The Last Movie You Saw...

Children of Men

Already being called the best movie of 2007. I am so glad I was able to see it, it wasn't playing where I am now but I went away for the weekend and luckily it was playing. Superb acting, awe inspiring cinematography, an engaging and stunning story. The only reason people don't like this movie is because questions are left unanswered, shocking I know, but it does not detract from the movie at all. I will probably go see it in theatres at least one more time, and cannot wait for the DVD.
He doesn't actually. I lied and i'm sorry. From now on I will be honest! This post will mark the honest streak that will run my entire life.

Rocky loses. He was a loser in the first and he's still a loser.

I thought it was really funny, lots of small stuff that you would miss unless you paid attention.

"It's got electrolytes, it's got what plants crave."
Spiderman 3, Though that was on opening day. Haven't really had time to watch movies lately.
I watched Ghost Rider last night. One of those impulse buys.. checking out at Wal-Mart, there it is in front of me..I just bought it... I wish I rented it instead..

For one, I never read the comics, and not too many of the comic movies are very good anyways.

The CG was great. The acting was good too. The story, not so much. I didn't like how all Johnny Blaze was all of a sudden The Ghost Rider. He never had to come to terms with it, there was no evolution of The Ghost Rider, just BAM, hardcore kick your ass the first time. To make up for it, they started to have him learn to control the power, but that never really went anywhere.

Prior to this I've been on a Tony Jaa kick. (No pun intended)! Ong-Bak and The Protector have got to be some of the best movies I've ever seen. The story line is fair, but Tony Jaa makes it up with those speedy Muay Thai moves. The coreography is brilliant, and Tony Jaa has the creativeness of Jackie Chan (making use of his environment), and the swiftness of Jet Li. No cables, no CG, just straight up Tony Jaa kicking ass. Ong-Bak I think is a little better because it's got that really raw feel to it.
The Prestige. Great stuff if you like films that make you think, reminded me of Memento. The ending makes you think.
The Prestige, huh? Who's in that? I'll have to check it out. I LOVED Momento. Speaking of wich, is Guy Pierce in any other good movies? I've only seen him in that, and atleast in Momento he's an amazing actor.
The Prestige, huh? Who's in that? I'll have to check it out. I LOVED Momento. Speaking of wich, is Guy Pierce in any other good movies? I've only seen him in that, and atleast in Momento he's an amazing actor.
Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman are the rival magicians, the legendary Sir Caine , and David Bowie's Tesla. Starts with a juicy murder, but, like Memento, there's a bit more too it than meets the eye!
The Prestige. Not my type of movie. The story was good as well as the acting, but did not suit my fancy.

Tonight, Contract Killer with Jet Li.

The other night I rented Feast again. It is the perfect mix of slasher/comedy. The emphasis is on slasher, but the comedic effect is hilarious. Executive Production (I believe) Wes Craven, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck. Awesome team.
Your two year-old is my newest favorite two year-old. ^_^

The last movie I saw was Disney's Sword in the Stone.

"There you are! What's the meaning of casting your evil spells all over the place? Help me up, boy...Now, what do you have to say for yourself?"
"You call washing dishes and sweeping floors a work of evil?"

:lol: That was one of my favorite movies when I was little.