The Last Movie You Saw...

Sherlock Holmes. I liked it, though I don't think i've read any of Conan Doyle's creations. I did see Hound of the Baskervilles on Wishbone, once. And I did a read-through of a play about Sherlock Holmes... :shrug:
If you miss it so much then you should enroll in a freshmen literature course. The literary opinions you'll be exposed to by your peers will be reminiscent of what a dog would express.
Alice in Wonderland - the story line has some shortcomings, but it's a visual candy store. Don't wait for the video; see it on the big screen.
Last night I watched Babies. It was pretty stinkin' adorable. The Mongolian baby, Bayar, was my favorite. Such a happy, contented little guy, even with his older brother picking on him! The scene of him tied to the bedpost and playing with a roll of toilet paper and singing to himself is priceless. I thought it was a great film. Simply, beautifully made, with a sweet flow and message.