Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as a member: @Koopa103

The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and will be remasked as a resident: @Rand, @Pretere Hexy
@Mr President passes the Speaker's check and, having passed all requisite checks, is granted citizenship.
This was a mistake. I had incorrectly passed and granted them citizenship. So, in accordance with...
LC 6.2.18:
18. The Speaker will promptly remove any citizens to whom they granted citizenship in error, if the error is discovered within 7 days of granting their citizenship.
@Mr President's citizenship is removed.
The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and will be remasked as a resident: @Yssaran

The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as member: @Crilland
The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and will be remasked as a resident: @Czechosaxony

The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as member: @♡cala
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as member: @TLB, @cyberegypt

The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and will be remasked as a resident: @Britania I
@Dalimbar, @Vulxo, and @alic have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as members.

@Aguiar 013 and @Dome Artan have failed to meet the posting requirements and will be remasked as residents.

(Dalimbar had changed their citizenship nation - the script hadn’t picked this up. They will have their citizenship reinstated.)
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