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    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      1 gem 40 points Edit: I actually had another gem lol. So not 40 but 80
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      Tap to tape Edit: also mars beetles sent
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      1 gem= 40 points 140p -> 180p
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      Baby duckies send to tape
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa reacted to Fauzjhia's post in the thread Card Sharks with Like Like.
      its done. and I even counted rainbow beetles.
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      Tape to tape, thats 475 points (according to a previous one) meaning Points 585. So far am i right? If yes, lemme buy...
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      1 gem 40 points Means i got 110 now
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      Also, i buy In To...
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      ok then just 9003 s3, and this is a normal player request where people can get points from
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      Normal Requesting: 9003 s3 And Varanius s3 Both requests to Empire of Caldrasa
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      Laforeia card send to tape
    • Caldrasa In And...
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa reacted to Fauzjhia's post in the thread Card Sharks with Like Like.
      counted total 460
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      3 beetles, 105 points
    • Caldrasa
      Caldrasa replied to the thread Card Sharks.
      I was just confused because the 0/0 at Varanius Also, i have a free card request open, do i? If yes:
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