Confessions of a Salvadorian Delegate

Yet again, you mistake that I have the authority to order a Senator here. It isn't that hard of a concept. Must I comment again that I am a religious figure and not a political one?

*shakes his head*
Wow. Sounds more like a conspiracy theory than a fact.
Coming from someone who is vehemently anti-NPO, for A-I to say this should be telling as to the quality of JAL's supposed reporting.

Note: I am not here in my capacity as an NPO Senator. I have brought this matter to the attention of the Senate just now, as I just learned of this thread.
I believe A-I was responding to my post about francoism and userites.

Agamemnon, Upper Kirby was only asking you to bring a Senator or Emperor here to lie in your place. So Gaspo showed up (maybe at your behest, maybe not) and still didn't offer a response other than the misinterpretation of a statement from a TNP Regional Assemblyman. Moo Cows has been aware of this article for some time now yet hasn't formulated a response other than jokingly calling me an ass and a douche, but I do eagerly await whatever tripe the Senate can come up with.

At the end of the day, though, there's only two possibilities, considering that the chat log is varifiable by the others present in the room, including Gaspo. The two possibilities are:

1. Dalimbar is a liar (but why would he lie about this?) or

2. Moo-Cows is a liar and Gaspo and Agamemnon are merely uninformed of the backroom dealings within the NPO (more likely).

The corollary to number 2 is that Gaspo and/or Agamemnon are also lying, perhaps to save the former's face in this region where he holds a cabinet position despite working for another government whose goal is the overthrow of this one (most likely).

Given the over-bloated nature of the NPO's governmental structure (mainly that everyone with a pulse in the NPO seems to have been given Senator status) the long wait for a response is understandable.


Man, this post is vintage JAL I tell ya :w00t:
JAL, I think you are mistaking the emperor of the Pacific for someone else of the same name. The Emperor gets incredibly huffy and self-righteous wherever violation of regional sovereignty is concerned. He would, therefore, NEVER consider violating the regional sovereignty of the North Pacific, would he?

To do otherwise would make him out to be a hypocrite of the first order.

I am sure he will post soon to explain it is a clear case of mistaken identity.
*puts on her best I'm-better-than-each-of-you, Francoist, Retired NPO Senator sneer*

Incorrect premise
Improper supposition
Uncorrolated events
Incorrect conclusions

Leading to

Weak, flippant or non-existant responses


A marvelous manipulation of unconfirmed "truths," JAL. Nice work. I would offer you a job as a propagandist, if I had one - a job that is - myself.

*marches out with her nose so high in the air she nearly trips*
And more, yes.

Okay, I'll post this one:

SpongeBob: Hey ya Squidward
Patrick: heheh
Squidward: Is it time for you to take over The Pacific Yet?
SpongeBob: No silly, we've got to take over TWP first
Squidward:  Been tried already
Patrick: I can comb my belly button lint
SpongBob:  So what about TS?
Patrick: Yeah, what about TS?
Squidward: Okay, yeah.  What about TS?
Patrick: Uh
SpongeBob: Okay, what about TE!
Patrick: Yeah, TE!
Plankton:  Isn't that an awful lot of trouble to go through in order to invade Nasicournia?
Also, I don't understand what is meant by this:

Incorrect premise
Improper supposition
Uncorrolated events
Incorrect conclusions

Leading to

Weak, flippant or non-existant responses

I think the premise, supposition, and conclusions were accurate. Either Dalimbar or Moo-Cows is a liar. And I am assuming it is Moo who is the liar, given that he has yet to respond to this thread.
Ah nevermind, Moo Cows has indeed "confirmed" that Dalimbar is lying, but doesn't know why. :eyeroll:

I also wonder why, if Dalimbar were lying, he would query me on IRC pissed as hell at me for posting this chat log.

Either Moo-Cows is covering his own ass or Dalimbar has hatched an extraordinarily ellaborate lie in order to trash the NPO for reasons unknown, despite his being friends with Moo-Cows, working for the NPO merely months before, and recieving support from Moo for his coupe only WEEKS AGO. Dalimbar or the Emperor of the NPO, who is more trustworthy in this circumstance? Let's not be naive.

It does not get more obvious than this in the wonderful world of NS. We could either live in a dreamland where UPS Rail wasn't Sir Paul and Great Bight wasn't Mammothistan, or we could live in the real world.

We could either mentally set up the "perfect storm" of coincidences and conspiracies in order to excuse Moo-Cows, or we could live in reality. It is TNP's call, of course.
Look at those detailed, thought-out plans. Concrete proof, that is. :eyeroll:
The plan as stated was to have Dalimbar run for the delegacy and declare TNP's submission to the NPO. Could you give me an example of a coupe that didn't begin with a simple conversation between the parties involved? :P

There would have been more detailed plans had Dalimbar agreed to work with Moo. He did not so the idea died.