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  1. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Johnny Cash once did a cover of that. It was terrible. Same band, same album, just later in the track listings. ( ).
  2. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Sigur Ros, track #5 (untitled) off their ( ) album. Off the three studio albums they've made this is my personal favorite.
  3. Upper Kirby

    Punk for Speaker

    On an insect collecting project Lizzy caught mudwasps, Izzy caught waterbugs and Dizzy caught flies. It was observed that three times the number of mudwasps that Lizzy caught less 14 was equal to the difference between the number of flies Dizzy caught and the number of waterbugs Izzy caught. In...
  4. Upper Kirby

    Confessions of a Salvadorian Delegate

    King Bevo is a liar, obviously.
  5. Upper Kirby

    Fireworks over Magicality City

    Could you sketch one? Just a brief sketch, even? It would be ever so exciting.
  6. Upper Kirby

    Hey Everybody! Naked Dance Time!

    "We're all gonna get laid!" :dance: :tb4: :dance: :drink: :rudolph: :hug:
  7. Upper Kirby

    The New Ban List

    It's a roundabout way of keeping EM from becoming delegate without having to eject him. Influence can work as a shield but ultimately the powers what matter only belong to who's delegate, so as long as the endo gap's forever just outside reach the incumbent remains. Bother.
  8. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Polyphonic Spree's Fragile Army album. Maybe it needs to warm up on me, I don't know, but I just haven't been 'wowed' yet.
  9. Upper Kirby


    Ah, yes. The... eyes. Eyes always on the... eyes. Yes. Nothing more romantic than deep-fried salad, deep-fried truffle with a deep-fried glass of sherry, a moonlit walk along a urine-soaked street and all the gropes you'd ever want to get if only it were from yer date, and the dream evening...
  10. Upper Kirby

    Confessions of a Salvadorian Delegate

    We're not speaking Greek here.
  11. Upper Kirby

    Future Actions of Chodean Kal

    I hope he does start banning. I hope he bans not any old scrum but the frontrunners leading the freedom cry. I hope we can provoke him into it with all the vengeance a keyboard can wraith. Because if he does his influence will be sapped.
  12. Upper Kirby

    Confessions of a Salvadorian Delegate

    Is this the part where Kirby puts on his smug gloating face and says I Told You So? That is a reasonable statement to make. The dream of the Great Pacific Empire pre-exists the Empire of Seven Hills: if a current secret (or not-so-secret) foreign policy doctrine of King Beavo happens to have...
  13. Upper Kirby

    Announcement from the Delegate

    In a couple brief sentences you cut to the heart of this. Put on goggles to protect eyes from sappy rhetoric. We do not elect a delegate to be delegate. Our constitution was not written with the things other regions had in mind. We elect a delegate to not usurp the constitution. That's it...
  14. Upper Kirby

    Me for Ess-Cee

    I'm all for this candidate. Sure I used to dislike the guy once, but he done won me over.
  15. Upper Kirby


    I'm going to have to veto that one, skipper. Sure for the reason MO already got to, but "support us or bugger off" never works out very well. Moreso if because we make such an ultimatum out of desperation, which we'd be doing, wherein the further we go without support the weaker we get, and so...
  16. Upper Kirby

    TNPers on AIM right this moment

    I don't recall ever doing that :tb1: Ought to be fixed now.
  17. Upper Kirby

    Absence Notification Thread

    A very dear friend has been the past few months a political prisoner. He was released late tonight/morning, and so I'll be spending the next day and night celebrating freedom.
  18. Upper Kirby

    Share Your Photos Here!

    VZ is correct, it's Hungary alright. And most of those are from the Budapest Zoo, which is a very pretty zoo if I do say so myself. For those reading this thread if you haven't seen Polts' photos I suggest you take a look at them. Very very cool town, and the last one is an eye-opener.
  19. Upper Kirby

    Petition Requesting PM to Inform the Assemby

    The Prime Minister has always made himself available to anyone on IM.
  20. Upper Kirby

    Share Your Photos Here!

    That's pretty cool.
  21. Upper Kirby

    Absence Notification Thread

    Things came up over this weekend. Pictures to follow.
  22. Upper Kirby

    Petition to Ban ASCII Art

    It's a fine effort, but how can it be enforced? Furthermore, will the moderators ever care? Experience has shown that they don't and never will. But best hopes for you mate.
  23. Upper Kirby

    Where, oh where,

    When last we spoke he was having family over. I suppose that means he can still keep a grip on power but just doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. :shrug:
  24. Upper Kirby

    Nominations for Elections

    No longer than usual. Soitintly.
  25. Upper Kirby

    Nominations for Elections

    I've been busy trying to sell my home. Every time I get a luxury'd moment of computer time it seems I have to run and hide in my own home from chavs and their flat-nosed Mrs. Chavettes taking a slack-jawed gawk at the place. They are not very polite at all but eventually one of them I hope is...
  26. Upper Kirby


    It's a bit wet outside and the power doesn't like to be reliable. And unexpected image macros on the internet have spoiled Harry Potter away. Our forum is back in the WFE. The question of whether or not we shall continue to exist has been solved. Whether Dalimbar or anyone else realizes it or...
  27. Upper Kirby

    Absence Notification Thread

    Bizzle bazzle. The rain's a bother.
  28. Upper Kirby

    This is an Announcement

    Kirby is not in love.
  29. Upper Kirby

    Where Am I?

    I have a couple hunches, but my architecture knowledge is not too great. Is it north or south of the Narmada river?