Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications

The following have failed to meet the posting requirements and will be remasked as residents: @Comfed

The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as members: @Pretere Hexy
The following have failed to meet the posting requirements and will be remasked as residents: @Celestia

The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as members: @♡cala
The removal of @Anarchisticstan's citizenship was a mistake. In accordance with section 6.2.24. of the Legal Code, their Citizenship is reinstated. My apologies for the inconvenience caused by this error.
The following have failed to meet the posting requirements to remain a citizen and will be remasked as a resident: @Rix
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as a member: @Ianmey7 @Rix

The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB in 30 days and will be remasked as a resident: @IAPL @Reagan
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as a member: @Sunshifter @Sybarropesee

The following have failed to post on the forum or RMB for 30 days and will be remasked as a resident: @Noscar