. playing with TFs. what else?

Dare for IG (because i do what i want!): to tell the next 5 posters exactly what you think of them. in the bluntest possible terms

EDIT: truth me
Truth for SR: Why are you so amazing?

I think you are super hot, and if you were here right now, neither of us would be typing stuff on here. We'd be doing it. In my bed. Or on the floor. I'm not picky.

Truth me, like a fox.
for MP: a former member of this board, who i am pretty confident still surfs them.

for IG: because of my awesome ninja skills.

how quickly do you think we could empty these boards if we tried?
@ MP: Nope. Also, you crack me up, and I really do think of you as a Gabe-type, only a bit more punk and a lot less stupid.

@ SR: I dunno, I think half would run away at the cheesiness, and the other half would flock to them for the show. Because we're so irresistible.

Truth me, right in the face.
Dare for MP: go give your RL next door neighbour a hug without saying a word.

Truth for IG: why would you let people in on the in my pants?

truth per favore
@MP: Probably not. And the only reason I'd ever be a lesbian were if SR were a woman.

@SR: I'm sorry, I'll go fix it.

Truth for SR: what would we be doing if I were there right now?
Most bizarre dream

I don't really remember any of my dreams. I was in the basement of my old apartment, and there was a truck in it.Then somehow I was in an airplane, I jumped out of it and realized I had no parachute. So, I had to use my shirt as a parachute.

Dare me...
So that I could get up and call at a semi-decent hour in case I hadn't heard anything from you by then. :P

Truth for SR: Most embarrassing moment?

Truth me again!
walking down a glass walled staircase wearing just a lab coat.

truth for IG: favourite non-Cheese member of Fosters?
Monte once asked me "If you could elope with either Batman or Superman, which one would you choose?" I liked that one.

Truth for SR: Catwoman or Lois Lane?

Truth me up. Right in the face.
Catwoman. Lois thought way too highly of herself.

Not including Australia, where would you like to spend the next five years?

Wherever you are! ^_^

:P Alright, alright. I'll pick a place: traveling through the Pacific islands on a boat.

Truth for SR: what's your favorite breakfast food?

Truth me again, kiddos!
Wherever you are! ^_^

:P Alright, alright. I'll pick a place: traveling through the Pacific islands on a boat.

Truth for SR: what's your favorite breakfast food?

Truth me again, kiddos!
Truth: What's the most embarrassing DVD in your collection?

Truth me, dare me, anything to revive this ol' girl.


Truth for Syd: Back atchya - what's the most embarrassing DVD in YOUR collection?

Truth me again!
Probably Shakespear in Love, which I maintain isn't mine and I have no idea how it got there. The rest of my DVDs are cult British sitcoms, Darkplace, Alan Partridge, Phoenix Nights and the like.

Truth for joo; you may have twigged I have a thing for a Russian tennis player at the mo' (it'll wear off, honest);are you crushin' on any famous-type peoples at the mo?

I've been on a Firefly kick, and I have to admit, I've always had a crush on Jayne. Or rather, Adam Baldwin as Jayne. Something about a tough guy with a mouth and a gun...I dunno. :tb2:

Truth me again, suckas!
I'd have to say Florence. It's always been a place I've wanted to go, ever since I was old enough to know about Da Vinci and all the other amazing artists who lived and worked near there.

Truth for Syd: What's the first thing you would do if you were invisible?

Truth me again! Right now!
I was going to say rob a bank, but if I was invisible money would be pointless anyway.

Hide in Sharapova's dressing!

Hmm...sneak in to the White House and make crank calls on the Hot Line.

Truth for you; if you could live in any period of history (the period 'now' is excluded!) which period would you pick and why?

Truth me up.
I'd be a pirate. Hands down [size=-3]my pants[/size]. Because I love them, obviously.

Truth for You: What is the worst date you have ever been on?

Truth me up, again.
Went out on, how can I put it, a pity date (didn't really fancy her, was being coerced into it by evil 'friends') a while back. Was fairly boring, meh food (£12 for a pizza? Are you f*cking kidding me?!), until the topic of music came up; she'd never heard of The Clash or The Ramones, and had only the vaguest idea of who Pink Floyd were; I think the words were 'some 70s band?'. The reason being she 'didn't like old stuff'. What did she listen to? Disney soundtracks. The words 'flabbergasted' were never so appropriate. We went to a bar after that, although mentally my poor brain had looong since departed.

Truth for you: If you could be a transformer, robot in disguise, which vehicle would you transform into?

Truth me up.
A silver lunch truck. Because I could drive around and everyone would be happy to see me, since I'd be bringing them food.

Also, that really is the worst date ever. I feel so bad for you. Disney

Truth for you: What's the best prank you ever pulled?

Truth me too.
Right now my new housemate thinks I'm Jewish, after a friend's girlfriend commented that I had a 'Jewish air' about me, the daft antisemite. I'm doing this for no other reason other than I'm bored and to see how long I can stretch it out for. Also if he offers me any food I don't like the look of I can say it's not kosher.

Truth for you: because I'm lazy and know you have a heart of pure evil; what's the best prank you've ever pulled?