The Last Movie You Saw...

I watched Out of Ashes saturday night, it was on TV. It is about a Jewish lady, Dr.Gisella Perl, who has been sent to Auschwitch and survived. After war she moves to New York and wants to practice medicine again. The film consists largely of flashbacks from the concentration camp, as Dr.Perl is interrogated by some kind of U.S. Committee of Immigration about her duties as a prisoner under command of Dr Joseph Mengele.

Not just the disturbing scenes in this real-life based film, but the oppressing atmosphere overall makes the film something more than just video background for pop corn eating. It is said that this is the best holocaust film ever.
Guess which film I saw today?


The ending, although it made my brother swear, is the best cliffhanger ever. So there.
I saw the second Pirates movie. I enjoyed it, it was a good sequel. It was a bit slow and confusing to start but by the end it was great. Be sure to stay till after the credits for an extra scene. :D
The last movie I saw was The Break-Up. I was glad they didn't get back together at the end, otherwise that would have killed the title. The scene with him trash-talking some kid online playing Madden(tm) (or NFL, I'm not big on the sports games, excepting FIFA, which is hot) was the funniest.
I saw the new Pirates. It was a fun movie. I liked it, the kids liked it, but oh that ending. It was the biggest set-up for a Part III ever.
I watched Bridget Jones's Diary again last night.
Dear God, why?!

The last film I saw was prolly One Hour Photo. Very well directed, structured and put together; Robin Williams should stick to just serious roles, as he was great in this yet I usually find his comedy dire.

Oh, and I saw Monty Python's Holy Grail a few weeks ago too, but you shouldn't need reminding how fantastic that film was, you electric donkey bottom biters.
Watched Shaun of the Dead again last night. It still rocks.

Combine that with playing Mercenaries(tm) all week, and I wound up with a really interesting dream last night: fighting off hordes of North Korean zombies with an RPG. It was the best dream I've had in AGES.
Watched Shaun of the Dead again last night. It still rocks.

Combine that with playing Mercenaries(tm) all week, and I wound up with a really interesting dream last night: fighting off hordes of North Korean zombies with an RPG. It was the best dream I've had in AGES.
Best part of that film is the way Ed (Nik Frost, also hilarious is "Danger:Incoming Attack/50000 volts) says "Cornetto" when Shaun asks him what he wants from the shop. I dunno why, makes me laugh every time. And want a Cornetto.

Oh, and SA: there's no need to go that far. Just wash your eyes out with turps.
"Soundtrack to Batman?"
"Throw it!"

I also like how they throw a cup holder and a toaster at the 'bies, urban warfare at its most vicious, ha.
I watched "Drei und Zwansig" yesterday.....that's 23 to the less thing I've seen in years....
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and my my my was it worth the wait! I totally enjoyed it and it made me chuckle lots.
The fact Johnny Depp is in it made it even more enjoyable!

Has anyone else seen it?
Just twice but no big deal. :D

I watched The Great Escape on AMC yesterday. What an awesome movie with such wonderful romanticism about US and English soldiers. The germans for some odd reason seemed goofy and not so smart as the intrepid Prisoners of War with their smuggled cigarettes and motorcycle chases through Nazi germany. Ugh.
Thoroughly Modern Millie starring Julie Andrews.

That's the one movie I ever heard my grandpa laugh out loud at. Normally I hate musicals, but this one's a healthy bit of nostalgia.
I went and saw The Break Up with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn and i wasn't all that impressed considering these two are usually in films that are the dogs nuts, but i'll leave others to make their own judgement.
I went and saw The Break Up with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn're lucky....Jennifer Aniston won't hang out with me anymore.....ever since she caught me texting Brad and Angelina to congratulate them on their new baby she's been really off with me....Vince is still cool with me though I don't go to the movies with him...It's more a brewski at the bar type of thing.... :P

Last movie I saw...hmm....Oh yeah...monkey business with the marx brothers...*Yawn*..not really my sort of thing...but you know how Christina is about them....(Aguilera by the way..not Miliani).....
Emmanuel's Hope (think that is the title).
Really good, very inspiring.

DVD of Curb Your Enthusiasm...not a movie, but that is some funny stuff.
Saw Cars. Am seeing Ricky Bobby today. Can't wait.

Actually, I watched The New World on DVD last night because it has Christian Bale and Colin Farrell in it, but even they couldn't save that movie.

I would have been more entertained reading land appraisals.