Search results

  1. Caldrasa

    Start a word with the third letter

  2. Caldrasa

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Cardrasa I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific and its territories, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North...
  3. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    No i dont think so...
  4. Caldrasa

    Count to Caldrasa befor 10 posts!

    What the fuck Czecho, Also 0
  5. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    Requesting Cards From #236 (1200) 3285 - 1200 = 2085 Points
  6. Caldrasa

    Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

    Ah fuck it, i'm back Nation in The North Pacific: Cardrasa Current World Assembly nation: Caldrasa II Discord Username (if applicable): Cal.42_ (i'm already in the npa server) Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so, which times can you attend? Normally at Major (12PM) but...
  7. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    Xarikistan card send to xarikistan
  8. Caldrasa

    Foreign Affairs Roll Call: September 2024

    Last term, I served as a: [ ] Ambassador (Note your current postings) [ ] Analyst [X] None (Was not in the ministry) This term, I am interested in: [X] Serving as an Ambassador [ ] Being an Analyst
  9. Caldrasa

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Cardrasa Ministry you are interested in joining: Foreign Affairs (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: I am abassador for Europeia in Thaecia since ~2months now and currently Deputy minister of Foreign affairs in Europeia
  10. Caldrasa

    Count to 21 before Laforeia posts

  11. Caldrasa

    Count to Caldrasa befor 10 posts!

    Btw Caldrasa = 59 And the 10 that needs to post is @Prov because why not.
  12. Caldrasa

    Count to Caldrasa befor 10 posts!

    . As the title says, you have to count to Caldrasa befor @10 posts
  13. Caldrasa

    Reopened Voting: September 2024 Delegate Election

    Delegate: 1. < Picairn > 2. < Pallaith >
  14. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    Points befor: 2865 Nintendo DS to Vulxo: +200 points New num of Points: 3065
  15. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    Player Request to empire of caldrasa Barlyy s3 lloenflys s3
  16. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    1. No. 2. You can buy legendary cards from the nations in the rejected pacific for the following prices: <35MV: 350 Points 35-100: 500 100-200: 750 >200: 1200
  17. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    Btw i am cancelling both of my Auto-Requests Edit: also Auto-Buying AOCI s3
  18. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    Points Befor: 905 +56 Beetles (56 x 35 = 1960) New Amount of Points: 2865
  19. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    Player Request to Empire of Caldrasa Barlyy s3
  20. Caldrasa

    Card Sharks

    Points befor: 480 +3 moons (105 points) +3 beetles (105 points) +1 Xarikistan (215 points) Total points: 905
  21. Caldrasa

    Count to 10 before Neptune posts

  22. Caldrasa

    Count to 10 before Neptune posts

  23. Caldrasa

    Count to 10 before Neptune posts

  24. Caldrasa

    Count to 10 before Neptune posts
