Confessions of a Salvadorian Delegate

Since the rise of Francos Spain in August 2003, the struggle between the New Pacific Order and the government of the North Pacific has been well-documented and, in many cases, hard fought. The North Pacific was a bastion of anti-NPO sentiment under the twoslit experiment, ultimately culminating in the conquest of the North's delegacy by UPS Rail and Great Bight. As put by Prime Minister Upper Kirby, "It was a different time then. A different place, really But it was a grand fight."

One may wonder whether or not that fight truly is over. According to the controversial delegate Dalimbar, the answer may be a resounding No. The background for the following IRC chat log is such: NPO Emperor Moo-Cows as well as Senator Darkesia and Black Cardinal Lord Agamemnon Mustang were embroiled in a controversy about one and a half years ago involving the creation of the "Empire of Seven Hills" - an ill-planned and ill-prepared project with the goal of feeder domination. This reporter himself was (for reasons unknown to him) recruited by Agamemnon Mustang to assist in this endeavour, but - unfortunately for ESH - ended up working as a covert agent for the Nasicournian Intelligence Agency to unveal the identities of all involved and ultimately sink the project. ESH is dead now, but the players live on.

Dalimbar joined the NPO briefly in 2006 to work as the director of Pacific Veritas, the Pacific's reformed news service after the fall of the highly-regarded Pacific News Network as led by Sir Paul. Later, Dalimbar would run for and win the North's delegacy with the nation Chodean Kal - but without allegiance to the NPO. Here is the chat log in question, taken from #the_north_pacific late last night:

<Dalimbar> Well, I suppose you have to hand it to them. ESH is still trying to work on its goal.
<John_Ashcroft_Land> heh true
<John_Ashcroft_Land> they have at least one feeder
<Dalimbar> Eh, it could have been 2.
<John_Ashcroft_Land> what was the other?
<Dalimbar> Well, let me tell you.
<Dalimbar> Moo and I, when I was working for him in NPO, were talking about me attaining the Delegacy and planting the NPO flag on it.
<Dalimbar> I wasn't really serious about it. He was.

<John_Ashcroft_Land> LOL
<John_Ashcroft_Land> thanks for that info :P
<Dalimbar> He started getting really... weird about it, and in short, I just said "go away"

This occurs on the heels of the Mesian-TNP spy controversy, when the NPO Emperor assured the North that "The Pacific is not in the habit of sending anyone into another region with the purpose of causing trouble just because we don't like what they may be doing." The accuracy of this statement appears to have been legitimately called into question.

Finally, it is the hope of this private citizen-reporter that future delegates remain ever vigilant in the face of totalitarian opportunism. It is also the hope that perhaps this article may allow both sides of the present internal dispute to recognize that the other is well-intentioned and thus come to an agreeable solution. May ADMIN be with us.
This is interesting. Being entirely anti-NPO myself (except with the current situation of the NPO forums of which I am still confusing even myself about), I liked this report.
I was never part of the Pacific or the New Pacific Order, but their hostility to the North was quite clear during the Mesian affair. This admission, though, just about shuts down any credibility the NPO might have had, IMHO.
Nice to see your facts are as straight as ever, JAL...

Oh wait....

If you're going to write a news report, it'll be best if you really do some research first instead of coming up with half-baked conclusions and conjectures.

Yes, I was the Emperor of the Empire of the Seven Hills (ESH) and no, ESH is not active today. ESH DIED a LONG time ago. It's forums are currently being used by Dani and Spaulding as a place for friends to hang out and what not, you should know that JAL, seeing as you used to lurk there.

The plans of the ESH died with ESH and were never brought over into the NPO. I have no clue where you're getting the belief that the NPO would even consider flying the flag of a Userite, considering that was the whole plan of ESH, subjegate every feeder under a Userite flag.
In my article, I say

ESH is dead now, but the players live on.

Is this not correct?

Also, the problem was that Moo wanted to fly the NPO flag over TNP, not the ESH flag. The idea of feeder conquest was carried over from ESH to the NPO, however; that was the point I was trying to make.

Aren't you glad I'm back in the game, Aggie? :hug:
In my article, I say

ESH is dead now, but the players live on.

Is this not correct?

Also, the problem was that Moo wanted to fly the NPO flag over TNP, not the ESH flag. The idea of feeder conquest was carried over from ESH to the NPO, however; that was the point I was trying to make.

Aren't you glad I'm back in the game, Aggie? :hug:
And yet again, you're still wrong.

The plans of ESH were never brought into the NPO. I made sure to let it die and everything die with it. Anything going on has NOTHING to do with ESH or its original. Believe what you wish, but the policies of the NPO have not been influenced by my project.
Man, well I better start rounding them up. *looks at himself* Found one ready for interrogation.

Who do I work for?
Lies! Who do I work for?
Confess, spy, confess! Or I will have to resort to drastic measures to use upon me!
Okay, I confess! I work for me.
That's better.
In my article, I say

ESH is dead now, but the players live on.

Is this not correct?

Also, the problem was that Moo wanted to fly the NPO flag over TNP, not the ESH flag. The idea of feeder conquest was carried over from ESH to the NPO, however; that was the point I was trying to make.

Aren't you glad I'm back in the game, Aggie? :hug:
And yet again, you're still wrong.

The plans of ESH were never brought into the NPO. I made sure to let it die and everything die with it. Anything going on has NOTHING to do with ESH or its original. Believe what you wish, but the policies of the NPO have not been influenced by my project.
But the idea of feeder conquest was remained constant, correct?

I note that there has been no denial on the NPO's part that they indeed attempted take our delegacy, only criticisms (on IRC) of my writing skills and minor details around the ESH debacle.
You'll note that I'm not a Senator, merely a religious figure. I am not the one with the authority to question or explain what the government is doing. All I can say is that the ESH has nor had anything to do with your allegations.

I suggest you wait for a Senator or the Emperor himself to post why your allegations are a load of bollocks.
*brings the popcorn machine into this room*

Pinned for fun and the fact that someone finally wrote something. Also, because JAL is sexy.

Just play (decently) nicely, kids.
Userites exploit the Feeders for their nations with constant spam and recruitment messages on their RMBS. Userites are leeches.

Do you understand now?
Userites exploit the Feeders for their nations with constant spam and recruitment messages on their RMBS. Userites are leeches.

Do you understand now?
It was supposed to be deeper than that under Francoism.

According to theory, Userites sought not only to recruit but also to control the feeders by establishing constitutional democracies and flooding regions with dual citizens with special interests at heart. I agree that the special interest issue can be a problem, but I don't think that UCR players are the only players with special interests.

The other funny things about what the userite-feederite dynamic has become are that a) the current NPO is made up almost entirely of UCR players/former UCR players, and b) the NPO's closest ally is a UCR. Said UCR also happened to move into this region at the outbreak of the current conflict and was sluggish to leave.
I suggest you wait for a Senator or the Emperor himself to post why your allegations are a load of bollocks.

How much longer should I have to wait for this? The facetious article posted by New Kervoskia, while amusing, doesn't actually address the gravity of my allegations, nor does it address the gravity of my bullocks :P

Seems more like a "let's write a funny article and wait for the issue to just go away" approach. Although, that might not be a bad approach, considering that most players, including perhaps myself, just don't care anymore.
This occurs on the heels of the Mesian-TNP spy controversy, when the NPO Emperor assured the North that "The Pacific is not in the habit of sending anyone into another region with the purpose of causing trouble just because we don't like what they may be doing." The accuracy of this statement appears to have been legitimately called into question.
Is this the part where Kirby puts on his smug gloating face and says I Told You So?

And yet again, you're still wrong.

The plans of ESH were never brought into the NPO.  I made sure to let it die and everything die with it.  Anything going on has NOTHING to do with ESH or its original.  Believe what you wish, but the policies of the NPO have not been influenced by my project.

That is a reasonable statement to make. The dream of the Great Pacific Empire pre-exists the Empire of Seven Hills: if a current secret (or not-so-secret) foreign policy doctrine of King Beavo happens to have cross-pacific expansionism in mind we shouldn't believe it's only because of some thinktank.

I gots me a question though. Why is is they deny the details of the situation, tangentalize, scorn and ridicule, but ignore the meat of the matter?

"That project had nothing to do with anything going on now."

"But what about what is going on now?"

"You're crazy and you type funny. Quite showing yourself to be such a massive tool."

"But what about what is going on now, the evidence of the people before the public submitted, the conclusions we must draw from your earlier known intentions?"

"Look, I'm not a Senator so I can't comment on what the government is doing, don't ask me."

You'll note that I'm not a Senator, merely a religious figure.  I am not the one with the authority to question or explain what the government is doing.  All I can say is that the ESH has nor had anything to do with your allegations.

I suggest you wait for a Senator or the Emperor himself to post why your allegations are a load of bollocks.

Then bring us a Senator. Bring us a Senator so that they may lie in your place.
Unfortunately, I am not yet in the habit of telepathy. I can't comment on something I know nothing of. I know this a hard concept for a lot of you, but give it some thought. I commented on what I had knowledge on. Is that really so hard to understand?