Please allow me, if only for a moment, to express a partial viewpoint on this current situation. I typically do not get involved in these sort of issues. However, a statement was solicited of me (and not by the Delegate, mind you), so you'll now have one from me.
Firstly, allow me to clarify, I do not officially speak on behalf of the East Pacific or its government, regardless of the fact that I am Delegate of the East Pacific. Nor do I officially speak on behalf of Hyrule or its government, regardless of the fact that I am Chancellor of Hyrule. So my opinion may not reflect those of the others in the respective regions. That being said, I shall continue.
While I do not fully agree with my friend and colleague, Dalimbar, with regards to his actions, I can honestly say that I support most, if not all of, his reasoning. That's not to say I necessarily disagree with the government, either. So before one suggests I'm riding the fence on this issue, please allow me to explain.
It is my belief that the Delegate should be the head of state; not a ceremonial head of state. (Coming from me, that might sound a bit ironic, considering that I serve as head of state in Hyrule, which essentially makes the Delegate of Hyrule a ceremonial head of state. But it's just what I think, regardless.) In that respect, he or she should have proper authority and ability to perform his or her job in the best interest of the region and its people. Unfortunately, I cannot see that as being the case, in the current system of government of the North Pacific. I feel Dalimbar is too limited and restricted and does not have the required ability to do his job as well as he very well could.
Please do not take that as me saying the current form of government is not working. I cannot and will not be the judge of that; I'm not telling another sovereign region how to run its government. Now, I'm not saying turn the Delegate loose and let him or her rule as they please. I believe in a system of checks and balances. And I think, in part, that's where the rest of the regional government comes in.
I believe in a system of government where, not only does the Delegate have the proper authority to effectively and efficiently do his or her job to his or her fullest potential, but where the rest of the government sees fit that the appropriate laws are passed to aide the Delegate in protecting and properly representing the region and its nations, and the leash on the Delegate is pulled only if he or she crosses the line and does something that is not in the best interest of the region.
I encourage the rest of the regional government to work with Dalimbar; to listen to his ideas and be open-minded about the potential positive changes that can be made. I do not applaud Dalimbar for ignoring and/or going against the constitution, but I do applaud him for his effort, and suggest that he might not have gone to such an extreme were the current government perhaps more open to what he had/has to say.
I do not believe he should be removed from office. I believe he should be given a chance to make a positive difference. I know Dalimbar, and am confident that he holds the best interest of the region he serves at the highest regard. And I'm also confident in the Government of the North Pacific, in that I know it can make the appropriate changes for the betterment of the region. Thank you for your time.